1. Love or money?
My husband and I met 12 years ago when he was a poor, struggling medical resident and I was a successful PR executive. He always joked this would be his marriage for money and the next time he married, it would be for love. I always respond that my next marriage will be for looks. HA! In all seriousness, it's definitely love.
2. Plain or peanut?
Peanut. I can justify eating more because I’m getting protein.
3. Beef or chicken?
Neither. Nearly a year ago, I read Michael Pollan’s nonfiction book, In Defense of Food, which examines the western diet and its effect on our health. His advice is simple: “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” That, coupled with a viewing of a documentary called Forks Over Knives, which examines how many degenerative diseases can be controlled or reversed with a whole-food, plant-based diet, changed my life. I’m now nearly a year into being a vegetarian and have never felt better.
4. Coffee or tea?
Neither. Believe it or not, I’ve never had a cup of coffee. Ever. I tried it once and didn’t like it, so I never tried it again. Sadly, I fell in love with chocolate after the first taste and haven’t stopped. My thighs can attest to that, believe me. So, I suppose a hot chocolate with a big dollop of whipped cream would be my go-to choice.
5. Oxford comma: yes or no?
Thank goodness for Google! I had no idea what an Oxford comma was.Now that I’ve been educated, I say no. Not a fan. Seems extraneous.
6. Hardback or Kindle?
I’ve surprised myself and become a Kindle girl. I always thought I would be married to physical books, but I love the freedom, ease and portability of my Kindle.
7. Salty or sweet?
Oooh…put them together and you’ve hit gold!
8. City or country?
I’m a city girl at heart. I love museums, shopping, historical sites, movies, malls and all of the hustle and bustle that comes with big city living.
9. Dog or cat?
Neither. With two active little girls (and a husband who sometimes acts like a third child), I don’t have time for a pet.
10. Fame or fortune?
Fortune! I live in Los Angeles where famous people (and I use this term loosely, as many are famous for the most inane reasons) are a dime a dozen. I’d rather be one in a million by having millions.
11. Laptop or desktop?
Desktop. I like a big screen and full-sized keyboard when I’m writing. Oh, and I like to write with the television on in the background. When I first started writing, I was obsessed with Law & Order reruns. Now, I can’t seem to get enough of NCIS. I guess there’s a part of me that likes to see justice served.
12. Health food or junk food?
Health food, of course. I make well-informed food choices. I buy organic and locally-grown produce. I’m an excellent role model for my children and instill good eating habits in them. Oh, who the heck am I kidding?
13. Mountains or beach?
I live in a part of Los Angeles County called Manhattan Beach, less than two miles from the ocean. I love walking along the strand, looking out over the ocean, searching for dolphins and playing in the sand with my girls.
14. Gourmet or diner?
Take the diner chow, make it gourmet and you’ve got yourself a winner. Nothin’ I love more than a high-end version of mac ‘n’ cheese.
15. Sweet or unsweet? (Tea of course.)
True story: After graduate school I moved to Atlanta to work at a boutique PR firm. During the 1996 Olympics, I wrote the “Official Grits Guide to Atlanta” as part of a guerilla marketing effort for Quaker. I got quoted in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution as saying, “I’ve eaten grits once in my life. It’s corn. Who knew?” After that embarrassing mistake, I have learned my lesson. It’s sweet tea. My dear Southern Belle friends, the Skinner sisters, would be so proud.
16. Humor or drama?
Humor! I get enough drama dealing with the other moms in the PTA.
17. Dr. Seuss or Mr. Spock?
Dear Dr. Seuss makes my heart sing. He’s taught me many an important thing. He’s all about kindness and being true. True the very best parts of you. So if I had to choose, make a good choice, I’d pick Dr. Seuss, who helped give me a voice.
18. Halloween or Christmas?
Halloween! As previously established, I’m all about candy. My girls come home with huge buckets full of the stuff and get to keep as many pieces as they are years old. The rest is left for the “Halloween Fairy” who whisks the candy away and leaves a toy or book. Then the Fairy (read: me) eats the candy. It’s the BEST!
19. Spring or fall?
Fall. I love wearing a sweater and sunglasses at the same time. Feeling the cool breeze and being all nestled and cozy, but still feeling the warm sun on my face is fantastic. I live in the Los Angeles area where it’s pretty much the same all year long. But I went to graduate school in Boston and seeing the leaves change in fall was really a miracle of nature. Plus, I have to flash too much skin in the summer and spring. No one wants to see that, trust me. (Are you noticing a self-deprecating pattern here or what?!?)
20. Morning or night?
Late morning/early afternoon is when I’m at my best. Good thing that’s when I was answering these questions. ;)
About Lisa:
Lisa Becker had endured her share of hilarious and heinous cyber dates, many of which inspired Click: An Online Love Story and Double Click. She is now happily married to a wonderful man she met online and lives in Manhattan Beach with him and their two daughters. So, if it happened for her, there’s hope for you!
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