Kristan “Stan” Connor loves concocting tasty organic treats for dogs and cats—and she also loves her fiancé, pub owner Jake McGee. But she’s not so enthusiastic about finding a dead body at her own bachelorette party . . .
Stan and Jake’s wedding will soon take place on the town green in Frog Ledge, Connecticut, followed by a reception at their beloved Irish pub filled with friends, family, and their four favorite canine companions. Stan just has to endure the traditional girls’ night out first. Male strippers jumping out of gigantic cakes aren’t her preferred entertainment. But the hired hottie never gets around to taking it all off . . . because someone takes him out first with one of Stan’s kitchen knives. A heartbroken Stan recognizes the victim as one of the delivery men from the local farm—who must have been moonlighting for some extra cash. Now the guest list has turned into a suspect list—and Stan’s making a vow to find the killer . . .
Book Details:
Title: Murder She Meowed
Author: Liz Mugavero
Genre: Mystery
Publisher: Kensington Books (January 28, 2919)
Print length: 360 pages
On tour with: Great Escapes Book Tours
A few of your favorite things: Books, dogs, cats, shoes.
Things you need to throw out: Not throw out, but I should probably donate some books . . .
Things you need in order to write: Essential oils, coffee, potato chips.
Things that hamper your writing: Netflix.
Things you love about writing: Those moments when the words flow.
Things you hate about writing: First drafts.
Things you love about where you live: Being near the water, my sushi restaurant, being near the city.
Things that make you want to move: Winter!
Things you never want to run out of: Coffee.
Things you wish you’d never bought: That pint of almond milk mint chocolate chip ice cream.
Words that describe you: Intense, motivated, creative, loyal, empathetic, spiritual.
Words that describe you but you wish they didn’t: Impatient, stubborn.
Favorite foods: Sushi, salad, seafood.
Things that make you want to throw up: Peas.
Something you wish you could do: Dance.
Something you wish you’d never learned to do: Accounting.
Last best thing you ate: French fries.
Last thing you regret eating: French fries.
Things you always put in your books: Furry friends.
Things you never put in your books: I don’t put a lot of children in my books, and if I do, they never belong to my main character.
Things to say to an author: Your book really entertained me/helped me through a rough time/gave me a lot of pleasure.
Things to say to an author if you want to be fictionally killed off in their next book: I have a great story you should write for me . . .
Favorite places you’ve been: London, Key West.
Places you never want to go to again: A cruise ship.
Favorite things to do: Hanging at home snuggling with my fur babies and someone I love Things you’d run through a fire wearing gasoline pants to get out of doing: Work events . . .
Best thing you’ve ever done: Left behind a life that wasn’t working for me (twice) to follow a new path.
Biggest mistake: Buying real estate.
Liz Mugavero writes the Pawsitively Organic Mysteries, the first of which was an Agatha Award nominee for Best First Novel. The sixth book in the series, Purring Around the Christmas Tree, was released in fall 2017. As Cate Conte, Liz also writes the Cat Cafe Mysteries, which launched in 2017. The second book in the series, Purrder She Wrote, is coming this summer. She lives in Connecticut with her rescue pals.
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