About the book:
Playbook incorporates the actual training manual used by Russian operatives trained in the former USSR. In Playbook you will learn that America’s traditional culture has been targeted for subversion using highly sophisticated psychological measures with the goal of imploding the United States upon itself. Once imploded, a Marxist inspired central government will be reconstituted by both elected and unelected American political operatives. It is the author’s contention that this subversion plot was initiated in the 1960s and is well on its way to success.Excerpts from A Look Inside the Playbook: How Marxists Plan to Destroy America
Excerpt No. 1
“We begin as we always begin, with great patience and a plan. We must first attack our enemy’s nuclear family structure because that is the framework within which they pass down their traditional American values to their children and all future generations. We will focus our assault upon their children while they are away at school. Young minds are malleable and vulnerable. We will have access to their children for six or more hours per day, nine or more months out of the year. America’s public schools will become our indoctrination camps where child by child, mind by mind, we will chip away at everything our enemy holds dear. We will not move too quickly, for it is much easier to sneak up on your enemy and kill him little by little than it is to attack everything he stands for all at once.”
Excerpt No. 2
“We must condition children to believe in communal and socially rooted determinism, not personal responsibility. Even when confronted with, as our enemy would say, “God-given talent,” we shall emphasize the environment and diminish internal factors. Rest assured that our view will come to dominate and give us the leverage needed to control our enemy. This is because citizens like to think that given the right opportunity and environment, they too would have been great, talented and rich. It feels good to blame others or outside forces for your shortcomings. The fact that the vast majority of people are average, by definition, means we can blame our enemy for the average person’s relative lack of brilliance, talent and achievement. We shall brainwash all children to be treated as though they are geniuses in the making. We shall give them rewards, accolades and special achievement awards for merely showing up in class. Remember, there are no “average” children, only brilliant children who have been oppressed by our enemy.”
Guest Post
At the outset author Dr. Napoleon wishes to disabuse the reader of the understandable misunderstanding that he is a political writer. Nor is he a political ideologue or partisan. Playbook is a journalistic effort not a political tome. As an expert on mind control strategies Dr. Napoleon came to recognize that something and/or someone was orchestrating the changes he saw on objective psychological tests among clients, patients and the general population. Not only were American attitudes changing at an unprecedented pace but the degree of homogeneity of attitude change suggested to him that a coordinated effort was being made to create a uniformity of thought in the population as a whole. Who would do this? How would they do this and why? The search for the answers to these
About the authors:
Dr. Anthony Napoleon, PhD is a California licensed clinical psychologist, with a specialization in medical and forensic psychology. His work at Indiana University at Bloomington included dual majors in the psychology department’s honor’s program and in I.U.’s school of journalism. Dr. Napoleon is an expert on mind control and how psychology can be used to modify cognitive and affective neurological function.Yevgeni Yevtushenkov was a high ranking operative in the KGB who was responsible for helping to provide fundamental research for its “Active Measures” unit. This group of Russian human behavior experts was charged with developing the psychological strategies and tactics that have been used so successfully to subvert the people of the United States.
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