If you're an author, and you're saying to yourself, "Dang, I want to answer those twenty silly questions," just let me know! I'm always looking for new victims...er...I mean willing participants. And now, let the games begin...
1. Brent Hartinger
Brent is the author of the Russel Middlebrook series.1. Love or money?
Does anyone really pick money?
2. Plain or peanut?
Plain for the first twenty years of my life, but weirdly, peanut now.
3. Beef or chicken?
Chicken. Or tofu. (I know, I know.)
4. Coffee or tea?
Tea. Specifically green.
5. Oxford comma: yes or no?
OMG, don't start! Yes, a thousand times, yes! It's a question of CLARITY!
6. Hardback or Kindle?
I love my Kindle. Now I can take 50 books on the cruise and not break my back. (And if 49 of them turn out to be duds, I can buy more!)
7. Salty or sweet?
Sweet, although it's a close call.
8. City or country?
City. I like the country, but it's where I go when I want things to be simpler and slower and a little boring. And I'm starting to see how this questionnaire could start a lot of arguments.
9. Dog or cat?
Cat. I'm allergic to dog people.
10. Fame or fortune?
Is this case, I'm picking the cash. I've met a lot of celebrities over the years (a few are kinda sorta friends). And it looks horrible. No, after seeing the pressures of the spotlight close-up, I would never ever want fame, not in a million years. And I'm totally serious about this.
11. Laptop or desktop?
I need an ergonomic keyboard or I turn into a serial killer. So desktop.
12. Health food or junk food?
Health food. But I swear I'm actually kind of fun in person.
13. Mountains or beach?
Beach in the summer, mountains in the winter.
14. Gourmet or diner?
Now this just depends. Actually, I'd probably prefer a good bowl of pho.
15. Sweet or unsweet? (Tea of course.)
Unsweet. Oh, God, I'm pathetic, aren't I?
16. Humor or drama?
Humor. And for the record, it's true what they say: comedy is harder than drama.
17. Dr. Seuss or Mr. Spock?
Even Sophie couldn't make this choice. It's impossible.
18. Halloween or Christmas?
Christmas, although Halloween is the second best holiday of the year.
19. Spring or fall?
Fall is more beautiful, but spring is better because it means summer is coming.
20. Morning or night?
Night. The deeper, the better.
Brent was featured on A Blue Million Books on March 29, 2013. Read his interview.
2. James Moushon
James is the author of Jonathon Stone Mystery series.1. Love or money?
Love – It’s too late for the money.
2. Plain or peanut?
Peanut – Sometimes I feel like a nut.
3. Beef or chicken?
Chicken – Where is the beef?

4. Coffee or tea?
Coffee – No weak tea here.
5. Oxford comma: yes or no?
No – Let the Brits do it their way.
6. Hardback or Kindle?
Kindle – Digital is the wavy.
7. Salty or sweet?
Salty – Beer and peanuts.
8. City or country?
Country – U.S.A.
9. Dog or cat?
Dog – Lassie.
10. Fame or fortune?
Fame – Not a fortune cookie.
11. Laptop or desktop?
Laptop – going mobile.
12. Health food or junk food?
Junk food – Wings and things.
13. Mountains or beach?
Beach – Ocean breeze.
14. Gourmet or diner?
Diner – Burger and fries type of guy.
15. Sweet or unsweet? (Tea of course.)
Sweet – Lots of sugar.
16. Humor or drama?
Humor – Everyone likes a good joke.
17. Dr. Seuss or Mr. Spock?
Mr. Spock – It’s all about the ears.
18. Halloween or Christmas?
Christmas – The beginning.
19. Spring or fall?
Spring - Baseball time.
20. Morning or night?
Morning – Sunshine and the smile of the flowers.
James was a guest on A Blue Million Books on April 6. Read his interview.
3. Alan Brenham
Alan is the author of Price of Justice1. Love or money?
2. Plain or peanut?
3. Beef or chicken?

4. Coffee or tea?
5. Oxford comma: yes or no?
6. Hardback or Kindle?
7. Salty or sweet?
8. City or country?
9. Dog or cat?
10. Fame or fortune?
11. Laptop or desktop?
12. Health food or junk food?
Health food
13. Mountains or beach?
14. Gourmet or diner?
15. Sweet or unsweet? (Tea of course.)
16. Humor or drama?
17. Dr. Seuss or Mr. Spock?
Mr. Spock
18. Halloween or Christmas?
19. Spring or fall?
20. Morning or night?
Alan was featured on A Blue Million Books on March 13, 2013. Read his interview.
4. Dorothy Morris
Dorothy is the author of the Mockingbird Hill series.1. Love or money?
I have learned how fickle love is, so I’ll take the money.
2. Plain or peanut?
3. Beef or chicken?

4. Coffee or tea?
5. Oxford comma: yes or no?
6. Hardback or Kindle?
7. Salty or sweet?
8. City or country?
9. Dog or cat?
10. Fame or fortune?
11. Laptop or desktop?
12. Health food or junk food?
Health food
13. Mountains or beach?
14. Gourmet or diner?
15. Sweet or unsweet?
16. Humor or drama?
17. Dr. Seuss or Mr. Spock?
Mr. Spock
18. Halloween or Christmas?
19. Spring or fall?
20. Morning or night
Dorothy was featured on A Blue Million Books on February 20, 2013. Read her interview.
5. Elvie Dell
Elvie is the author of All About Me.1. Love or money?
2. Plain or peanut?
3. Beef or chicken?
4. Coffee or tea?
5. Oxford comma: yes or no?
Yes, but does it really matter?
6. Hardback or Kindle?
7. Salty or sweet?
8. City or country?
9. Dog or cat?
10. Fame or fortune?
11. Laptop or desktop?
12. Health food or junk food?
Health food
13. Mountains or beach?
14. Gourmet or diner?
15. Sweet or unsweet? (Tea of course.)
16. Humor or drama?
17. Dr. Seuss or Mr. Spock?
Dr. Seuss
18. Halloween or Christmas?
19. Spring or fall?
20. Morning or night?
Elvie was featured on A Blue Million Books on March 25, 2013. Read her interview.
6. Natasha House
Natasha is the author of Superhero Princess and the Curse of the Rainbow Fairy.1. Love or money?
2. Plain or peanut?

3. Beef or chicken?
4. Coffee or tea?
5. Oxford comma: yes or no?
I’m confused
6. Hardback or Kindle?
7. Salty or sweet?
8. City or country?
9. Dog or cat?
10. Fame or fortune?
11. Laptop or desktop?
12. Health food or junk food?

Health food
13. Mountains or beach?
14. Gourmet or diner?
15. Sweet or unsweet? (Tea of course.)
16. Humor or drama?
17. Dr. Seuss or Mr. Spock?
Mr. Spock
18. Halloween or Christmas?
19. Spring or fall?
20. Morning or night?
Natasha was featured on A Blue Million Books on November 21. Read her interview.
7. Tracy Kauffman
Tracy is the author of My Boyfriend the Squire.1. Love or money?

2. Plain or peanut?
3. Beef or chicken?
4. Coffee or tea?
5. Oxford comma: yes or no?
6. Hardback or Kindle?
7. Salty or sweet?
8. City or country?
9. Dog or cat?
10. Fame or fortune?
11. Laptop or desktop?
12. Health food or junk food?

Junk food
13. Mountains or beach?
14. Gourmet or diner?
15. Sweet or unsweet? (Tea of course.)
16. Humor or drama?
17. Dr. Seuss or Mr. Spock?
Dr. Seuss
18. Halloween or Christmas?
19. Spring or fall?
20. Morning or night?
Tracy was featured on A Blue Million Books on April 1, 2013. Read her interview.
8. Troy Jackson
Troy is the author of The Elementals.1. Love or money?
2. Plain or peanut?

3. Beef or chicken?
4. Coffee or tea?
Neither – Mountain Dew!
5. Oxford comma: yes or no?
6. Hardback or Kindle?
7. Salty or sweet?
8. City or country?
9. Dog or cat?
10. Fame or fortune?
11. Laptop or desktop?
12. Health food or junk food?

13. Mountains or beach?
14. Gourmet or diner?
15. Sweet or unsweet? (Tea of course.)
Neither – Mountain Dew!
16. Humor or drama?
17. Dr. Seuss or Mr. Spock?
Mr. Spock
18. Halloween or Christmas?
19. Spring or fall?
20. Morning or night?
Troy was featured on A Blue Million Books on February 11, 2013. Read his interview.
9. Billie Thomas
1. Love or money?
Love! (Apparently)
2. Plain or peanut?
3. Beef or chicken?
Beef, the bloodier the better
4. Coffee or tea?
Tea, preferably in the form of chai latte
5. Oxford comma: yes or no?
No, no and no!
6. Hardback or Kindle?
Hardback, always.
7. Salty or sweet?
Sweet AND salty. Two great tastes that taste great together.
8. City or country?
Country (with a city nearby)
9. Dog or cat?
10. Fame or fortune?
11. Laptop or desktop?

12. Health food or junk food?
Health food
13. Mountains or beach?
Mountains (but not the cold kind)
14. Gourmet or diner?
15. Sweet or unsweet? (Tea of course.)
Unsweet (Blasphemy, I know)
16. Humor or drama?
17. Dr. Seuss or Mr. Spock?
Dr. Seuss.
18. Halloween or Christmas?
Christmas! (But without the pesky murders)
19. Spring or fall?
20. Morning or night?
Billie Thomas's main character Chloe Carstairs was a guest on A Blue Million Books on April 4. Read her interview.
10. Sean Sousa
Sean is the author of The Forever Saga: Flash1. Love or money?
Definitely love – money comes and goes, but love from spouse, family, and friends gets us through. Although, buying a yacht one day would be rad.
2. Plain or peanut?
I’m torn – I like the taste of peanut M & M’s more, but you get less of them in the bag. You get a lot of plain, but then you get zero peanut. I can’t even.

3. Beef or chicken?
A complete tie. Chicken is my bread and butter during the week, but nothing beats a good steak, burger, or carne asada burrito.
4. Coffee or tea?
I used to drink black coffee at work every day, with a healthy amount of cream and sugar. I had energy that put most squirrels to shame. Alas, I had to quit (the coffee, not my job). Earl grey is my homeboy.
5. Oxford comma: yes or no?
Oxford comma all the way. It helps break down a list of subjects better in a sentence. Plus, it just sounds literary, dignified, and awesome.
6. Hardback or Kindle?
The Kindle is lightweight and stores hundreds or books, but hardcover/paperback books are great décor for the home. Another tie; this one’s going to overtime.
7. Salty or sweet?
Both – that’s why I love Snickers.
8. City or country?
What does the suburbs qualify as? I gotta go with city; just being around a lot of people and a lot of fun places gives me energy.
9. Dog or cat?
Definitely dog. Cats are cute and nice in certain ways, but I know the truth. I was once told I was allergic to cats, but I think it’s really an innate ability to sense evil.
10. Fame or fortune?
Great question; I’d go with fortune on this one, just because I’d have more resources to give to others.
11. Laptop or desktop?
Both sound great as I type this on my 7 year-old PC, but if I had to upgrade I’d go with a shiny new iMac.
12. Health food or junk food?
Sometimes I have to offer a sacrifice to my sweet tooth, but healthy food all the way!

13. Mountains or beach?
Here in southern California, we have both, but generally it’s less exhausting to get to the beach. Also, the beach doesn’t potentially have bears, bees, or coyotes.
14. Gourmet or diner?
While I appreciate the presentation and intention behind gourmet cuisine, its food is so well-presented on the plate that I don't want to eat it - I want to take a picture of it. Diner food may not always look "pretty" but hey, it looks good in my stomach!
15. Sweet or unsweet? (Tea of course.)
Sweetened tea for sure. Unsweetened tea reminds me too much of my black coffee binge years ago…|
16. Humor or drama?
Humor, without a doubt. Most fiction takes itself way too seriously these days.
17. Dr. Seuss or Mr. Spock?
Dr. Seuss - because his sick rhymes were always on the loose. Imma dance so watch my caboose.
18. Halloween or Christmas?
Christmas, because it A) has much more meaning, B) involves more tasty things than Halloween, C) doesn’t include gruesome or hooched-out costumes, and D) presents.
19. Spring or fall?
Gonna go with spring – the warmer weather, the smells in the air, the signs of summer on the horizon – everything in nature starts to come alive again after the winter.
20. Morning or night?
To quote a wise man, “the nighttime is the right time.”
Sean was featured on A Blue Million Books on April 5, 2013. Read his interview.
So there you have it. I think the results were very interesting. There were some questions that were close, some that even tied. But there was a definite preference for love, chicken, fortune, dogs, and Christmas. So how about you? How did you answer? You know you totally took the test. Send me your answers! There will be another Ten Authors, Twenty Questions feature soon. Are you up for the challenge?