Etiam Tu: Eradicating Hatred is the first definitive position of the philosophy of Etiam Tu. It at once reflects the core values of the philosophy and addresses the most volatile element in human interpersonal interaction and required coexistence. It expresses the absolute necessity of humanity's eminent peril caused by the various forms of hate-filled influence and hateful actors intensifying each persons risk of encounter assault or affronts, as we prosecute each day. Etaim Tu's essential basis in the past lessons and truths given to mankind throughout the ages leading to the current real-time, is intended to be a reiteration of these messages and truths to awaken mankind to become cognizant of the issue it is facing in Hatreds wide spread influence on the direction societal evolution has taken, and the need for concerted efforts to be made to counteract and redirect its path towards peace, freedom, equality and prosperity. Over all the subject presenting the most immediate threat and in need of most rapid correction, Hatred's Eradication most take top consideration. This volume is the first of a series to define the tenets of Etiam Tu to shift the paradigm of existence towards a more Utopian reality. Eradicating Hatred identifies and explains the dangers presented by Hatred and their threat to our continued and long term existence. All of this is done in light of the goals for humanity spelled out by Etiam Tu.INTERVIEW WITH TAK TSE PROFIT
How did you get started writing?
A good friend told me of a play she wanted to right and asked me to collaborate on it. We were in 6th grade.
Do you have a writing routine?
Only to be prepared to take advantage of any idle time to continue my project.
Do you write every day?
Once I have started a project, yes: for the most part everyday.
What do you wish you’d done differently when you first started the publishing process?
I wish I had started the promotion process earlier than I did. But the total project lasted nearly ten years, so I couldn't realistically see an end to it soon enough to be sure when to start marketing.
What do you think is hardest aspect of writing a book?
Editing. I tend to do this in phases, and it consumes a lot of time, and you are never really sure you have gotten it exactly right.
How often do you read?
Only during the breaks between completing one section and starting the next section, I do it to clear my mind so I can start the new subject.
What is your writing style?
A great deal of preparation. Extensive research and note collection and distillation to create key ideas, then honing those down to actual specific thoughts for inclusion. Then organizing them in to a cogent theme and putting them to a final version. Also I tend to be redundant, purposely. I write many run-on sentences and do not apologize for them. They are complete thoughts. Also I like to create a sort of swoon or disorientation in the readers mind with my descriptions. I take my style from Ayn Rand in that.
What do you think makes a good story?
Imagery and word pictures creating the sense of being present in the story.
Is writing your dream job?
No, philanthropist is my ultimate goal, I just need success to achieve it.
Do you have any marketing tips you could pass on to indie authors?
Use technology as much as possible; avoid hand writing as much as you can – it only wastes time.
If you could only watch one television station for a year, what would it be?
Independent Film Channel
How often do you tweet?
Weekly posts, daily retweets.
How do you feel about Facebook?
A great tool reaching a huge population that is sometimes mismanaged.
For what would you like to be remembered?
The love I have for humanity, and my attempt to try and wake it up and correct its course.
Would you make a good character in a book?
I am a character in everything I have ever written, in the future this will become more clear. I am a force for good, but I am not perfect.
What five things would you never want to live without?
Internet Access, Coffee, cool water for swimming, freedom from the struggle to survive, needed medications.
What’s one thing you never leave the house without (besides your phone).
My ink pen.
What do you love about where you live?
The scenery.
What’s your favorite fast food?
Arby's seasoned curly fries.
What is your superpower?
Logic and recognizing probability .
What do you wish you could do?
If a wish was granted I would ask to be able to control the actions of anyone I had touched.
What would you name your autobiography?
The One.
Would you rather be a movie star, sports star, or rock star?
Movie Star. That gives you the greatest opportunity to impact the widest audience.
What choices in life would you like to have a redo on?
All the way back to my very young childhood, I should have started doing what I am best at on my very first opportunity to do so.
Who is your favorite fictional character?
Francisco d'Acconia in Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.
Describe yourself in 5 words.
Driven by love for mankind.
What is your favorite movie?
I claim that it's Pulp Fiction, but there are many close seconds, like It's a Wonderful Life.
What are you working on now?
My next book is two books in one/or two separate titles in Etiam Tu Which Are Whose God? And VIPreA (Voluntary Individual Perception (rational and emotional) re Alignment.

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