Monday, September 17, 2018



A DC conspiracy novel of grand proportions . . .

Washington, DC, housewife Margaret Turnbull’s world literally blows up after her husband, FBI agent Clay Turnbull, is falsely arrested and killed by agents working for an international drug cartel.

Unbeknownst to Margaret, her enemy’s tentacles reach all the way to the White House and control senior personnel. Their powerful enterprise in jeopardy, the assassins will stop at nothing to cover their tracks. With cutting-edge surveillance—CIA, FBI, and NSA technology—there is nowhere to hide, no one to trust. No one is safe—anywhere.

Book Details:

Title: No End of Bad

Author: Ginny Fite

Genre: Thriller

Publisher: Black Opal Books
, (June 2018

Page count: 280

 On tour with: iRead Book Tours


A few of your favorite things: A hand-blown glass pen with a silver nib made in Venice and given to me by my granddaughter; a collage of a dancing man made by my grandson; the late afternoon spring light that slants gold across the oak cabinet adjacent to the kitchen window; a photograph of my husband I took during the first month I knew him when he looked like a Greek god.

Things you need to throw out: Unused read/write CD disks, old computer peripherals, old textbooks, notes from classes I took in 1964, keys that don’t unlock any doors, and clothes I haven’t worn in the last ten years. (Something I wish I could get back that I threw out: an old blonde wood spinet piano.)

Things you need in order to write: Quiet, solitude, daylight, my writing room—although I’ve been known to write in the middle of a noisy café—a pen, a pad, my laptop or iPad, hours, Google (for quick research, synonyms, name checks, spelling), a cup of coffee.

Things that hamper your writing: It seems fussy but lots of people in the house, too many events in one day, a calamity, being elsewhere than my writing room, or too much natural beauty around me.

Things you love about writing: Spending hours inside my own imagination, the way words roll out on the page, how characters appear with all their tics and idiosyncrasies when I need them, how if I ask myself “what happens next?” an answer will come.

Things you hate about writing: 
Revising, revising, revising, revising.

Things you love about where you live: Two wide rivers, green mountains that look blue from a distance, vibrant fall foliage, rolling hills, the smell of peaches and then apples in the air in late summer, how after summer thunderstorms sometimes we get rainbows, the quiet, some smart talented friends.
Things that make you want to move:
 The lack of snow removal--although global warming may take care of that problem, the constant anxiety of taking care of an aging house, physical distance from my children.

Things you never want to run out of: Air, water, toilet paper, coffee, fresh peaches, crusty bread, a good tomato sauce, ideas, words.

Things you wish you’d never bought: A canoe we never used, a Fiat that wouldn’t start when it rained, gifts for a man who wasn’t worth it.

Words that describe you: Kind, loving, imaginative, poetic, and prolific
Words that describe you but you wish they didn’t: Short, fat, old, cranky, frequently belligerent.

Favorite foods: Avocados, artichokes, asparagus, eggplant, a juicy steak, corn on the cob, a freshly picked ripe tomato, pasta with mussels and garlic, mango gelato
Things that make you want to throw up: Kasha, raw fish, and insects (even if they’re cooked).

Something you wish you could do: Sail a boat, something small like a Sunfish. I did it once out on a lake by myself, but I had no idea what I was doing. It was exhilarating and terrifying when the wind filled the sail, the skiff tilted, and I skimmed across the water.

Something you wish you’d never learned to do: Say goodbye to people I love.

Something you like to do: Make bread, loaves and loaves of it, and fill the house with that sweet yeasty smell.

Something you wish you’d never done:
 Spent time away from my children when they were young as if there was anything else on the planet that could give me as much joy as being with them.

Things to say to an author: I read your book and put a review up on Amazon; I really loved your book; what are you writing next?

Things to say to an author if you want to be fictionally killed off in their next book: I didn’t like any of the characters in your book; I don’t understand the ending; why are there so many words?

Best thing you’ve ever done: Directed a month-long art exhibit that showcased the work of fifty artists in a tri-state area.

Biggest mistake: Leaving a cushy job working for a governor to go work on Capitol Hill for a member of Congress.

Most daring thing you’ve ever done: Just living is daring but in the outside-my-comfort-zone category: completed a six-day ropes course that had me rappelling down a mountain, zip-lining between tall trees, and traversing between mountain plateaus above a deep chasm upside down by pulling myself across 250 feet by a rope.

Something you chickened out from doing: Going on a kid’s quiz show on national radio when I was twelve. I pretended to be sick.


Ginny Fite is the author of the dark mystery/thrillers Cromwell’s Folly, No Good Deed Left Undone, and Lying, Cheating, and Occasionally Murder, a funny self-help book on aging, I Should Be Dead by Now, a collection of short stories, What Goes Around, and three books of poetry. She resides in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia.

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