Food blogger Hope Early finds one item not on her scavenger hunt list—a dead husband . . .
Between developing her food blog, Hope at Home, and choosing low-cal recipes for a feature in Cooking Now! magazine, Hope has a full plate. Still, she’s never too busy to compete in a Jefferson, Connecticut, tradition—the town’s annual scavenger hunt.
But as she races with her team to check off the next item, Hope discovers a grisly surprise—the body of shady real estate developer Lionel Whitcomb, shot in a parking lot. His wife Elaine, who’s also in the hunt, gasps and nearly faints. But two other women on the scene cry out that their husband is dead.
It turns out this louse of a spouse was more than a little lax in legally divorcing his former wives. Did one of them put a bullet in the bigamist? Number one suspect and number three wife Elaine begs Hope to investigate. Now Hope is on a new kind of hunt—for a cold-hearted killer and triple widow-maker . . .
Includes Recipes from Hope’s Kitchen!
Book Details:
Title: Three Widows and a Corpse
Author: Debra Sennefelder
Genre: cozy mystery
Series: The Food Blogger Mystery Series, book 3
Publisher: Kensington Publishing (October 29,2019)
Print length: 352 pages
On tour with: Great Escapes Book Tours
Basic Character Questions
Name: Hope Early.Age: mid-thirties.
Hair color: brunette.
Relationship status: dating.
Name of (romantic) partner: Ethan Cahill.
Personal style: (hippie, preppie, classic, sloppy, jeans/t-shirts . . . ) Since she spends her days recipe testing and photographing her recipes, she prefers yoga pants and hoodies.
Is this a main character or supporting character? Main character.
Is she optimistic or pessimistic? Optimistic.Is she an introvert or extrovert? A little mix of both.
What is her strongest character trait? She’s tenacious.
What quality does she most value in a friend? Honesty.
What is her pet peeves? Not using coasters.
What is her ambitions? To grow her food blog and expand beyond to incorporate videos and cookbooks.
What past act is she most proud of? Turning her blog into a full-time job in such a crowded field.
What is her password? Ha! Like she could remember. Too many passwords.
What is her favorite food? Chocolate anything.
Is she a messy or a neat housekeeper? Neat. Borderline obsessive.
Describe her home. It’s a work in progress. When she saw first saw the house, she knew it was perfect for her. Though, the farmhouse needed a lot of work.
What does she do first thing on a weekday morning? She loves to go for a run now first thing. It helps clear her mind and she likes to listen to podcasts.
What does she do on a Sunday afternoon? She enjoys making an early supper and then curling up with Ethan and her pets, Bigelow and Princess, to watch a movie.
What does she do on a Friday night? Lately, she loves making homemade pizza and inviting her sister with her family and her friends over for dinner.
Friends and Family
Does she have a big or small family? Who does it consist of? Hope has a sister, Claire, who is married and has two children, Logan and Hannah.Does she have any pets? Yes, two adoptive pets. Bigelow a dog she took in after his owners could no longer care for him. Princess is the fluffy white cat she rescued after a neighbor passed away.
Who are her enemies? She really doesn’t have enemies. Well, she has a childhood frenemy, Meg Griffin. Their relationship is complicated but they’re working on it.
Is she in a relationship? Yes, she’s dating Ethan Cahill.
Has she ever had her heart broken? Yes, when she divorced not too long ago.
Does she have a sidekick? Two. Her best friend, Drew Adams. He’s a reporter for a local newspaper. And Jane Merrifield, a retired author who loves a good mystery.
Work, Education and Hobbies
What is her current job? She’s a food blogger.What does she think about her current job? Hope loves her job. From the first recipe she published, she knew she wanted to continued blogging and developing recipes. Now she’s able to it full-time and she loves the flexibility and the creativity.
What are her hobbies? She knits. She loves to garden. And thanks to her old farmhouse, she gets to indulge in numerous DIY projects.
What is her educational background? She graduated with a BA in English.
Does she have a natural talent for something? Cooking and baking.
What is in her fridge? It’s way too packed with ingredients and results from her recipe testing to give a full accounting over everything.What is on her bedside table? Her phone, her current read, a romance novel by Eve Kincaid, and a lamp she salvaged and had re-wired.
What is her most treasured possession? There’s a vase in her entry foyer that she loves. It was the first antique she ever purchased and she to save for months on her editorial assistant salary to buy it.
Is she comfortable with technology? Yes. As a blogger she has to keep updated on tech.If she could call one person for help, who would it be? That depends on the kind of trouble and if she was in the mood for a lecture.
What is her greatest extravagance? Her bedding. Even though she’s on a budget, she indulged in luxurious bedding because she’s on her feet all day either working on recipes or on DIY projects around her house.
What would she do if she won the lottery? Not much would change in her day-to-day life. Though Hope would love to fund charities from animal rescue to food deliveries for seniors.
What would she ask a fortune teller? What’s the next big social media platform that will take off so she could promote her blog.
How does she respond to a threat? Hope doesn’t back down. In fact, she becomes more determined to find the truth.
Is she confrontational? Yes, when she must be. When she’s searching for the truth, for justice, she will be confrontational if it’s necessary.

Debra Sennefelder, the
author of the Food Blogger Mystery series and the Resale Boutique
Mystery series, is an avid reader who reads across a range of genres,
but mystery fiction is her obsession. Her interest in people and
relationships is channeled into her novels against a backdrop of crime
and mystery. When she’s not reading, she enjoys cooking and baking and
as a former food blogger, she is constantly taking photographs of her
food. Yeah, she’s that person.
Born and raised in New York City, she now lives and writes in Connecticut with her family. She’s worked in pre-hospital care, retail and publishing. Her writing companions are her adorable and slightly spoiled Shih-Tzus, Susie and Billy.
She is a member of Sisters in Crime, International Thriller Writers, Women’s Fiction Writers Association and Romance Writers of America.
Born and raised in New York City, she now lives and writes in Connecticut with her family. She’s worked in pre-hospital care, retail and publishing. Her writing companions are her adorable and slightly spoiled Shih-Tzus, Susie and Billy.
She is a member of Sisters in Crime, International Thriller Writers, Women’s Fiction Writers Association and Romance Writers of America.
Connect with Debra:
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