Book 1: Murder & Mayhem in Goose Pimple Junction
When Tess Tremaine starts a new life in the colorful town of Goose Pimple Junction, curiosity leads her to look into a seventy-five-year-old murder. Suddenly she’s learning the foreign language of southern speak, resisting her attraction to local celebrity Jackson Wright, and dealing with more mayhem than she can handle.
A bank robbery, murder, and family tragedy from the 1930s are pieces of the mystery that Tess attempts to solve. As she gets close to the truth, she encounters danger, mystery, a lot of southern charm, and a new temptation for which she’s not sure she’s ready.
Book 2: Heroes & Hooligans in Goose Pimple Junction
Goose Pimple Junction is just recovering from a kidnapping and a murder, its first major crimes in years, when trouble begins anew. Life is turned upside down in the quirky little southern town with the arrival of several shifty hooligans: A philandering husband intent on getting his wife back, another murderer loose in town, a stalker intent on frightening Martha Maye, and a thief who’s stealing the town blind of their pumpkins, pies, and peace. Together, they’re scaring the living daylights out of the residents and keeping the new police chief busier than a set of jumper cables at a redneck picnic. Suddenly, he has his hands full trying to apprehend a killer, stop a stalker, and fight his feelings for the damsel in distress.
Book 3: Short & Tall Tales in Goose Pimple Junction
This is not your average Southern town. With a hint of mystery and a lot of laughs, you'll catch a glimpse of everyday life in Goose Pimple Junction in this short story compilation. Five short stories, one novella, and three recipes will give you more of the unique charm of Goose Pimple Junction, make you laugh, and have your mouth watering. If you want a feel-good read, you've come to the right place. Grab some sweet tea and escape to Goose Pimple Junction.
Book 4: Rogues & Rascals in Goose Pimple Junction
Wynona Baxter is a master of disguise and often a ditzy airhead. A hit woman wannabe, when she's hired for her first job in Goose Pimple Junction and things don't go as planned, she's forced to resort to Plan B. She'll also need Plan C and D. Caledonia Culpepper is the quintessential Southern belle. Who would want her dead?
Crooked lawyers, restless husbands, a teenaged hoodlum – it seems there are rogues and rascals everywhere you look in Goose Pimple Junction. When Caledonia and Wynona's paths cross, they prove there isn't a rogue or a rascal who can keep a good woman down. Mama always said there would be days like this . . .
Pickle Culpepper is a teenage character in the Goose Pimple Junction mystery series. In addition to being a high school student, he works at the local bookstore. His mother is Caledonia Culpepper (main character in book 4), his father is Philetus Swift Culpepper IV, and his brother is Peanut. Pickle is famous for his funny T-shirts and lack of brains.INTERVIEW WITH PICKLE CULPEPPER!
Hello, Pickle. Can you tell us how you got your nickname? Pickle isn’t your given name, is it?
No ma’am. My real name is Dylan. But my daddy doesn’t like that name. Never has. Soon as I was born and my mama insisted on naming me Dylan, Daddy started calling me Pickle. Said “Dylan” reminded him of dill pickles. Now just about everybody calls me Pickle. Even Mama.
Tell us about yourself, Pickle.
Well . . . I’m sixteen years old. Um . . . I work at A Blue Million Books — it’s a bookstore. Uh . . . I have a little brother named Peanut. And my favorite food is Slick’s macaroni and cheese and my mama’s peach pie.
What’s your favorite thing to do in Goose Pimple Junction?
I like to hang out with my girlfriend, Charlotte. She’s real nice and real pretty too. We go to shows, and football and basketball games at our high school, and we go to the diner a lot too. You know, the usual stuff. I also like to play practical jokes on my little brother, Peanut. He sure is fun to joke on. My favorite is hiding in his bedroom closet and jumping out when he comes in the room. He gets so mad! Once I hid under the bed and waited until he turned the light out to go to sleep. Then I reached my hand up and grabbed his arm. He screamed like a girl. Fun times . . .
What’s your favorite goosepimpleism?
There are lots of ‘em. But I have to say I like it when somebody says, “His pants are so tight if he farted, he’d blow his boots off.” Mama doesn’t like me to say the word “fart.” She says it’s unseemly. But I think it’s funny. I can make a fart sound with my armpit. Want me to show you?
Maybe later. Have you ever won any awards?
Sure. Just last year I was voted Person With The Funniest T-shirt. I didn’t even know it was a category, but I guess it is, ‘cause I won it.
Would you like to change anything in your books?
(Grinning) If I were writing it, I’d make all the chicks fall madly in love with me. And I’d make me the mayor of Goose Pimple Junction. And I’d make my mama order in pizza every night for dinner, and peach cobbler would always be ready and waiting at my house. And--
Okay. Curb your enthusiasm, dude. Do you always wear funny t-shirts?
Yes, ma’am. Except to church. Well, I wear ‘em to youth group, but I don’t wear ‘em to Sunday school or to the service.
Do you have a favorite shirt?
Uh huh. I like the one that says, “Lock up your daughters.” ‘Course, Charlotte gets kind of mad when I wear that one. And her daddy gives me the stink-eye .
What is your least favorite characteristic your writer has attributed to you?
I think she thinks I’m kind of a slow leak. I mean, some people think I’m as dumb as a bag of hair. But I’m not. I mean, I got Jack and me outta that bit of trouble we were in, didn’t I?
Did you get to have any input into the cover art?
(Looking dejected) No ma’am. I suggested putting my picture on the cover. You know, with maybe me running or doing something super cool. Or maybe jest looking real good. You know, a nice head shot. But Mizz Metz nixed that idea. It’s okay, but I think my face on the front woulda been better.
Thanks for talking to us today, Pickle.
Thank you, ma’am. I had more fun than a tornado at a trailer park.
Goose Pimple Junction trailer
Meet more of the Goose Pimple Junction characters!
Find out more about Amy, Pickle, and his fellow characters: