Thank you, Tricia Drammeh, for being so kind to nominate me for the One Lovely Blog Award. Tricia's blog, Authors To Watch, is great place to read about...say it with me...authors to watch. You should definitely check it out and add it to your blog list.
The Rules
The rules of the One Lovely Blog Award are:
1) Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
2) Place the One Lovely Blog Award badge on your blog.
3) Tell seven things about yourself.
4) Nominate other blogs for the award. List them with links to their blogs. (I've seen the number to nominate vary from four to fifteen. You decide!)
Seven Random Things
And now...according to rule three, here are Seven Random Things about myself:
1. I collect heart rocks.
2. My favorite holiday is Halloween.
3. I drink way too much sweet tea.
4. My favorite sound is a marching band’s drumline.
5. I love lemon anything except for lemon jellybeans.
6. Robert B. Parker's Spenser is my favorite fictional character.
7. Every book I write has a character with the name Lou or some derivative thereof (for
Louisville, where I live).
* Ask Chrissy, Chrissy Anderson
* My Book and My Coffee, Ara C.T.
* Melissa’s Mochas Mysteries and More, Melissa Lapierre
* Chick Lit Plus, Samantha Robey
* Jersey girl book reviews, Kathleen Higgins-Anderson
* Southern Belle Reviews and Giveaways Jennifer Hall
* Joss Landry.com, Joss Landry