Sara Palacios, author of Love in Translation, is the second author in two days to be
awarded the Daredevil Award for answering all twelve questions in my Dirty Dozen. Check out her answers and then check out her modern day love story.

About the book:
Still reeling from an unexpected breakup, Emily nurses her broken heart by spending time with her best friends and taking one-too-many vodka shots. After one long night, she takes a hard look inside herself and doesn’t like what she sees. She realizes that she has sacrificed too much in her failed relationships from the past and vows to never settle for anything less than almost-perfect again. As she picks up the pieces and regains her confidence, a sexy Spanish chef moves in across the hall and knocks her off her feet. What ensues is an unexpected and tantalizing affair that opens her eyes - and her heart - to a whole new world and leaves her feeling sexier than she has ever felt. Emily finally sees how easy love is supposed to be. Is happily-ever-after actually possible? Just when she starts to think so, she realizes that sometimes life gets more complicated before it gets easier. And complicated is an understatement when Steven (her best and oldest friend in the world) confesses his love for her. Everything spirals out of control as Emily must make a choice between love and friendship, and in doing so, possibly risk it all.Love In Translation is a modern day love story about following your heart to unexpected places and taking chances in life...because sometimes you will find exactly what you are looking for.
Dirty Dozen with Sara Palacios:
1. Name one thing you couldn’t live without.Besides the obvious answer, like my family, I will go with my iPhone, chapstick and sunscreen.
2. If you could only keep one book, what would it be?
Pillars of the Earth by Ken Folliet.
3. Your last meal would be…
Oh man, let’s go with Spinach Lasagna, cheese enchiladas and a roasted cauliflower mac and cheese! Go carb or go home!
4. Would you rather work in a library or a bookstore?

I would buy a huge plot of land to eventually fill with a ranch home and horses, cows and chickens!
6. Would you rather be stranded on a deserted island or the North Pole?
Usually I would pick somewhere snowy over the beach but this will be the exception. Definitely a deserted island.
7. You’re given the day off, and you can do anything but write. What would you do?
Go camping! I love being outdoors!
8. You’re driven to a private plane and told it will take you anywhere your want to go. Where would it be?
New Zealand. I have always wanted to go there.
9. You can be any fictional character for one day. Who would you be?
So, this is a super dorky answer, but Legolas from Lord of the Rings. I love his character!!
10. Where would your dream office be?
In the snowy mountains with a cozy fireplace nearby.
11. If you could do only one, would you rather read or write? Oh man, probably read.
12. One of your main characters has to die. Which one would you kill off?
Really? One of them HAS to die? Hmmm...then I would have to say Sophie. I don’t have the heart to kill off the main three, so it has to be her.
About the author:
Sara Palacios is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin with a major in Advertising and a minor in English Literature. It was during her time in college that she really fell in love with the written word and ventured into writing her own stories. In addition to writing, Sara spends a majority of her time reading the works of other authors. She reads most genres – but thoroughly enjoys chick-lit, women’s, and historical fiction.When she isn’t busy reading or writing, Sara enjoys spending time with family and friends. She is happily married, the owner of two precious doggies and a new mom to a handsome baby boy. Sara is also an avid animal-lover, runner, yoga enthusiast, wannabe vegan, USA soccer fan, foodie and fashion blog-lover, and Christian. If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to email her at
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