Good eBooks™ is not only one of the fastest-growing websites on the Internet, but is also very unique !
Why is Good eBooks™ so different? Most web sites associated with eBooks and books merely display hundreds of book covers pointing the visitor to Amazon Kindle! Let's face it, most of us are capable of shopping there on our own. We can visit Amazon and we can do searches for any book or eBook, category, or author ourselves.
Good eBooks™ has a very good Google search rank, too. When one enters search the key "good ebooks," Google displays us on page 1, near the top! (Our bragging rights!)
At Good eBooks™, we go the extra mile for our eBook and book lovers and for our authors too. We have thousands of repeat customers and over 7,500 associated author friends!
Good eBooks™ advertising writers range from emerging to best-selling authors, which means you have access to an extreme range of good books!
This also means you, our valued customer, have access to a unique niche of fresh, new titles, which you can't find on Amazon, or any other giant book store, all in one place. We have done all the "donkey work" and have assembled a gold mine of new Books for your selections.
Good eBooks™ has recently expanded its operation to include sales in the British Isles, Spain, Germany, Italy, and France. These books can be purchased in local currency as well. So now we are truly global, international, world-wide!
The latest winner from Good eBooks™ is the expansion into Canada. Now our Canadian author friends are advertising their writings with us on Amazon Canada!
Our analytics reports show us that well over 50% of our website visitors are repeat viewers . . . thank you ! This tells us we are doing what you want us to do!
We post new titles in all categories almost every day for your perusal.
Interview with Riley Geddings
Riley, tell us about Good eBooks.net.
The primary purpose of our website is to promote books & eBooks for all authors.
Currently, Good eBooks™ is associated with well over 1,000 authors of all writing levels.
In addition, Good eBooks™ presents these writings to our thousands of faithful customers. Over half of our visitors are repeat customers because they know we will offer them new, fresh reads every day.
Good eBooks also strives to be a good source for useful and helpful information such as good links, news, and articles for authors and readers alike.
Good eBooks™ is the best meeting place to bring readers and authors together!
What do you hope to accomplish with this site?
For GoodeBooks Readers:
Good eBooks™ not only provides the reader with a wide gamut of good eBooks and books, but also provides an unlimited selection of fresh, new eBook and good book titles by fresh, new authors! We have over 1,000 author associates who constantly offer you a broad selection of titles.
Good eBooks™ offers you these unique eBooks and books all in one place, because we have 8 webpages dedicated totally FREE for eBook and book promotion for all authors. This service is offered absolutely FREE as one aspect of our passion to assist all authors with their marketing. The outcome is perfect for the author as well as the reader.
Good eBooks™ has something for all readers . . . "Biblical Gold" pages, which contain wonderful inspirational Christian eBooks and books from our associate Inspirational authors. In addition, we have eBooks and books for children at "Kidz World"!
We have expanded our viewer's selection of eBooks and books, with a poetic page - "World of Poetry".
For Good eBooks™ Writers:
As you know, if you have visited us before, we have a mission, one aspect of which is to assist all authors, especially upcoming emerging authors with their marketing endeavors.
Good eBooks™ maintains a good number of free book-promoting web pages.
If these webpages become fully booked, we offer a very low-cost alternative, which allows an author to place 3-month ads for a reasonable price-range. These ads currently run on up to 17 non-free webpages, linking direct to Amazon, giving you maximum exposure!
In addition, we have a popular, global, Barnes & Noble shopping center, "Shop Barnes & Noble," for authors who have books on B&N ! All of your eBook and book ads are full-color, book-cover, and link to Amazon USA, Amazon Canada, Amazon UK, and Barnes & Noble Nook direct.
Why did you start Good eBooks™?
Good eBooks™ MISSION:
Because I am a writer and author of published eBooks, I know first-hand that marketing those eBooks is not easy. It has been estimated that 50,000 new eBooks are published every day and counting.
Our Good eBooks™ website has adopted a policy, or mission, if you will, to assist all authors by creating book-cover, promotional advertising for their eBooks/books.
What can authors do on the site?
Authors can promote their books with book-cover, direct-link ads on Good eBooks™.
There are 8 free areas and 4 low-budget areas for them to post ads.
What can readers do on the site?
Our readers know they can find fresh, new titles and authors. Over 50% of our customers
are return book buyers.
What makes this site different from others?
The fast-growing Good eBooks™ website is totally different! Good eBooks™ not only provides the reader with a wide gamut of good eBooks and books, but also provides an unlimited selection of fresh, new eBook and good book titles by fresh, new authors! We have over 1,000 author associates, who constantly offer you a broad selection of titles.
Good eBooks™ offers you these unique eBooks and books all in one place, because we have 8 webpages dedicated totally FREE for eBook and book promotion for all authors. This service is offered absolutely FREE as one aspect of our passion to assist all authors with their marketing. The outcome is perfect for the author as well as the reader.
And at Good eBooks™, you will find four(4) major book sellers at our book shopping centers.
Riley, tell everybody a little about yourself—the mastermind behind Good eBooks.
I am happily married to Maggie Geddings and together have co-authored several eBooks. We are currently writing the Unknown Island Chronicles, a series of thrilling, adventure-fiction ebooks. The first ebook in the series, Unknown Island Paradise was published in October, 2012. The second ebook in the series, Unknown Island Paradise 2 was published in November, 2012; and both are available for purchase at all major online book stores. The third ebook in the series is in process and should be published soon.
As a boy of 12, I started painting in high school, under a great art teacher who saw my potential and gave me top grades. As a young adult, I studied oil painting under a noted art teacher in North Carolina. Living in Florida, the natural beauty is endless and provides unlimited subject matter for my paintings. Most of my work is inspired from actual scenes in Florida and was developed in an effort to stress the importance of saving the Florida Everglades! I'm featured on dozens of well-known international art and artist's Internet websites, and I've produced many commissioned projects for art lovers in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Spain; and I've been involved in large commercial projects as the exclusive artist as well.
I started my adult career as a professional software programmer/analyst. This enabled me to develop my own websites, which in turn provided me with an avenue to pursue my ambition to become a writer and publisher. With the advent and popularity of eBooks, I was ready, willing, and able to launch my dream of becoming a published author. In the same way that I created my artistic masterpieces, I also had a desire to create literary masterpieces—and thus a new author was born. I recognized that a hidden force was moving within me to urge me in this new direction. I call upon this same force to lead me and to guide me to wield my words wisely.
I served my country by enlisting in the U.S. Coast Guard, where my duties led me to work on a top-secret joint venture project between the USA and England, sailing on a cutter in the Caribbean Sea. During that special mission, I went ashore on numerous tropical islands in the Bermuda Triangle, some of which were uninhabited. It was during those halcyon days that I developed a love for all aspects of tropical island life which ultimately laid the groundwork for my writing the Unknown Island Chronicles series.
What books do you currently have published?
Past Present Future, and 2 Deep-Romance eBooks co-authored with Maggie:

What do you like to do best—write, paint, or work on the website?
It appears now that my time is required in this sequence:
1. Website
2. Write
3. I no longer paint, but do still sell Giclee prints.
What do you know now that you wish you knew then?
I would have concentrated on helping authors with their book marketing
via my website earlier.
What’s your favorite/most visited Internet site? (Besides Good eBooks!)
Google Search.
What’s in your refrigerator right now?
Goodies which Maggie and I like!
What is the most daring thing you've done?
As a 3-year-old boy, I was dared to jump on an old piece of roofing tin on the ground.
When I did, to my surprise, it covered an old, abandoned country well, and I fell
45 feet to the water. The tin I jumped on followed me down and sliced my head open.
My father was lowered down by strong ropes and rescued me, a miracle for sure!
Wow. What is the stupidest thing you've ever done (or did you just mention it?!)?
Too many to mention here!
What choices in life would you like to have a redo on?
Mostly on the things I failed to do—such as scuba diving (did snorkeling),
small aircraft pilot, hang gliding and traveling the world.
Do you have any marketing tips for indie authors, besides taking part in Good eBooks?
Yes, writing and publishing your book is the easiest, but marketing is an art and a school of hard knocks which take long experience to conquer. You must have patience!
What's next for you personally and for Good eBooks?
More of the same.
Ebook author Riley Geddings was born en route to Florida—and now makes his home in Carrollwood Village, Florida. He is married to his lovely English wife, Maggie Geddings and together they co-author and publish eBooks. Riley enjoys writing, especially thrilling-adventure fiction ebooks. Maggie enjoys writing the deep, passionate, erotic, love-making scenarios, which are found throughout their books.In addition to creating scenes with the written word, he has been a very successful Florida Landscape artist, creating scenes of beauty in art. His forte is painting the natural, endless beauty of the Florida Everglades.
Having had a career as a professional software programmer/analyst enables him to develop his own websites, which in turn provides him with an avenue to pursue his ambition to be a writer and publisher. With the advent and popularity of eBooks, Riley is ready, willing, and able to fulfill his dream of becoming a published author.
He recognizes that a hidden force is moving within him to urge him in this direction, and he calls upon this same force to lead him and to guide him to wield his words wisely.
Connect with Riley:
Website | Facebook | Fine Art America | Google+
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