Modern-day Britain, with the terrorism threat level set at severe and rising to critical, needs extraordinary measures to overcome the next threat, including the use of students with psychic abilities.
Alone, and frightened of her own power, Alpha is forced to use it to protect the care home she’s lived in since the loss of her parents. But such abilities do not go unnoticed, bringing her to the attention of others, some with good intentions and others with racist affiliations. She runs, but just when she thinks she’s found a sanctuary it turns out to have been infiltrated by those with the most violent form of terrorism on their agenda.
Sunday, a most unlikely hero and would-be young thief, must form a bond with Alpha if the pair are to stand even the slightest chance of averting the most catastrophic terrorist attack on British soil for many years. They must learn to trust others, too—but how can they do this, when everyone else is a suspect?
Book Details:
Title: Psychic
Author: T.S. Rose
Genre: sci-fi/fantasy/thriller
Publisher: Apprentice House Press (June 7, 2022)
Print length: 380 pages
Note: T.S. Rose is the pen name for Sharon and Tammy Rose, a mother-daughter duo
Sharon’s Day:
5:45 am Alarm goes off. I get to work at 7.30 am, and start on over 300 emails and Facebook messages from local residents and councillors. The usual complaints: potholes, trees either just about to fall on someone’s house despite the fact that all the trees in that area were recently risk assessed, but in the mind of the complainant must immediately be cut down. Another complaint that the Council doesn’t plant enough trees. Can’t please them all! Applications from both national and local charities, pedestrian lights not working again, town clock out of order, and a hundred other things.
9 am Staff meeting, printer not working, and problems with sick leave applications not being received. Training on how to bring the lift down manually if the electricity is cut. Review of budget against actual expenditure.
11 am Walk round local park where a major event is being held – plan wrongly drawn up. Glad to have caught this in time.
12 noon Sign off 45 purchase orders raised by staff, query 2 of these. Goal posts in park haven’t been anchored in with concrete. Investigate with Property Officer.
1 pm Working lunch with councillors to consider the big strategic issues facing the Town Council. Flooding and the need to create more sequestration opportunities become important considerations.
3 pm Problem with allotment fencing that has blown down in the storm. Consider whether it’s worth claiming on insurance.
4:30-6 pm Meeting with Policy and Finance Committee. Review cost of capital project that is 2.5 x more expensive than anticipated and where funding will come from.
7-8.00 pm Meeting to discuss renewing contract with Leisure Service Provider, and implications of Covid-19 on swimming and gym membership.
8:00 pm Grab some dinner. Thank goodness my other half is cooking tonight.
8:30 pm Have a very quick swim.
9 pm Prepare agenda for Business Development meeting including writing a report on a new asset/liability to be transferred to the Council.
10.30 pm Take half an hour to consider my co-author’s next chapter and discuss implications with her. Great writing. Oh dear! I’ve done nothing yet on my next chapter. Blank page facing me. Think long and hard – write first sentence, then go to bed. Very proud of first sentence. No idea what second sentence will be.
Tammy’s Day:
6:45 pm Alarm goes off. I get dressed, then review my lesson plans over breakfast (great start today it’s croissants and grapes) and walk to school.
8:10 am Early meeting with other members of the English Department over forthcoming curriculum and in particular book choices for the year.
8:35 am Staggered classes start. First lesson is with year 11 high achievers. Prompt them to find the humour and writing techniques used in The Importance of Being Earnest. Long and very funny debate about cucumber sandwiches.
9:10 am. Year 7 class. Need to work on underachievement of targets, particularly with students inclined to be disruptive. Issue 5 S1 discipline records for poor behaviour, 4 x S2s and 1 x S3. That means yet another detention class this week after school.
10:15 am Shakespeare’s As you Like It. At least this lesson starts with a short film about the play.
11:10 am Take a class on creative writing and media studies. Several students impress me with their creativity. One busts into tears after getting an S1. Oh dear – something else more personal going on here that I will need to find out about.
12-1 pm My turn to monitor the canteen.
1 pm Library session – I usually enjoy these. These young people actually like reading, but this week we’ve got work people banging about outside the window, so it’s really not very productive.
1:50 pm Grammar with year 10s. The difference between Demonstrative, Indefinite and Reflective Pronouns. Does anyone really care? Just ensuring students can identify the pronouns within a piece of text is difficult enough.
2:30 pm Last class of the day.
4 – 6 pm Lesson planning for the next day.
7 pm An hour of yoga, followed by a shower – my mind is at peace.
8 pm Dinner – Dad’s a good cook – it’s cottage pie.
8:30 pm Back to lesson planning, and marking of essays, then some Facetime with my brother and a few fellow teachers from my student years.
10 pm I finish a chapter of my own writing at great speed. I think it works well, but we’ll see what my co-author has to say.
11 pm Bed, then start all over again. If only I had an actual social life.

Tammy is a recent graduate of Queen Mary University of London and is now a secondary school teacher.
Sharon was born in South Africa, partially schooled in Germany and the UK, and lived for a while in Kissimmee, Florida. Her career as a Town Clerk, working for the good of the community, keeps her exceptionally busy, so writing takes place during stolen moments just before bed.
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