Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Featured Author: Karolyn James

Prolithic author Karolyn James is here to talk about her novel, All Access (Brothers of Rock #1), published on March 1, by Hundred to Home Publishing.

Interview with Karolyn

Welcome, Karolyn. What do you like best about writing?
My favorite part of writing is thinking of characters and stories, then letting them come together in my mind. It sounds strange but that’s seriously how it works for me. I think of people and I think of what kind of mess they can get into...then I sit back and make them get out of it! 

How did you come up with the title of your book?

Well, to start with the series...Brothers of Rock: It’s about a band. They’re brothers through music, through the connections they make with fans with that music, and in concert. I wanted a titled that was catchy but had meaning.

How did you create the plot for this book?

For All Access, I wanted to bring in the lead singer, Johnnie, in a sexy but fun way. I also wanted him to be deep. Very deep. The premise is fun - he gives a woman money to buy him a coffee so he doesn’t get recognized in a café. She does and gives him the coffee.  To his shock, she has no idea who he is. That’s something Johnnie isn’t used to. The story built from there...and as Johnnie and Jess started to get closer, they both realized they had major life choices to make within their personal careers that could affect their romance.

Do you outline, write by the seat of your pants, or let your characters tell you what to write?

Oh, I’m an outliner! I have to be. The story usually comes to me so fast, I have to write, type, whatever it takes. I treated myself to an iPad over the holidays and use an index card app to keep track of notes. I need to have a detailed outline before I write...but it’s never set in stone.

Sophie’s choice: Do you have a favorite of your characters?

I knew this question would come up! I’m going through the entire band of Chasing Cross in my Brothers of Rock series.  And I already ‘know’ each member long before writing the books...but I really like Johnnie. He’s tall, built, and beautiful. His heart is huge, and without him, the band couldn’t function. THEN AGAIN...I also have a special spot in my heart for his younger brother, Danny and the always-in-pain drummer, Rick. 

When you start a new book, do you know what the entire cast will be?

For the Brothers of Rock books, I have to know what’s going on. The series is connected even though you could read each book as a stand alone. The band is in each book and elements will carry through book to book. 

Which character did you most enjoy writing?

As of now, it’s the female lead in the second book in the Brothers of Rock series (Broken Sound). Anna is such a sweetheart. She’s left in debt from student loans and credit cards (the latter thanks to an ex boyfriend), and she fights everyday to survive. She’s a teacher and works part-time as a waitress. She’s as regular as they come, but her fairytale dream, after meeting guitarist, Davey, is just the beginning...Something about her being innocent, smart, and yet strong just made her appeal to me.

Tell us about your favorite scene in the book.

In All Access, Johnnie wakes up and catches Jess singing in the shower. He sneaks into the bathroom, but instead of perhaps enjoying the moment of a naked woman in his shower, he tape records her singing. He’s so enamored by her voice that he can’t help himself. I loved writing it because it showed Jess opening up (finally), and it showed just how important music was to Johnnie.

How do you handle criticism of your work?

I read it and I appreciate it. I respect everyone and their opinions, and my gosh, without readers, I wouldn’t have a job! Now, I certainly can’t please everyone, but I do my best to see if there’s something suggested over and over...something maybe I can work on. I try not to let it get to me personally, but we’re human as writers, so yes, sometimes it stings. But I always handle it professionally and remember that someone took their time and their hard earned money to buy my book. They have every right to voice an opinion.

Do you have a routine for writing? Do you work better at night, in the afternoon, or in the morning?

I LOVE writing early in he morning. I’m using up at 5am and going, well before my house is awake and crazy. My family works on a tight schedule, and since this is my full-time job, we have to treat it that way. 

Do you ever get writer’s block? What do you do when it happens?

I work on another project when I get stuck. Sometimes you just have to remove yourself and let your mind work it out. I’ll move to another book or just mess around with notes and ideas. I try to keep my mind off whatever caused the writer’s block and let it work itself out.

What are you working on now?

Right now, I’m looking at the working outline for Brothers of Rock book three! It’s titled A Bitter Farewell and follows Johnnie’s younger brother (and guitarist), Danny, as he must face some tragic news. Since he’s Johnnie’s younger brother, he’s always been somewhat sheltered. Now he has to stand up and face things on his own. 

Besides that, I actually have another romance series in the works. It’s a series about second chances. None of the books are connected but have the same underlying theme...people going back to move forward.

And of course, for all my steamy readers out there, I have some erotic romance projects in the works. I’m continuing my Rock Her Curves series and have a concept for a curvy photographer series too. I never stop writing!

About the author:

Karolyn James is the pen name for award winning author Karolyn Patterson. She’s been published over 100 times, reached bestseller lists on Amazon, and writes in both romance and erotic romance. Her two newest series are the romance hit, Brothers of Rock, and the erotic romance series, Rock Her Curves.

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