Carrie Singleton forgoes her purple hair and Goth attire to become head of programs and events at the Clover Ridge Library. She finds herself embroiled in solving a cold case and a new murder with the occasional help of the library’s sixty-something ghost amid family squabbles, romance and discovering her place in life.LOVE OR HATE INTERVIEW WITH ALLISON BROOK
A few of your favorite things:
Books, clothes, lipsticks.
Things you need to throw out:
Clothes I no longer wear, books I’ve read, papers I think I might need.
Things you need in order to write:
My computer, my outline, my mind.
Things that hamper your writing:
My cat needing to be fed, email, I need to look something up, email .
Things you love about writing:
When it flows, when I had a new idea that perfectly suits the plot.
Things you hate about writing:
When I’m stumped about something, there’s always so much that needs to be done regarding promotion.
Hardest thing about being a writer:
Resolving a plot problem, getting all that PR done.
Easiest thing about being a writer:
Getting into a scene and the words simply flow; hearing or reading that someone loved reading your book.
Things you love about where you live:
I love my house, having friends close by, lots of trips and activities if I want to partake.
Things that make you want to move:
A woman in my HOA is suing the board and causing everyone aggravation, a neighbor I dislike.
Things you never want to run out of:
Good books, good TV shows and movies, good conversation with friends.
Things you wish you’d never bought:
A few pair of pants that are a bit too snug .
Words that describe you:
Friendly, funny, interesting.
Words that describe you but you wish they didn’t:
Impatient, can come on strong.
Favorite foods:
Pasta, cheese, duck, fish, lobster.
Things that make you want to throw up:
Burned food, hearing upsetting stories about people, about animals being mistreated, medical details while I’m eating.
Favorite music or song:
Cassical, old show tunes, folk music.
Music that make your ears bleed:
Hard rock.
Favorite beverage:
Something that gives you a pickle face:
Pickles, but I still like them.
Favorite smell:
Freshly cut grass .
Something that makes you hold your nose:
When fertilizer’s put down on the lawn.
Something you’re really good at:
Writing, knitting, speaking Spanish .
Something you’re really bad at:
Understanding stocks and bonds .
Something you wish you could do:
Ride a horse.
Something you wish you’d never learned to do:
Drive a shift car.
Something you like to do:
Travel in foreign countries .
Something you wish you’d never done:
Gone to an event just to be nice .
Last best thing you ate:
Lobster crepe.
Last thing you regret eating:
Polluted fish that gave me hives.
Things you’d walk a mile for:
Gelato, clothes shopping.
Things that make you want to run screaming from the room:
Snakes, snarling dogs.
Things you always put in your books:
Touch of romance .
Things you never put in your books:
Physical abuse.
Things to say to an author:
I loved your book. When is the sequel coming out?
Things to say to an author if you want to be fictionally killed off in their next book:
Your sleuth is boring. I figured out the murderer on page sixty.
Favorite places you’ve been:
Cote d’Azur, English countryside.
Places you never want to go to again:
Favorite genre:
Mystery, women’s fiction .
Books you would ban:
Books filled with abuse against women and children.
Things that make you happy:
Seeing my grandkids, eating dinner out with my significant other, watching a good movie.
Things that drive you crazy:
A slowdown in traffic because people are rubbernecking; people who talk too loud in restaurants or during a movie.

A former Spanish teacher, Marilyn Levinson is the author of mysteries, romantic suspense and novels for kids. She writes the Twin Lakes Mystery series and the Golden Age of Mystery Book Club Mystery series. Death Overdue, written as Allison Brook, is the first in her Haunted Library Mystery series. Library Journal has given the book a star review and named it a Pick of the Month. Blackstone has recorded an audiobook version of Death Overdue. Marilyn lives on Long Island, where many of her novels take place.
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