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An Indie Author Is Like A Fiddler On The Roof
As I am attempting to market and promote my current novel (The Inadvertent Thief), write its sequel, start a Sci-Fi Young Adult novel, blog, and remind my husband and daughter that I am still alive and kicking, I realize that I am preforming a very precarious balancing act much like a fiddler on a roof. So I am taking a moment to reflect on this much loved musical in search of answers.
1. Lehyam! To Life! This is a journey and a long one at that. Celebrate the milestones whatever they are. Just finish a first draft? Go out to dinner! Found someone to help you edit? Take them out to dinner! Score your first blog follower? Splurge on the venti size of your favorite coffee. Receive a 5 star review? Hello happy hour! So when things are looking up, take a moment to say, “Lehyam!”

2. Do You Love Me? If your family and friends have to ask, you’re doing something wrong. Make sure they know they are the priority and they will continue to support you on your journey. Your book/blog/project will come and go but your family and friends are going to stick around a whole lot longer if you are nice to them now.
3. If I Were a Rich Man: I had that dream of being discovered by a publisher and poof! I’m a New York Times bestselling author. When I saw that there was no mass herd of publishers at my door begging to share my work with the world, I decided to self-publish and have never once regretted it. It is hard work but entirely worth the effort.
4. Tradition! As Tvye discovered, some traditions are meant to be broken. In the end, you have to make your own way. Maybe there is a traditional way to go about writing and marketing your work while having a real life. Maybe. I plan on finding out what works for me and not being afraid to change my mind.
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