Tuesday, August 18, 2020



To die, or not to die? Georgia B&B proprietor Nina Fleet turns amateur thespian to bring the curtain down on a Shakespearean actor's killer.

It's nothing short of inevitable that Cymbeline, GA, hosts an annual Shakespeare festival. But stage-struck Nina Fleet is about to learn that putting on an amateur theatrical production can be murder. Nina's anticipating showbiz glamour and glitz when a community Shakespearean troupe arrives for a two-week stay at her B&B. But the lights dim when she learns the company's director is her nemesis, struggling actor Harry Westcott--who still claims to be the rightful heir to Nina's elegant Queen Anne home.

Meanwhile, the troupe members are not content to leave the drama upon the stage. Accusations of infidelity and financial malfeasance make a shambles of rehearsals. And then, two days into the troupe's stay, the lead actor is found dead in Nina's formal Shakespeare garden. Natural causes...or murder most foul?

Nina uncovers evidence that something is indeed rotten in the town of Cymbeline. Too bad Harry is the only one who believes that she's not going completely off script. And exposing the truth isn't easy when the remaining troupe members say the show must go on...particularly when all of them seemingly had a motive for wanting their fellow actor to permanently exit stage right. Determined to keep the killer from making a curtain call, Nina and her trusty Australian Shepherd, Matilda, join forces with Harry to sleuth out the murder plot. Will they succeed before someone else shuffles off this mortal coil? Find out in Anna Gerard's delightful second Georgia B&B mystery.

Books Details:

Title: Peachy Scream

Author: Anna Gerard

Genre: cozy mystery

Series: Georgia B&B Mystery, book 2

Publisher: Crooked Lane Books (Aug 11, 2020)

Print length: 320 pages

On tour with: Great Escapes Book Tours



If you could talk to someone (living), who would it be and what would you ask them?
I’d like to talk to the Dalai Lama and ask him for some words of wisdom for our current times.

If you could talk to someone (dead), who would it be and what would you ask them?
I would like to talk to my mom and dad, who have both been gone for several years, and ask them how they are doing, and can they sometimes hear me talking to them. I would ask them about what happens after you die, except I’m pretty sure there’s a rule against their telling me.

If you could live in any time period which would it be?
I’d like to live in the American West sometime between 1870 and 1900. I love Texas/New Mexico/Arizona/Colorado, and the time period is close enough to modern times that I’d be able to fit in. Plus maybe I’d get to meet my great-grandparents. 

If you could time travel for an infinite period of time, where would you go?
I would go anywhere and everywhere to be a witness to the world’s major events since the time of Christ. I’d want to meet the Tudors and Shakespeare, hang with Jane Austin, hear Abraham Lincoln speak, witness Gettysburg, see the shootout at the OK Corral. And that barely scratches the surface.

If you could be anything besides a writer, what would it be?

I took violin lessons in grade school—little talent, but lots of enthusiasm—and I think it would be fabulous to be Concertmistress of a major orchestra. 


5 things you need in order to write: 
    •    my laptop
    •    a diet Coke
    •    a cat
    •    internet access
    •    someone to cook supper when I’m on deadline

5 things you love about writing: 

    •    hearing from happy readers
    •    seeing my books on the bookstore shelf 
    •    getting a great review
    •    getting in the groove for the downhill slide that is the book’s final chapters
    •    writing THE END

5 favorite foods:  
    •    ice cream
    •    cheese 
    •    salads 
    •    stir fry
    •    Tex-Mex

5 favorite places you’ve been: 
    •    Marfa Texas
    •    Bimini Bahamas
    •    New Orleans Louisiana
    •    Tombstone Arizona
    •    Vienna Austria

5 favorite authors:  
  •    Barbara Michaels
    •    Mary Stewart
    •    Shakespeare 
    •    Sir Arthur Conan Doyle  
    •    Sylvia Boorstein


What’s your all-time favorite movie?
Princess Bride.

What’s your favorite beverage? 
Diet Coke.

What’s your favorite ice cream? 
Publix’s Peppermint Stick.

What’s your favorite hobby or past-time?

What’s your favorite thing to do when there’s nothing to do?
Binge watch bad TV.

What’s your favorite candy bar? 
Peanut Patties.

What’s your favorite color? 

Yellow…no, red…no, black.

What is the wallpaper on your computer’s desktop?
My book covers.

What movie genre do you prefer: drama, comedy, action, adventure, thriller, or horror?
I like them all but probably comedy first and then adventure.

What book are you currently working on?
My next Tarot Cats mystery, Magician’s Quarrel.

What’s your latest recommendation for:
Food: The stuffed mushrooms my husband makes – based on the recipe for the mushrooms served at Longhorn Steakhouse.
Music: Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain – you must hear their version of the theme from The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.
Movie: John Wick Chapter 3 (but you must watch Chapters 1 and 2 first).
Book: White Guilt by Shelby Steele.
TV: I’m currently hooked on Naked and Afraid on the Discovery Channel—a soap opera combined with survival—what’s not to love.
Netflix/Amazon Prime: Last thing I binged on Amazon Prime was the first season of iZombie that I missed, so it’s been awhile.
Miscellaneous: YouTube episodes of Thrifty Business hosted by Jason T. Smith.


Peachy Scream by Anna Gerard

Peach Clobbered by Anna Gerard

Fool’s Moon by Diane A.S. Stuckart 


Diane A.S. Stuckart is the New York Times bestselling author of the Black Cat Bookshop Mysteries (writing as Ali Brandon) and the award-winning Leonardo da Vinci historical mysteries. Her new Tarot Cats Mystery series launched in 2018 with Fool’s Moon. Her Georgia B&B Mystery series written as Anna Gerard debuted in July 2019 with Peach Clobbered. Kirkus Reviews describes that book as “Filled with Southern charm and enough ditzy characters to keep readers guessing and laughing.” Book 2 in the series, Peachy Scream, will be on the shelves August 2020.

Connect with Diane:
Diane Stuckart Website  |  Georgia B&B Mysteries Website  |  Facebook  

Buy links:
Amazon  |  Barnes & Noble