About the book:
"She is the only one of her kind, he is her last hope."
Scarlett Paige is just a regular teenager until her parents suddenly decide move to back to America after living in England for the past 17 ½ years. Thrust into a new school, a new town, and a whole new way of life, things can't seem to get any worse until her 18th birthday arrives.
Her world as she knows it is irrevocably changed by a set of life-threatening complications when she discovers her true identity, that she is The Phoenix, the only one of her kind, a hybrid human being with supernatural powers beyond mortal imagination. But she is untrained, and unable to use her mystical powers without guidance and training from The Seraphoenix Angels.
Worse still, two mysterious and powerful Angel brothers are looking for her. One to save her and one to kill her. Who will win?
Scarlett finds herself amidst a battle that’s been waged since the beginning of time, as she discovers the disturbing truth that Angels aren't always good! One brother has a terrible plan to rid the world of humanity, while the other strives to save it, and Scarlett is caught smack in the middle, as both the Angels need her Phoenix powers to accomplish their goals.
Will she become a pawn in their schemes, as she is thrown into total chaos and plunged into an entirely different future and one that is utterly unexpected?
There are fatal consequences she never saw coming. Beings she never knew existed, and homicidal demon creatures that she wished never existed at all, are conspiring to change her life forever!
Scarlett Phoenix is the jumping off point for this exciting new YA PNR series ~ The Seraphoenix Saga.
Welcome, Bella, thanks for being here. How long have you been writing?
It seems like forever right now, but seriously I’ve been writing novels for over a decade. I’ve always written in some capacity or another, whether short stories or comedic sketches, before finally taking the plunge and heading into the ‘uncharted novel territory.’
What do you like best about writing?
My favourite thing about writing is finishing the first and final drafts.
What’s your least favorite thing?
My least favourite thing is the seemingly endless rounds of editing. Obviously this is the most important aspect of writing a novel, but it can be rather a fun-killer at times, especially if something isn’t working and a whole section needs a rewrite. But really in all fairness, writing is one of the most awesome things you can do, and no job is all peaches and cream. Hard work comes with the territory.
How did you come up with the title of your book?
It just popped into my head one day while I was, of all things, painting my garden gates and that was it...I was sold on the title and leapt (more like tripped) to the computer and began to write in a total frenzy as the words just poured out.
Do you have another job outside of writing?
Yes I do! The day job is accounting and office admin, and as much as I love my job job, I would love to write full time.
Another accountant. Wow. There are a lot of your left and right brain people out there. How would you describe your book in a tweet? (140 characters or less.)
Scarlett Phoenix - She is the only one of her kind, he is her last hope!
Do you outline, write by the seat of your pants, or let your characters tell you what to write?
No major outlines, but I do have a rough idea of where I want the story to go and what the characters need/should be doing and how they act. Usually the story unfolds as I write, so I guess you could say that ‘by the seat of my pants’ is my way.
When you start a new book, do you know what the entire cast will be?
I usually know the main character and a few close supporting characters. But I always like to leave room for the unexpected, as you never know who you might need for some dastardly deed in a one-time only scene. So the answer is no, I never know the entire cast, only the important ones.
I’m constantly on the lookout for new names. How do you name your characters?
I love gathering names. I can be inspired from reading a newspaper to hearing something on the TV or radio. I like to research the meaning of names I’ve chosen to make sure that they are a perfect fit for the character. If not, then the hunt begins again.
What would your main character say about you?
What would Scarlett say about me? I think she would say: “Nice hair, that’s my favourite colour!”
Are any of your characters inspired by real people?
No, they are all total figments of my imagination…
Who are your favorite authors?
a) as a child:
C.S. Lewis, Roald Dahl, etc…
b) as a teenager:
Douglas Adams, Carolyn Keene, JRR Tolkien, etc…
c) as an adult: Terry Pratchett, Tom Holt, John Grisham, as well as a whole host of YA Authors: Becca Fitzpatrick, Lauren Kate, Jana Oliver, Melissa Marr, Richelle Mead, Bree Despain, Lili St. Crow just to name a few.
What book are you currently reading and in what format (e-book/paperback/hardcover)?
Black Rose by J.T. Schaad on my Kindle.
Do you have a routine for writing? Do you work better at night, in the afternoon, or in the morning?
Night is my first preference being more a night owl, but I’ll take any opportunity if it’s quiet and I know I won’t be disturbed.
Where and when do you prefer to do your writing?
I like to write whenever and wherever I can, so most days, evenings and even at work (Sshhhhh – don’t tell the boss - LOL!!)
Your secret is safe with me! Tell us one weird thing, one nice thing, and one fact about where you live.
Weird: My house is haunted.
Nice: It’s a lovely quiet village – most of the time.
Fact: There are no shops.
Sounds wonderful, even the haunted part. What three books have you read recently and would recommend?
Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins
Gift by Andrea J. Buchanan
Airel by Aaron Patterson
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
On an island far far away…I’ve always been intrigued by Bora Bora. The name is awesome, just saying it makes you smile!
If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go? (Don’t worry about the money. Your publisher is paying. )
Bora Bora! LOL
What are you working on now?
The Angel of Death Series–-Book I Reaper. So that’s going to keep me very busy till Christmas.
Good luck with it. Thank you, Bella for talking to us and letting us get to know you. Best of luck with Scarlett Phoenix!
About Bella:
Bella Harte has been writing for well over a decade and completed several novels before deciding to go in a whole new direction and write for the Young Adult genre. More specifically, the YA PNR-–Young Adult Paranormal Romance category.
Her first published YA Novel is Scarlett Phoenix--Book I in The Seraphoenix Saga, with Book II, Crimson Fire, being schedule for release in early 2013 and Book III, Red Ashes for later in the year.
She has also been working on two other YA PNR series:
The Angel of Death Series
Book I – Reaper Book II – Touched Book III – Afterlife
Nine Lives Series
Book I – The Glaring Book II – Midnight Calling Book III - Hunters Moon
Aside from writing, Bella has worked as a fashion designer, interior designer, artist, and currently she is figuring out ways to best market her novels. She attended Business College after leaving school, followed by Art College, where she studied ceramics, fashion design, pattern cutting, textiles, and art.
She has a solid business background and has worked for a World-Wide Export Company which enabled her to travel to far off places around the globe and enjoy a wide and varied cross section of cultures.
Bella says of the future: No one can predict what’s around the corner, but the journey will be a fascinating one to say the least, and I always expect the unexpected!
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