Saturday, January 12, 2019



Professional wedding planner Mallory Shepard knows her job is challenging under any circumstances. But when the groom is your ex and someone invites murder, there may never be another tomorrow .  .  .

Mallory’s fine—really—handling the wedding arrangements for her ex, Keith. But his fiancée, Becca, has at the last minute decided to switch from a Japanese-cherry-blossom theme to a Gone with the Wind theme. She wants to honor her ailing grandmother, who owns an impressive collection of GWTW memorabilia—and who is fiercely at odds with the groom’s mother over the nuptial plans.

But among other complications, Becca gets into a fight with an old childhood rival over a replica Scarlett O’Hara wedding gown. She wins the dress—but soon becomes a murder suspect when the other woman is found dead in Becca’s swimming pool. And it’s up to Mallory to solve the mystery behind this unhappy occasion, before a different kind of civil war breaks out .  .  .

Book Details:

Title: Gown With the Wind

Author: Stephanie Blackmoore

Genre: Cozy Mystery

Publisher: Kensington Books (December 18, 2018)

Print length: 336 pages

On tour with: Great Escapes Book Tours


A few of your favorite things:
My fluffy purple Sherpa robe, my electric kettle, and my trusty e-reader.
Things you need to throw out:
The voluminous collection of food storage containers threatening to overtake my cabinets. How do socks always manage to disappear, but Tupperware seems to multiply overnight?!

Things you need in order to write:
Coffee, my laptop, coffee, music, coffee, and a long, detailed outline.
Things that hamper your writing:
Trying to write scenes before they’re fully fleshed out in my head, running out of coffee, and working with not enough sleep.

Things you love about writing:
The chance to revisit memories, ponder what my characters want to do next, visit fictional places, and working with words.
Things you hate about writing:
Deadlines and uncertainty.

Things you love about where you live:
I love the cozy, small-town atmosphere of Cape Girardeau, Missouri. I adore seeing the Mississippi River almost daily, the friendly people, and the charming atmosphere.
Things that make you want to move:

Favorite foods:
Razzleberry pie, Mississippi roast, and asparagus.
Things that make you want to throw up:
Eggs. I didn’t realize until my son developed an egg allergy that I probably had one was well growing up.

Last best thing you ate:
A box of Godiva truffles from my aunt. Rich, decadent, and sinfully delicious. Yum!

Last thing you regret eating:
I should have regretted eating the truffles, but I enjoyed every last bite!

Things you always put in your books:
Cats, cookies, and coffee. 

Things you never put in your books:
Never say never. I find myself writing about topics and themes I never imagined I would!

Favorite places you’ve been:
Edinburgh, Scotland; Tallahassee, Florida; Prague, Czech Republic; and where I live now in Missouri. 

Places you never want to go to again:
I’ve pretty much enjoyed most places I’ve visited. I’m not keen, however, to fly as much as I used to. It used to seem glamorous and exiting. But it’s changed so much, and I’d much rather drive, even if it makes for a loooooong trip!

Favorite things to do:
Reading books to my son, cooking, visiting family and friends, and brewing beer (though I haven’t in a while).

Things you’d run through a fire wearing gasoline pants to get out of doing:

Things that make you happy:
Going on walks in the woods with my husband and my son, a new book by a favorite author, trying out new recipes, and figuring out a knotty writing problem.

Things that drive you crazy:
Traffic and wet socks.


A native Pittsburgher, Stephanie Blackmoore now lives in Missouri, with her husband, son and two spirited cats. She was an attorney in Pittsburgh and a librarian in Florida before becoming a writer. Stephanie is a fan of snow, pierogis, and everything black-and-yellow. She is hard at work on her next Wedding Planner mystery.

Connect with Stephanie:
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Buy the book:

Amazon  |  Barnes & Noble