There’s a lot of noir surrounding this rare pinot.
As the vineyards in Seneca Lake, New York, prepare for the seasonal “Deck the Halls Around the Lake” festivities, someone is determined to keep pinot noir off the wine list. Hijacked trucks and sabotaged ingredients have made it a hard-to-acquire vintage for the six local wineries—including Norrie Ellington’s Two Witches Winery.
The case of the stolen and spoiled wines gets stranger when Arnold Mowen, owner of the company distributing the wine, is found dead, the apparent victim of a hunting accident. As Norrie tries to find the connections between the pinot’s problems and Arnold’s death, she uncovers a conspiracy among many locals whose hatred for the wine distributor was bottled up for far too long . . .
Book Details:
Title: Pinot Red or Dead?
Author: J.C. Eaton
Genre: Cozy Mystery
Series: The Wine Trail Mysteries, book 3
Publisher: Kensington Lyrical Underground (March 2019)
Print length: 206 pages
Q: If you could live in any time period which would it be?A: Ann and Jim – Right here. Right now. We cannot live without hot and cold running water, HVAC, or our TV!
Ann – Ancient Rome in 79 A.D. but nowhere near Mt. Vesuvius.
Jim – Turn of the twentieth century on the French Riviera.
Q: If you could step back into a moment or day in time, where would you go?
A: Ann – 1964 in Kingston, New York, when folksinger Phil Ochs, who shared a taxi with her, invited her to join him in Woodstock and meet his friend, Bob Dylan. She refused. Of course, she was only fourteen! Jim – Back to Spain in 1986. Best time ever!
Q: If you could be anything besides a writer, what would it be?
A: Ann – museum curator for antiquities.
Jim- cowboy.
Q: If you had to do community service (or already do volunteer work), what would you choose?
A: Ann and Jim – We’ve both volunteered at animal shelters and continue to help rescue pets in need of homes.
Q: If you could choose a fictional town to live in what would it be and from what book?
A: Ann – anywhere in the Cotswolds from Nancy Atherton’s Aunt Dimity series.
Jim – Salmon Cove, Maine, Lee Hollis’s Death of a Lobster Lover.
Q: If you could live anywhere in the world, where in the world would it be?
A: Ann – Salamanca, Spain where they have the best paella in the world.
Jim – The French Riviera, but only if he had a fancy convertible.
Q: 5 favorite possessions:A: Ann – old Russian samovar, rock collection, Latin club t-shirt that’s one step away from disintegrating, Euro pillow, ancient computer.
Jim – old Boston sweatshirt, old Ren-fest sweatshirt (Hmm, seems we’ve got a theme), rock collection, TV remote, special frying pan.
Q: 5 things you need in order to write:
A: Ann – absolute quiet, computer, chocolate, Coke, dictionary.
Jim – pad and pencil, decent pens, comfortable recliner, comfortable sweatshirt and sweatpants.
Q: 5 things you never want to run out of:
A: Ann and Jim – toilet paper, computer paper, water, chocolate, Tylenol.
Q: 5 favorite places you’ve been:
A: Ann – Russia, Spain, Mexico, Canada, Peru.
Jim – France, Spain, Mexico, Russia, Puerto Rico.
Q: 5 favorite things to do:
A: Ann – write, swim, hike, eat, talk.
Jim – sleep, write, exercise, walk the dog, go to ball games.
Q: 5 things that drive you crazy:
A: Ann and Jim – Arizona drivers, being put on HOLD, grocery shopping, doing taxes, cleaning the litter box after you’ve just cleaned it.
Q: What’s your all-time favorite movie?A: Ann and Jim – The Court Jester with Danny Kaye. We love it!
Q: What’s your all-time favorite city?
A: Ann and Jim – Ottawa.
Q: What’s your favorite meal?
A: Ann – Wonton soup, NY style egg rolls, spare ribs.
Jim – spaghetti and meat sauce.
Q: What’s your favorite dessert?
A: Ann – Chocolate mousse, Jim – banana split.
Q: What’s your favorite beverage?
A: Ann – Coke.
Jim – Earl Grey tea.
Q: What’s your favorite ice cream?
A: Ann – Chocolate chip.
Jim – chocolate-chocolate
Q: What’s your favorite thing to do when there’s nothing to do?
A: Ann and Jim – READ!!!
Q: What’s your favorite candy bar?
A: Ann – Hershey’s.
Jim – Milky Way.
Q: What’s your favorite movie snack?
A: Ann and Jim – popcorn.
Q: What’s your favorite social media site? Would you rather tweet or post on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest . . .?
A: Ann and Jim –We’d rather post on Facebook.
Q: What’s one thing you never leave the house without?
A: Ann and Jim – our keys!
Q: What is the wallpaper on your computer’s desktop?
A: Ann – our cat.
Jim – the default blank screen.
Q: What movie genre do you prefer: drama, comedy, action, adventure, thriller, or horror?
A: Ann and Jim – all of the above.
Q: What’s your all-time favorite place you’ve visited?
A: Avila, Spain.
Q: What’s your latest recommendation for:
A: Food: Shrimp in garlic sauce.
Music: The Band, Rolling Stones.
Movie: The Court Jester, Meet Me in St. Louis, The Dirty Dozen.
Book: Rosemary Simpson’s What the Dead Leave Behind.
Ann I. Goldfarb
New York native Ann I. Goldfarb spent most of her life in education, first as a classroom teacher and later as a middle school principal and professional staff developer. Writing as J. C. Eaton, along with

James E. Clapp
When James E. Clapp retired as the tasting room manager for a large upstate New York winery, he never imagined he’d be co-authoring cozy mysteries with his wife, Ann I. Goldfarb. Non-fiction in the form of informational brochures and workshop materials treating the winery industry were his forte along with an extensive background and experience in construction that started with his service in the U.S. Navy and included vocational school classroom teaching.
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