White Eagle is about a Cumbrian detective working with the Special Crime Unit and various elements of British Intelligence.When a desperate young man is forced out of his home in the mountains, he claims ‘Qisas’ and sets out on a bitter journey of revenge. As he terrorizes a continent with his wicked plan, the evil megalomaniac becomes an iconic figure synonymous with fear and dread. In a fast-moving, white knuckle ride, the unknown assassin leaves police and intelligence services reeling from the sheer pressure of relentless attacks.
What is White Eagle? Is it the name of a bird of prey? Or is it a mysterious individual who has no name? There are those who think White Eagle is a newly formed terrorist group working for the highest bidder. Whichever, it’s a mystery no-one can solve.
Mouretti, the man from NATO, takes up the case and is determined to claim all the glory.
The plot explodes when Boyd and his team from the Special Crime Unit become involved. All hell breaks out as three single-minded individuals, each propelled and fueled by revenge, fight for victory.
Who will win and who is doomed to failure? In the chaos that surrounds the investigation, does anyone walk away unscathed?
Boyd continues his unique career in this story of love, hate, loss, devastation, betrayal, trust, and loyalty. Paul Anthony’s latest novel takes his reader from the dizzy heights of a mountain range to the quiet backwaters of rural England as he portrays one man’s journey from birth to adulthood. This is yet another First-Class novel from Paul Anthony.An excellent action-packed thriller from the pen of crime-writer Paul Anthony. This is the kind of book that entertains, informs, thrills, fascinates, and delivers a tremendous read.
Paul, how did you get started writing?
I studied economics and sociology for five years with the Open University. This involved getting up at 4am every Sunday morning, preparing, and writing a thesis as part of the course. When I’d got the degree, I used to wake up on a Sunday morning thinking… What next? My wife suggested I write the book I had been promising for years. So, that’s how the first one, The Fragile Peace, came about. I hasten to add that I no longer write at 4am every Sunday morning.
What's your favorite thing about the writing process?
Plotting the book, then crafting the plot into chapters, then drawing it all together and writing the book from start to finish.
Do you have a writing routine?
I tend to write every day during the evenings. I seldom watch television, read and research a lot, edit books for others, and usually have a glass of red wine on a Friday evening to accompany the writing.
What do you think is hardest aspect of writing a book?
I’ve written over twenty books. The challenge is constantly finding and developing new plots that my readers have not come across before. An author needs to capture the reader and this can only be accomplished on a regular basis by a changing plot structure.
What’s more important – characters or plot?
The plot is more important because the reader can often imagine the character whilst never knowing the plot.
What books do you currently have published?
I’ve brought together all my books in an online bookshop. Here, there is a selection of two crime series, an anthology section, a suspense series, and my biography. There is also a selection of verified reviews.
Do you have any secret talents?
I’m not sure they are secret talents, but I love Latin and ballroom dancing and have been doing that for many years. I’m also learning to speak Spanish to go with a little Portuguese. I also play the guitar – badly – and regularly sing to the animals in the wood nearby. For some reason, my wife won’t let me sing in the house . . . How strange!
What is the worst job you’ve ever had?
After thirty-three years in the UK’s police force I’d say the worst job you could do was ‘body recovery’ from the scenes of a death – either by murder or in a road death. It taught me that whilst mankind can send rockets into space, we still can’t communicate with each other on the same planet.
Do you have any marketing tips you could pass on to indie authors?
Sell yourself because no one will do it for you. Make friends and contacts with other authors across the globe – from different genres – and share your work regularly. And learn from others that you meet online and in real life.
How often do you tweet?
How do you feel about Facebook?
Social media gives an author a fantastic opportunity to share their work and make useful contacts in the writing world. I use Facebook mainly to interact with friends and family. I tend not to ‘friend’ or accept ‘friendship’ from people I don’t know. I use ‘book groups’ regularly since they are comprised of other authors and many readers.
What do you love about where you live?
I live in Cumbria, England, ten miles from the Scottish Border, one mile from the remnants of the Roman Wall, and thirty miles from Ullswater in the Lake District. We live in an isolated part of the county surrounded by wildlife but with close access to motorways and the city. The scenery is hard to beat, and we love it here.
Sounds wonderful! What's your favorite treat for movie night?
Reading a book.
What’s your favorite beverage?
Red wine, probably from the Garonne area of France.
Where is your favorite place to visit?
Corralejo in Fuerteventura and Carvoeiro in Portugal.
What would you name your autobiography?

Strike! Strike! Strike! . . . The title comes from a surveillance term and is used to denote when an undercover surveillance team would move in to make an arrest. I published my biography in March, 2016. It reached the #1 spot after 4 weeks and held it there for 4 weeks. 12 months later, it is still in the top 100. It’s a great read.
Awesome! What are you working on now?
I’ve just published White Eagle in March 2017, so I am working on marketing that work at the moment. I woke up the day after it was published to find that it had reached #7 in the kindle store. It’s about a megalomaniac who plans a campaign of terror across a continent. I think it may be one of the best books I’ve written. It took me six months to plot, craft, and write the book. One month to edit, re-write, and format, and then . . . Well, the rest is history.
Paul Anthony is the pseudonym of a man born in Southport, Lancashire. He has written a number of fictional novels and a collection of poetry in Print, Amazon Kindle, Apple iPad and PDF Download. He has also written television scripts, screenplays and film scripts as an individual or with the award wining scriptwriter, Nick Gordon. The son of a soldier, Paul Anthony settled in Cumbria before becoming a police cadet. Seconded to Haigh Colliery in Whitehaven, he mined the pit face and then worked at a biscuit factory, in Carlisle, as a machine operator. Our author also worked with deaf people and was trained in the treatment of drug addicts and alcoholics. He went to Eskdale Outward Bound School but eventually joined Cumbria Police proper. Working as a detective, he served in the CID, the Regional Crime Squad in Manchester, the Special Branch, and other national agencies in the UK. He has an honours degree in social sciences, and diplomas in management and office management.Connect with Paul:
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