About the book:
Kali can’t cook to save her life, but she can write. As a foodie reviewer for both a huge national paper and a successful blog, she’s well on her way to achieving her dreams. When she’s offered a cookbook deal, she thinks she’s finally made it . . . until her latest review comes out a little harsher than expected and the restaurateur threatens to expose all her secrets.Mac’s whole life is spent in the kitchen, running a New York City restaurant and a culinary school for underprivileged youth. When donations stop pouring in for Mac’s culinary school after a scathing review of his restaurant, he fears he may have to shut the doors if he can’t find a way to turn things around. Then he meets Kali, the reviewer who admits she has no culinary skills. Now he’s made her an offer she can’t refuse—he’ll teach her to cook over the summer and help her with recipes for the cookbook if she’ll agree to write an insider piece highlighting the strengths of his culinary school.
But when things start heating up in Mac’s kitchen, keeping her hands on the food and off of Mac is proving harder than Kali expected.
Interview with Heather Thurmeier
How long have you been writing, and how did you start?I’ve been writing for 5 years. I had wanted to write a book for a long time but never had an idea. Then one day inspiration struck and I figured I’d give it a try. Once I started, I never stopped!
Do you have another job outside of writing?
My only other job outside of writing is being a stay at home mum! But it’s a full time job.
Yes it is. And a very rewarding job. How do you get to know your characters?
I usually get some idea of who the characters are when I get my initial idea. After that, I ask myself as many questions about the characters as I can. Once I think I’ve answered everything and have a good idea of who the characters are, then I’m ready to start writing!
Which character did you most enjoy writing?
I loved writing Daisy! She’s a strong, independent businesswoman who knows what she wants—and what she doesn’t want! I loved her sassy and feisty personality and how she wasn’t afraid to stand up to Cole when she felt she needed to.
What book are you currently reading and in what format (e-book/paperback/hardcover)?
I’m currently reading two books: Dragonfly in Amber, the second in the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon in ebook format. I’m also reading The Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean M. Auel in paperback.
What’s one pet peeve you have when you read?
I hate scenes that are too short for me to get into the character. I like to have a chance to really know something about the character in each scene.
Do you have a routine for writing?
I usually write when the kids are at school. Either I write in my office or on the couch looking at the woods behind my house. Other than that, there’s not much routine. Sit down with my coffee, sometimes a snack, my laptop and just write as much as I can. But I do have to have a quiet spot. I can’t hear my characters if it’s too noisy and chaotic around me or if there is music playing. If it’s noisy, like at my kids’ dance class or in a coffee shop, then I use a sound machine app and listen to sounds of wind, rain, and nature to help me focus.
What do you love about where you live?
Now I live in New York State, north of New York City. I love living here because it’s beautiful and lush, there’s access to the city and everything in it and the people are pretty nice.
Have you been in any natural disasters?
I’ve been in a super snow storm as well as hurricane Sandy, but both times we were on the outskirts of the major damage so our experiences was no so bad. Both times, we did lose power for more than a week, which is why I now own a generator, survival supplies and long-term food supply. Got to be prepared!
What makes you happy?
My family and friends!
What makes you scared?
I'm with you there! What makes you excited?
Release day for my newest book!
Would you rather work in a library or a bookstore?
Either would be awesome, but I’m going to say bookstore because there’s often a coffee shop attached, and I can’t think of any better work then books while sipping on a mocha.
What would your dream office look like?
My current office is pretty nice, but my dream office would be somewhere with a great view: beach, vineyard, mountains, lake . . . all would be great!
Are you happy with your decision to publish with Fated Desires Publishing?
I’m definitely of the philosophy that you shouldn’t put all your eggs in one basket. I do both self-publishing and small press publishing. One day I’d love to also publish with a big 5 tradition publisher. I like having my books published in a variety of ways. I feel like this gives me the most control over my career, and I don’t regret my choice to spread my wings and explore all the options available to me and my books.
What steps to publication did you personally do with the book you self-publishied, and what did you hire someone to do? Is there anyone you’d recommend for a particular service?
I do the writing, I hire an editor to help me with the editing: Hot Damn Designs did both my cover and my formatting, and I did all the uploading to Amazon and Createspace. The idea of self-publishing is scarier than actually accomplishing it. One step at a time and before you know it, it’s done!
What’s one of your favorite quotes?
“Bloom where you are planted.” I have no idea who said it, but I think about that quote so often, it’s become a part of me. I love the idea of being the best you can be no matter where you are in life. Make the most of what you have. Enjoy life. To me, each of those ideas are represented in the “Bloom.”
What’s your favorite candy bar?
My favorite is Canadian Smarties (like M&Ms) and Caramilk. Yum!
What three books have you read recently and would recommend?
For YA Dystopian fans, I would totally recommend the Razorland series by Ann Aguirre. It starts with Enclave. For adventure fans, I would recommend Thunderhead by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. And for romance/urban fantasy, I would recommend Karen Marie Moning’s Fever series which starts with Darkfever.
What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
When I’m not writing, I love watching cooking shows, playing video games, hiking and geocaching, and reading!
What would you like people to say about you after you die?
I hope people would say that I’m a great mother, wife, and friend, and a pretty decent author. I hope they say I lived a good, long, happy life enjoying the company of my closest friends and family.
What are you working on now?
Right now, I’m working on another contemporary as well as attempting to finish my paranormal series, Falling Stars.
Other books by Heather Thurmeier
The Wedding HoaxFalling for You
Stuck on You
Lost Without You
Catching Stardust
About the author:

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