Leti Del Mar is the author of The Inadvertent Thief, released in June of this year.
About the book:
In The Inadvertent Thief, Vivien Flowers specializes in protecting fine art and her highly structured world comes to a halt when two very special paintings are stolen. In her fierce determination to get them back, Vivien learns how to become a thief. This romantic suspense follows Vivien’s journey from Los Angeles to Paris as she learns about trust, love, and the brilliance she is capable of.
Welcome, Leti! You published your debut novel in June. Do you have another job outside of writing?
I have been a biology and algebra teacher for 8 years which is very strange since my first loves in life were literature and art history. I actually started out wanting to be a curator in a museum, and even though I now spend most of my days talking about numbers and science, I escape to a museum whenever I can. I think my profession has helped me as a writer since I take a very logical and pragmatic approach to all of my work.

Do you outline or write by the seat of your pants?
I outline and outline some more and then transfer my outline to a flow chart and then finish off with a three-page-long checklist. I use all of this preparation so that I when I do sit down and write, I know exactly what I am going to say. As a mother of a toddler, every second I can sit down and write is priceless, and I can’t afford to waste it.
How did you create the plot for this book?
After spending lots of time in museums, I became very curious about their security. I started wondering what it would take to steal a painting, a big one. Then I started to wonder what would cause a logical person like me to be in a position where I needed to steal a painting. Before long, I had a plot in my head and three chapters written. Then I went outline crazy and was on my way.
Are any of your characters inspired by real people? Who?
Yes! The most of my supporting characters are inspired by people I know. My heroine’s ex-boyfriend is a near replica of my ex-boyfriend, and I’m sorry to say I didn’t even change his name. Oops!
Are you like any of your characters? How so?
I have some strong similarities with my heroine, Vivien. We are both very driven and have a strong science background. We both love art but understand that we are no good at creating it, and we are both terrible liars. But she is much tougher than I am and has a way cooler background.
What song would you pick to go with your book?
There are two that fit perfectly with the theme of my book. Unintended by Muse and Arms by Christina Peri.
What are your favorite books or favorite authors?
a) as a child: Growing up as the youngest child with siblings a decade older than me, I was always playing catch up and refused to read children’s books. I read biographies and attempted to read the classics.
b) as a teenager: I had a classics only policy and preferred Jane Austen and Edith Wharton c) as an adult: I’ve discovered children’s lit like J.K. Rowling and YA. I like Suzanne Collins. I read for fun and pleasure and to try to catch up on all those years I was pretending to be a grown up.
What book are you currently reading and in what format (e-book/paperback/hardcover)?
I am reading Garment of Shadows by Laurie R. King on the Kindle my husband bought me last year. Now that I’ve gone digital, I’m not sure I’m ever going back.
How do you handle criticism of your work?
I take all criticism as an opportunity to improve. I am in fact begging for criticism. So if you’re reading this, I would welcome a review on my novel.
What’s one of your favorite quotes?
Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.

When I'm not writing, I teach Biology and Algebra to teenagers. When I'm not teaching, I'm pursuing my love of Art History, buried deep inside of a museum or I'm traveling with my husband and daughter. The Inadvertent Thief is my first novel, and I am hard at work on my second.
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