Lacy Marie Crocker’s whimsical pet couture has gained a following in New Orleans’s cozy Garden District, and word of mouth has traveled all the way to her favorite fashion designer, Annie Lane. Lacy’s thrilled when Annie schedules a private session at her home to discuss a companion line for her evening wear, but when Lacy arrives for the appointment, she enters the kitchen to two mewling Siamese cats--and one very dead Annie.Lacy takes the kittens home to care for them until they can be properly claimed by Annie's family or friends, but after a busy day of work, she returns home to find them missing. And when Lacy learns the cats are set to inherit Annie's fortune, she begins to wonder if the killer was after the kittens all along. Now Lacy will stop at nothing to save the Siamese and find justice for Annie--if the killer doesn’t sink his claws into her first.
Luckily, Lacy has the help of handsome NOLA PD homicide detective Jack Oliver to help her catch the cat-napper before its too late in Cat Got Your Cash, the endearing second Kitty Couture mystery from Julie Chase.
Julie, do you write every day?
Yes! But I try to take one weekend day off. (It doesn’t always work out.) I typically write Monday through Friday from the time my youngest child’s school bus leaves until my oldest child’s bus comes home. It’s a constant and ongoing affair, writing. The work never ends because my brain never rests, and the juggle/struggle is real. Being a mom who is engaged in the three miraculously full lives of her offspring while pursuing a personal dream is hard. Daunting, even. And some days it’s flat out impossible, but I never stop trying. I also write after they are asleep at night, and I get up at 5am for a jump-start on the work, before their alarms begin dragging them from bed.
What do you wish you’d done differently when you first started the publishing process?
I wish I would have taken more time getting started. I tend to run headlong at my goals, full speed ahead, and I think if I could do it over again, I would have taken my time getting those first stories published. I wouldn’t have rushed to find an agent. I would have honed my craft and waited for the right opportunities, right presses, right representation, before entering the industry. But, that’s not like me at all, so… *laughs* The important thing is that I have all that now. I just wish I would’ve slowed down at the beginning and made better choices early on.
What books do you currently have published?
I’ve just finished a romantic suspense manuscript that will release in February 2018 from Harlequin Intrigue. That will be my twenty-first published novel. There are currently about sixteen out there in the wild. Some sweet romance. Some young adult. Cat Got Your Secrets, the third book in this Kitty Couture Mysteries series will release in September, and my first Christmas cozy, The Twelve Slays of Christmas (written as Jacqueline Frost) releases in October. My dance card is filling up fast!
Is writing your dream job?
Yes! I was thirty-three before I had any idea that I could be an author. I’d never given much thought to how books got on shelves until I saw an interview with Stephenie Meyer (the author of Twilight). She was a stay at home mother of three just like me, and she’d never written anything before Twilight, but she wound up on my bookshelf. That was all it took for me to be bitten by the writing bug. I walked away from that interview wondering if I too could write a novel. Turns out, I could! And I can’t imagine ever doing anything else.
What do you love about where you live?
Everything. I live in a semi-rural area of Ohio. The crime is low. The schools are good. We’ve got a great “small town” vibe here and a strong sense of community. People are friendly. Life moves a little slower. There are plenty of parks, tow paths, and rivers to get away and enjoy the beauty of nature or a day on the water. And the seasons. Wow. The seasons are magnificent. Absolutely mind-bogglingly gorgeous.
What’s your favorite thing to do on date night?
My favorite night out is a slow walk along a street of local shops with a coffee or an ice cream in hand and at least an hour lost in a book store.
What’s your favorite fast food? Chipotle! I LOVE the veggie bowl with white rice, fajitas, black beans, lettuce, cheese, guac, and tomato salsa. YUM.
Where is your favorite place to visit?
The ocean. I’m completely at peace there. Mesmerized by the sea air and endless movement, by the way the horizon meets the water. I think I am perhaps part mermaid.
What’s your least favorite chore?
Laundry. Good night. The Laundry! It never ever ends. There is no satisfaction from completing the chore because it’s never finished. And I hate it.
Describe yourself in 5 words.
Kind. Compassionate. Loving. Fun. Determined.
What are you working on now?
I’m writing book 4 in the Kitty Couture Mysteries. Cat Got Your Crown, and so far, I’m in love.
Julie Chase is a mystery-loving pet enthusiast, and the alter-ego of author Julie Anne Lindsey. Today she hopes to make readers smile. One day she plans to change the world. Julie lives in rural Ohio with her fantastically patient husband and three spunky children. Julie is a member of the International Thriller Writers (ITW) and Sisters in Crime (SinC). She is represented by Jill Marsal of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency.Connect with Julie:
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