An irrational need for blood draws the killer, compelling them to kill. Two Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation agents, Carrie Border and Randy Jeffries are working hard to find and take down the killer before their own tangled lives trip them and take them down first.
Book Details:
Title: The Blood
Author: Nancy Jackson
Genre: Crime/Mystery/Thriller
Series: The Redemption Series, book 1
Published: January 2019
Print length: 404 pages
A few of your favorite things: Custom painting from my friend, Angela Westerman, warm coffee first thing in the morning by my fireplace (winter) or on my patio (summer), spending time with grown children and grandchildren.
Things you need to throw out: Old electronics! (they need to be in a museum), business files from a decade ago, and my worn out sofa which I can’t bear to part with.
Things you need in order to write: Quiet. I prefer to work at home in my office in the quiet, coffee, my iMac or iPad (which has its own little keyboard).
Things that hamper your writing: Being interrupted with other things I have to do. I get distracted and drawn into marketing as well, creating graphics, video trailers, etc.
Things you love about writing: I love stories, always have. Now I get to be in the big middle of creating a story just the way I want it.
Things you hate about writing: Waiting to hear what people think. Also, being bombarded with companies who want to sell me the best way to help me make a million dollars writing.
Easiest thing about being a writer: The writing. Coming up with a story. I have a list of books I hope to write.
Hardest thing about being a writer: Getting it broadcast out for everyone to see. Amazon has removed more reviews that it has left, that is discouraging.
Things you love about where you live: Oklahoma is a great state to live in, but the neighborhood I live in is amazing, not because of the homes, but the people here are like family. They rally around me in whatever I’m doing. I know that if I should need one of them, they would be here for me.
Things that make you want to move: I don’t like the cold. I lived in Tucson for awhile and loved the scenery and the climate. But I missed my family and friends.
Things you never want to run out of: Coffee and creamer, toilet paper (that happened once), days spent only enjoying family and friends.
Things you wish you’d never bought: I yearned for a sports car years ago, but could never have a vehicle with just 2 seats since I transport grandkids, etc. Got married, got a husband with a vehicle where I could do that, so I bought a Nissan 350Z convertible. Loved it passionately for a few months. SO not practical, and SO loud, and SO hard to crawl in and out of. Finally gave it to my husband and now I can hardly stand to ride it in.
Words that describe you: Optimistic. Creative. Content. Love people, but love being alone.
Words that describe you but you wish they didn’t: Inactive (I’m a bit of a couch potato), introvert (although others are surprised at this).
Favorite foods: Pizza, pizza, pizza. I could eat it everyday, but it has to be from my favorite places with my favorite stuff. Ice cream, and steak.
Things that make you want to throw up: I’m blank on this one.
Favorite music or song: "Reckless Love" by Cory Asbury, anything by Willie Nelson which is odd because I am not a fan of C&W music. I grew up in the 70’s so those tunes always get my attention.
Music that make your ears bleed: Metal Rap
Favorite beverage: Coffee, then water.
Something that gives you a pickle face: Pickles, but I love them!
Favorite smell: Clean babies and spring/summertime.
Something that makes you hold your nose: Poopy babies, and sometimes the inside of my fridge.
Something you’re really good at: Jewelry design, metal/silversmithing.
Something you’re really bad at: Cleaning house
Something you wish you could do: Art painting.
Something you wish you’d never learned to do: I love learning so I am thrilled that I’ve been able to learn so much.
Something you like to do: Watch TV, read, go to neighborhood BUNCO.
Something you wish you’d never done: OH NO!!! Can’t answer that one. But maybe I could say I’ve been married a few too many times.
People you consider as heroes: Anyone who will suffer hardships and loss for others. That includes our military, missionaries, and so many more unsung heroes.
People with a big L on their foreheads: Selfish people. They lose so much by focusing on themselves. By giving of yourself, and of what you have, you will always get far more than you ever wanted.
Last best thing you ate: Ice cream.
Last thing you regret eating: Hot link with chili and cheese.
Things you’d walk a mile for: My family and friends. Pizza.
Things that make you want to run screaming from the room: Arguments. I hate it when people argue and fight.
Things to say to an author: I loved your work, I liked (a specific thing) about your work. We love specifics.
Things to say to an author if you want to be fictionally killed off in their next book: I found a typo… Who edited your book… I wouldn’t have written it that way…
Favorite places you’ve been: Hawaii, Tucson (I love the desert and I love the beach) .
Places you never want to go to again: Lubbock.
Favorite genre: Murder mysteries, but I love true stuff too. One of my favorite books is Amelia Earhart: The Truth at Last by Mike Campbell. Amazing!!!
Books you would ban: Not sure I want to go there. I don’t like to start fights or make others feel bad even if I disagree.
People you’d like to invite to dinner: Truthfully, my family. They are my favorite people. But I know that this question is not about that. I would say John Grisham. I have a few all-time favorite authors, but he has inspired me the most. He and Ted Decker.
People you’d cancel dinner on: Politicians.
Favorite things to do: Spend a quiet morning on my back patio with coffee.
Things you’d run through a fire wearing gasoline pants to get out of doing: Sweep my floor.
Things that make you happy: People, particularly family and friends. Doing what I love. Writing, making jewelry, reading.
Things that drive you crazy: Communicating with people who do not have their thinking caps on.
Proudest moment: Each time I held one of my newborns in my arms for the first time.
Most embarrassing moment: I ran through a busy airport with toilet paper hanging out of my pantyhose.
Biggest lie you’ve ever told: Nothing jumps out at me, but probably something like… The check is in the mail…
A lie you wish you’d told: I can’t think of a situation where I would lie. I really don’t like to do that. But if it would not hurt someone, and would genuinely comfort them, I might.
Best thing you’ve ever done: I am an encourager, and when I look back, the best thing I have ever done was to constantly come alongside others and cheer them on.
Biggest mistake: Loving the wrong people to the point of marrying them.
Most daring thing you’ve ever done: Walked the French Quarter in New Orleans all by myself at night, more than once.
Something you chickened out from doing: Nothing comes to mind, but I’m not fond of heights so it probably involved that.
The last thing you did for the first time: Stood in a bookstore with my first novel.
Something you’ll never do again: Get married.

She worked in various corporate jobs where she was responsible for writing policy and procedure manuals. Her creative writing side was satisfied as she wrote at home and shared various stories and then blogs.
Working in many different industries in many roles, she was exposed to a treasure trove of people, places, and things that would later serve her well as she wrote her first, and subsequent novels. She writes both fiction and non-fiction in various blogs and short stories as well.
Before publishing her first novel, she spent many years as a silver/metalsmith designing and making jewelry. She is also a full-time realtor. Her true passion though, is writing, and she is thrilled that she is now able to pursue it with the passion she has always desired.
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