Too many suspects can be as bad as no suspects at all . . .
Lark Davis, horse trainer and reluctant amateur sleuth, is sure that her crime-solving days are behind her. At least that’s what she told her grandmother. However, when her Homeowners Association President and owner of the local hardware store is found dead the day after she had a public fight with him, Lark is back in the last place she wants to be — the middle of a murder case.
But this is Barrow Bay, and things are never as they seem. Gerald Pratchett had a list of enemies a mile long, and each one had a very real reason for wanting to see him gone. When the police get overwhelmed with too many suspects, including herself, Lark realizes that it is up to her to bring his killer to justice.
Nothing can stop Lark from finding out the truth — and getting her man.
Book Details:
Title: Load Up
Author: Annabelle Hunter
Genre: cozy mystery
Series: Lark Davis Mysteries, book 3
Publish date: October 29, 2019
Print length: 200 pages

A few of your favorite things: my family, my animals, my books.
Things you need to throw out: catalogs. I keep too many catalogs.
Things you need in order to write: people not bothering me and an electronic devise that’s connected to the internet. Everything else is optional.
Things that hamper your writing: children; husbands, my need for sleep.
Things you love about writing: creating a story, meeting the new characters.
Things you hate about writing: editing. Nothing like thinking it’s great and then paying for someone to tell you it’s not. And then realizing that they’re right and you need to change it. Then you get to rinse and repeat until you publish.
Easiest thing about being a writer: writing. I love to write. Too much.
Hardest thing about being a writer: editing and taking other people’s advice.
Things you love about where you live: sunshine.
Things that make you want to move: sunshine.
Things you never want to run out of: chocolate.
Things you wish you’d never bought: chocolate.
Words that describe you: awkward.
Words that describe you but you wish they didn’t: awkward.
Favorite foods: bread pudding.
Things that make you want to throw up: broccoli.
Favorite music: I like too much! Umm… anything popular is a good bet.
Music that make your ears bleed: I’m not a huge fan of mariachi, but I can enjoy it. I like music.
Favorite beverage: coffee .
Something that gives you a pickle face: Lemons. Lemons in water.
Favorite smell: orange blossoms.
Something that makes you hold your nose: broccoli.
Something you’re really good at: reading.
Something you’re really bad at: riding horses. Doesn’t stop me though.
Something you like to do: go to Ireland. Something you wish you’d never done: I don’t regret much, mostly because that would be too much. Last best thing you ate: sushi
Last thing you regret eating: hamburger, but mostly because it was fattening, and I should have made a better life choice.
Things you’d walk a mile for: books, author signings, comic con, my horse.
Things that make you want to run screaming from the room: politics.
Things to say to an author: I loved your books.
Things to say to an author if you want to be fictionally killed off in their next book: traditionally published authors are better and have less typos. It’s not true. Typos are amazing. They are persistent. They plague us all. It’s just trying to put people down.
Favorite places you’ve been: London.
Places you never want to go to again: the grocery store.
People you’d like to invite to dinner: everyone. Then panic, freak out, hide in my room, and not want to talk to anyone.
People you’d cancel dinner on: see answer above.
Favorite things to do: read, write, ride.
Things you’d run through a fire wearing gasoline pants to get out of doing: cleaning.
Things that make you happy: my children, my husband and my animals. Things that drive you crazy: see the above.
Most embarrassing moment: too many to come up with only one. Proudest moment: publishing my fourth book
Biggest lie you’ve ever told: I’m going to sleep after this chapter (reading and writing)
A lie you wish you’d told: no, that dress looks great. I’ve learned it’s better to say the truth, and help them find an actually good dress.
Best thing you’ve ever done: had children. Biggest mistake: had children.
Most daring thing you’ve ever done: publish a book. Something you chickened out from doing: showing my horse. I have the worst show anxiety.
The last thing you did for the first time: ate crawfish.
Something you’ll never do again: try and watch a live action movie with a two toddlers.

Annabelle Hunter is a stay-a-home mother of two precious little girls and too many animals. She had written four books, three in the Lark Davis Mysteries series. She reads too many books, writes any second her daughters let her, and rides in her spare time.
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