Sunday, February 28, 2016



Cam Shaw is hoping that her life will be ghost-free from now on. But that hope dies with the appearance of Mac “the Faker” Green, a wise-cracking ghost from Vegas who has followed her grandmother home. And during the opening night of Blithe Spirit, someone has sent Susan Ingram to her ghostly afterlife. What does her death have to do with the death of her mother-in-law fifty years ago? Who is trying to wipe out the Ingram family one person at a time? And when will that Vegas ghost stop sticking his nose into Cam’s business?


Teresa, what books do you currently have published?
Since November 2011, I have published seven books for the Lizzie Crenshaw series; one book for Charlie Bannerman; two books for the Ghost Writer series; and two box sets.

Is writing your dream job?
I would have to say yes. I’ve been writing since I was in the fifth grade.

How often do you read?
I read books like people drink coffee. If I get on a roll, I can read two or three books in one day, depending on the length.

If you could only watch one television station for a year, what would it be?
Hmm, that’s a toss up between the Animal Planet channel (I love Tanked and Treehouse Masters) or ESPN (or NFL Network, NHL channel, MLB Network . . . I have a thing for sports)

How often do you tweet?
Not as often as I should. I used to a lot when I first joined, but when I started writing more regularly, I drifted over to Facebook.

How do you feel about Facebook?
Facebook, for me, is great. My editors are on there as much as I am, and we’re able to do a lot of brainstorming, especially when I’m stuck on a particular point of a story.

What’s your favorite thing to do?
My favorite thing to do is watch a good sports game or a movie with my husband, usually here at home.

What's your favorite treat for movie night?
It varies. Since we’re usually here at the house, then I’ll make some ultimate fudge brownies or cookies.

Can I come over? What's the biggest lie you ever told?
“Yes, I really liked that book.”

Ha! What’s your favorite fast food?

What’s your favorite beverage?
Dr Pepper.

What drives you crazy?
When I work like crazy to clean the house, and my husband trashes it in less than a day.

Where is your favorite place to visit? Springfield, Missouri . . . it’s where my mother and my son live.

What would you name your autobiography?
Queen Klutz Lives, or How I manage to maim myself without realizing it and still survive.

Would you rather be a movie star, sports star, or rock star?
Movie star.

Do you give your characters any of your bad traits?

Oh, yes. Lizzie is as big of a klutz as I am, and she drinks WAY too much Dr Pepper (although I have been cutting back lately).

Do you procrastinate?
I'm making a note to answer this one later.

What’s your favorite/most visited Internet site?
Facebook, with ESPN a close second

What’s in your refrigerator right now?
A bowl of spaghetti and a bowl of meatballs. I’m trying to decide which one I’m having for dinner.

What is your most embarrassing moment?

Well, I know most of my friends would vote for the time I tore two ligaments in my ankle trying to reach for something in the back of my car trunk.

What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to write?
My father’s eulogy last year (should be self-explanatory)

Yep. Who is your favorite fictional character?
Jo from Little Women. I have a lot in common with her.

How do you like your pizza?
Light sauce, double cheese, beef and ham.

What is the wallpaper on your computer’s desktop?
A snowy mountain scene.

What would you do for a Klondike bar?
Not a thing; I don’t eat them. Now a Snickers bar is a different story . . .

What is your favorite movie?
The Quiet Man, with John Wayne and Maureen O’Hara

Do you have a favorite book?
Little Women.

What are you working on now?
The next Lizzie story, Death Drives a Zamboni.

I love that title! I hope you'll come back when you're ready to talk more about it!


Let’s see, I’ve lived in Texas most of my life, although I’m not a native Texan. I was actually born on an Army base in Washington State. I’m a daughter, a wife, a mother, a sister, a friend to many. I have a bachelor’s degree (trust me, it’s a LONG title, you don’t want to know). I love sports, and although I live near Dallas, I root for the Redskins and the Steelers, much to the chagrin of my Cowboys-loving husband. No pets (my son is severely allergic to every kind of pet!). In my spare time, I crochet, read, play Lego games on my WiiU, and this spring, I’m going to learn how to do woodcarving!

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Saturday, February 27, 2016



SERIES NAME: The Black Door trilogy

GENRE: Erotic romance


PUBLISHER: Limitless Publishing


When Gabriella Woods finds matches from a gentlemen’s club in her fiancé’s pocket, her suspicions require a search for answers.

At the club, she realizes it’s not her fiancé’s fidelity that can’t be trusted . . .

It’s her own.

Darion Milano is daring, intriguing, and unpredictable . . .

Unable to get him out of her head — and against Darion’s explicit warning — Gabi begins a torrid affair. No longer fighting the urge to enter the depth of his dark and mysterious lifestyle, she indulges in his most intimate desires.

They become the most exciting, wild, infatuated couple everybody knows.

Until his confession changes everything . . .

Her heart is telling her to stay.

Her instinct is telling her to run.

She can never match his outrageous ex-wife and become the fun, fearless woman he craves…
Or can she?

Discover a world of sex, secrets, and seduction.


S. Valentine grew up in England. Studying English language and literature, as well as law, she worked in a solicitors for many years before moving to Spain. She does however still visit the UK, which in a way, will always be home.

Returning to her lifelong passion of writing books, she’s also a weekly columnist for The Ibizan newspaper on: lifestyle and fashion. Her other interests include reading, shopping and a nice glass of wine to shows such as Sons Of Anarchy, Dexter, Gossip Girl and SATC. She’s a social media addict, and loves connecting with new people.

For more information, please visit: If you join her newsletter, you will be the first to receive sneak peeks of chapters, teasers, news, giveaway prizes and more!

Connect with the author:
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His Confession was a surprisingly engaging read with believable characters who were easy to connect with.It dealt with subjects a little different to what I'm used to, but the author did a great job of pulling me into her world.” - Mia Hoddell, YA/NA author

”His Confession pulled me through from the first paragraph! The enigmatic Darion practically leapt off the pages and I could picture his every move and facial expression clear as day in my head! This story is definitely one to add to your “want-to-read” list-especially if you love a captivating plot as well as scenes so hot that they fog up your glasses. I don’t want to say too much and spoil it for future readers but DARION and GABI put Christian and Ana to SHAME! Enough said. LOL.”  - Kiarra M. Taylor, contemporary romance author of THE QUARTER CHANGE

”I loved it and I'm excited to read more to find out what happens. Darion is a great guy who was hurt badly and doesn't know how to handle, which in steps Gabi. Love love love her! Hopefully she fights for him! When does the next book come out, as I'm dying to know what comes next! I also hope the girls get their own stories.”  - Susan Flynn, Beta reader Writers club

”S. Valentine does an exquisite job at creating a dynamic between two characters, both from different worlds, that goes beyond a physical attraction.

His Confession is book one in The Black Door Trilogy. It is a fast paced story that is full of hotness and anticipation that heats you up from your head to your toes. Gabi, is tired of always playing it safe. Darion, has demons that he can no longer control.
When these two get together, boundaries are pushed, control is tested and emotions run wild.”  - AV. Scott, author of High Heels & New York

A brilliant book which leaves you wondering what happened in Darion's past that has left him so wary and so afraid to put himself and his heart out there not to mention to put his faith and trust in Gabi, the one woman whose managed to penetrate the walls he's built.
I can't wait for book 2 and I'm hoping that Darion and Gabi can overcome the obstacles that stand in front of them, including Eva, Darion's ex wife.”  - Rebecca Barber, author Nobody's Obligation

Friday, February 26, 2016


Happy Homicides 2: Thirteen Cozy Mysteries (Crimes of the Heart)
Cozy Mystery Collection
Print Length: 597 pages
Publisher: Spot On Publishing (February 14, 2016)


In this mystery anthology, Happy Homicides 2: Thirteen Cozy Mysteries, Crimes of the Heart, the authors include Joanna Campbell Slan, Teresa Trent, Neil Plakcy, Elaine Viets, Annie Adams, Camille Minichino, Nancy Jill Thames, Linda Gordon Hengerer, Kathi Daley, Carolyn Haines, Anna Celeste Burke, Randy Rawls, and Maggie Toussaint. 

Love can be deadly. As proven by these traditional mysteries, cunningly crafted by thirteen bestselling and award-winning authors. Nearly 500-pages of heart-warming, brain puzzling, and character-driven reads. Your purchase includes a free gift, a file with recipes and craft ideas sure to put you in a romantic mood any time of the year!


Stupid Cupid: A Cara Mia Delgatto Novella by Joanna Campbell Slan: Cara Mia’s search for love gets her involved in a star-crossed, homicidal romance.

A Heart for Murder by Teresa Trent: An expensive family heirloom is stolen from a local jewelry store, and Betsy Livingston Fitzpatrick would love to figure out who’s responsible.

 For the Love of Dog by Neil Plakcy: A young woman’s death causes a man to consider the many aspects of love. Is it ever a justification for murder?

Wedding Knife by Elaine Viets: A groom learns to take his vow – Till death do we part — very, very seriously.

Death and a Dozen Roses by Annie Adams: Plucky florist Rosie McKay is reunited with an old love, thanks to complications that happen when she tries to deliver a dozen roses.

The Sodium Arrow by Camille Minichino: The love of a student for a favorite teacher drives a freelance embalmer to seek out justice.

Sweets, Treats, and Murder by Nancy Jill Thames: Jillian Bradley is a widow with no children, but she still has a keen sense of family. Her love of a good mystery sets her and her canine companion, Teddy, on a quest for justice.

Dying for Valentine’s Tea: A Beach Tea Shop Novella by Linda Gordon Hengerer: The three Powell sisters want their friend Thelma to find true love, but they’re having trouble believing her fiancé has her best interests at heart.

The New Normal by Kathi Daley: Although her own dreams have been shattered, Ellie Davis finds it impossible to quit loving an old friend, even after he’s accused of murder.

Bones and Arrows by Carolyn Haines: Intrepid Sarah Booth Delaney would rather face a gun than a party on Valentine’s Day. Not surprisingly, she’s decided that Cupid is a big phony. But is he a jewel thief, too?

Murder at Catmmando Mountain: Georgie Shaw Cozy Mystery 1 by Anna Celeste Burke: Georgina Shaw loves her cat, chocolate, and cooking. When she’s framed for a crime, she’s forced to reconsider her priorities.

The Missing Jacket by Randy Rawls: A golfing buddy offers Jonathan Boykin big money to retrieve a stolen jacket, but Jonathan suspects something else is going on. Jonathan is smart enough to discern the difference between love and lust. But can he also figure out the scam?

Really, Truly Dead by Maggie Toussaint: Lindsey McKay has no desire to return to small town life. But her love for her father brings her back home when he’s accused of murder.

~ Bonus Story ~

Impediments: A Kiki Lowenstein Short Story by Joanna Campbell Slan—Family problems and priestly politics threaten to derail a love match, until Kiki Lowenstein suggests a surprising solution.

Find out about the authors on their webpages below.

Maggie Toussaint

And get to know one of the authors, Maggie Toussaint, in the interview below.


Maggie, do you write every day?
I stay on track when I set word count goals by the week. I write best in the morning, so that’s my top priority each morning. As we know, life often intervenes, and we don’t have our “primo” time available for writing. Then I have to get creative to meet my word count goal. I might jot down bullets on areas to pursue, or I might deepen someone’s character so that I learn something else about him or her. I might search out photo writing prompts related to my work-in-progress. Sometimes, I’ll pull out a notebook and write everything that comes to mind – the story will eventually make its way into the narrative. There’s just more junk in the way during the non-prime time writing window.

How often do you read?
Daily. Sometimes hourly. Enough said!

What is your writing style?
My style is heavily about the people and the places they live. I do my level best to make setting a character in each story. Though my early books were set in Maryland, I now write exclusively about the Georgia coast and the unique flavor of life here.

What do you think makes a good story?
I thoroughly enjoy a book with a solid whodunit that keeps the reader guessing. That book is even better if it has a romantic subplot. Since I write what I like to read, my favorite genre is romantic cozy mystery. My Really, Truly Dead novella falls solidly into this genre.

What’s one thing you never leave the house without?
My keys. It is no fun being locked out of your own home. We’ve left keys with neighbors before, but they are often busier than we are. We’ve hidden keys in safe places, but someone always forgets to put that key back. It’s better to carry your keys with you all the time.

What do you love about where you live?
My house looks out onto a salt marsh. Every day, there’s something different outside. Some days the marsh is golden like a wheat field; other days it’s the color of growing corn stalks. Birds come and go, chasing after the marine life in the twice daily tides. If I didn’t have this drive to keep writing, I’d be out and about snapping pictures all the time.

What’s your favorite beverage?
Everyone who knows me can answer this question: tea! I have always loved tea, even during my young adult Coca Cola phase. No matter what other liquid tempts me, tea is what I always come back to, whether it’s iced or hot. This beverage can be both energizing and comforting, and the peppermint kind can even settle your stomach. How can you go wrong with tea?

I totally agree! What is the most daring thing you've done?
Back in the day, my friends and I loved climbing trees to the very tippy-top. From there we became entranced with the idea of climbing on roofs. As children do, we figured out when there would be no adults at my one-story house and figured out to climb up on the roof. The view was excellent up there, but I didn’t like getting near the edge. Too scary.

If that wasn’t enough, from there we climbed down and used a plum tree to gain access to the carport, which had a tin roof. The metal flexed made creaks and groans as we walked on it. Because we had to drop down on the roof from the tree, we would have to leap up and out to grab the branch. None of us wanted to do that. The other two gals jumped to the ground from the carport roof just fine. It took me a long time to jump down.

Miraculously, we were safe, but apparently we dislodged shingles from the main roof by walking on it and were busted! Our punishment included a long lecture, and bedtime right after supper for a week. Purely torture when there was at least three good hours of daylight left.

What would your main character say about you?
Lindsey McKay in Really, Truly Dead would consider me a soulmate. Both of us have spent time in the newspaper industry, both of us have had to face fears, both of us love dogs and our families, and both of us value the results of hard work. Although, of the two of us, Lindsey is the only one who is still a natural redhead.

What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to write?
One of the scenes in Really, Truly Dead was very hard to write. My sleuth, Lindsey, has been dumped in the ocean. Her brother drowned in the ocean and that’s been her biggest fear of her adult life – drowning. I share this fear with her, though my brother is alive and well. 

Consequently, I’m careful about water safety, but it was nearly paralyzing to write of her being stranded offshore. I tried glazing over her fear, but a beta reader felt the scene lacked intensity. I realized the intensity was in my head, so I bled it out on the page. I hope it will leave everyone with a healthy respect of the world’s oceans.

What is the wallpaper on your computer’s desktop?
I have a beautiful scene from a kayak trip I took with my husband. The water is slick calm, and the surface reflects nature’s beauty from all sides. It still takes my breath away.

Do you have any hidden talents?
I enjoy photographing the sights of coastal Georgia and showing them to readers and fans. We have something quite beautiful and unspoiled down here.

What is your favorite movie?
Galaxy Quest. If you’re not familiar with it, the premise is a take-off on Star Trek and stars Tim Allen. I regularly watched every Star Trek show as a kind, so this spoof was hysterically funny for me. I’ve even watched it multiple times and still laugh at the jokes.

If you had to choose a cliché about life, what would it be?
I was struck by the aptness of this phrase long ago, and it still applies. “The hurrieder I go, the behinder I get.” There’s a lot to be said for going about things in a logical manner and not flinging around trying to get an inhuman amount done in five minutes.

What are you working on now?
I’m writing a sequel to my Really, Truly Dead novella for the next Happy Homicide anthology. Turtle Tribbles will be out in June. In the novella, my sleuth, newspaper editor Lindsey McKay, faces death as she tries to figure out who killed the Turtle Girl.


Southern author Maggie Toussaint loves writing mysteries. She’s published twelve novels in mystery and romantic suspense. Under the pen name of Rigel Carson, she’s published three dystopian thrillers. Bubba Done It, book two in her dreamwalker series, is her latest cozy mystery release. The next dreamwalker book, Doggone It, releases October 2016. She also writes and publishes short stories and novellas. She’s a board member for Southeast Mystery Writers of America and Low Country Sisters in Crime.

Connect with Maggie:
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Wednesday, February 24, 2016



Introducing Blackie, an unusual feline hero, and his companion Care in the first of this dark new mystery series.

Three figures, shadowy against the light. That’s all I remember from my past life, as I am dragged, dripping and half-drowned, from the flood. My saviour, a strange, pink-haired girl, is little help. She can barely care for herself, let alone the boy she loves. And although she has sworn to avenge the murder of her mentor, she must first escape the clutches of drug dealers, murderers and thieves. I would repay her kindness if I could. But we are alone in this blighted city – and I am a cat.

The past is an enigma to Blackie, the voice of Clea Simon’s dark new mystery. Combining elements of feline fantasy and classic whodunit, The Ninth Life introduces this unusual hero and his companion, Care: two small creatures in a nightmarish urban landscape, fighting for their lives, and for the lives and memories of those they love.


Clea, how did you get started writing?

I’ve written since I could read. I always loved making up stories!

Do you have a writing routine?
Yes, I make myself write every day, Monday through Friday. It’s a good discipline and gets me used to writing. If I don’t do it, for any reason, I really miss it!

Do you write every day?
I write every weekday, unless I’m revising, in which case, I write where it’s necessary (but I work at my books Monday through Friday).

What do you think is hardest aspect of writing a book?
The discipline of revising. It is so very hard to read through what you think is perfect and to look for the flaws – for the things you thought you put in there but that are still really in your head. Very hard – and very necessary!

Very true. What’s more important – characters or plot?
Character. I fall in love with the characters of the books I read. That said, I do think both are important!

How often do you read?
Everyday, at the very least the newspaper in the morning and whatever book I’m in at bedtime.

What do you think makes a good story?
Characters you can really relate to – they don’t have to be nice, but they do have to be empathizable-with – and a journey or a quest that makes sense to me. Does that make sense?

Sure. What books do you currently have published?
I have three nonfiction books in print and  . . .  Hmmm . . . with The Ninth Life, I have 20 mysteries in print! But there’s a 21st in the copy editing stage (the next Dulcie Schwartz, Into the Grey).

What do you know now that you wish you knew then?
That it is important to make even the minor characters distinctive. That’s hard to do!

Do you have any secret talents?
I can fit an almost unlimited number of dishes into the dishwasher. Also, I have great parking-space karma.

Is writing your dream job?
Of course!

What is the worst job you’ve ever had?

I worked as a clerk typist in the billing office of an anesthesiologists group one summer. The office had no windows, and since we were the billing office, we didn’t even see the patients or the doctors.

What did it teach you?
It taught me that I needed to do anything but that!

Do you have any marketing tips you could pass on to indie authors?
Write the best book you can. Focus on that, rather than on pushing it everywhere – pushing it on everyone will just annoy people who might otherwise support you.

If you could only watch one television station for a year, what would it be?
Probably HBO. As a novelist, I love the long-form dramas!

How often do you tweet?
Whenever I have any news or anything fun to report. Often several times a day!

How do you feel about Facebook?
It’s my water cooler, aka my favorite waste of time! I go there whenever I need a break.

Would you make a good character in a book?
No, I’m not half as brave or adventurous as I should be!

What five things would you never want to live without?
My glasses, a Kleenex, a book (or kindle), my wallet.

What do you love about where you live?
I can walk to three excellent bookstores (two of which are indies!), two of my favorite coffeehouses, and a wine and cheese shop, and I still have trees in my yard (three!) and wild bunnies – so it’s the perfect mix of city and not-so-city.

What's your favorite treat for movie night?

A bottle of champagne … and takeout Korean!

Would you rather be a movie star, sports star, or rock star?
Rock star. Are you kidding? I used to play in bands, and the only way I get through my workouts is by pretending that I’m singing/playing whatever song is on my iPod. I have an amazing range!

Do you give your characters any of your bad traits?
Of course! They’re human, aren’t they?

Do you procrastinate?

Yes. I’ll explain later . . .

What’s one of your favorite quotes?
“Bash it out now. Tart it up later.” Rocker Nick Lowe was talking about music, but he might as well have been talking about writing first drafts of novels.

If you had to choose a cliché about life, what would it be? It’s too short!

What are you working on now?
The second Blackie and Care mystery, tentatively titled As Dark As My Fur.


Clea Simon worked as a journalist and non-fiction author before turning to crime (fiction). Best known for her series of cozy mysteries starring cat-lover Theda Krakow, Clea Simon grew up in New York, before moving to Massachusetts to attend Harvard. She fell in love with the area and now lives in Somerville, Massachusetts, with her husband and their cat, Musetta.

Connect with Clea:

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Monday, February 22, 2016



A graduate student from Hawaii visits the tiny bayou town of Sinful, Louisiana to investigate the effects of the oil spill on the local wildlife. Sinful resident Fortune Redding, who happens to be a CIA operative hiding out from a ruthless arms dealer, worries that the nosy newcomer might blow her cover. In fact, he does make a disturbing discovery – and unleashes forces that will go to any lengths to protect Sinful’s darkest secret.


Frankie, what do you think is hardest aspect of writing a book?

I think it’s the middle. Outlining the plot is fun; polishing the manuscript is rewarding; forcing myself to sit down and translate the plot outline and story beats into a manuscript, that’s the toughest part for me.

How often do you read?
I read a little every day, while I’m exercising on the elliptical machine. It’s really the only chance I get to read for pleasure.

Do you have any marketing tips you could pass on to indie authors?

If you can participate in Kindle Worlds, do it. I’d never written fan fiction, but then Amazon introduced Kindle Worlds, a forum for “legit” fanfic. Bestselling authors granted permission for fans to write in their worlds, the resulting works were put up for sale, and the fanfic writers split the royalties with the original authors. Now, I’d already read and loved a lot of Jana DeLeon’s work, so when I saw that her Miss Fortune world was open on Kindle Worlds, I just had to try it. I was comfortable writing in the Miss Fortune world because I was already a fan of the books and had read the whole series, and I really had fun with it! Sinful Science has done very well on Kindle Worlds, and I’m seeing some sell-through to my other books. If you can find a Kindle World similar to your own writing, it’s a great way to connect with new readers.

How often do you tweet?
I’m a haphazard Tweeter. I’ll always retweet NASA’s Picture of the Day, just because it’s cool, but that’s the only think I do consistently. My “method” is that every so often I open up Twitter and then retweet things I think are funny or important.

Would you make a good character in a book? 
Maybe I could be the “straight man” foil to the wacky main character, but I’m too boring and sensible to carry a story by myself.

What do you love about where you live?
Well I live in Hawaii, so there’s a lot to love. Of course there’s the weather and the beautiful scenery. But one thing that’s great about here, especially when you have kids, is how indifferent most people are to brand names and status symbols. There’s no pressure on kids to wear a certain brand of shoes, and no one cares what kind of car you drive. When people have money they spend it on experiences like travel.

What’s your favorite thing to do on date night?
A casual Pau Hana, or happy hour. Invite a few friends over for potluck, have someone bring a guitar, and spend the evening eating, drinking, listening to live music, and unwinding.

What do you wish you could do?
Star Trek-style teleportation. Hawaii is the most isolated inhabited land mass in the world; it’s a five-hour flight to the West Coast. As safety regulations have become stricter, and the number of flights has declined, flying has become less and less enjoyable. And there’s really no alternative.

Do you give your characters any of your bad traits?
Like me, my protagonist Molly Barda has a touch of social anxiety, so she shows up late to Mass on purpose to miss the Passing of the Peace.

What would you name your autobiography?
“Let me get back to you.” Seriously, procrastination is a struggle for me.

Scroll down for the Rafflecopter. One lucky winner will get paper copies of The Case of the Defunct Adjunct and The Musubi Murder.


Like the characters in her campus murder mysteries, Frankie Bow teaches at a public university. Unlike her protagonist, she is blessed with delightful students, sane colleagues, and a perfectly nice office chair. She believes if life isn't fair, at least it can be entertaining. In addition to writing murder mysteries, she publishes in scholarly journals under her real name. Her experience with academic publishing has taught her to take nothing personally.

Connect with Frankie:

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Thursday, February 18, 2016



CeCe Prentice returns with her band of Dumpster-diving pals in this fast-paced mystery that puts the eco-friendly heroine back on top—of a pile of trash.

When Big Bob, manager of the town dump, goes missing, CeCe is worried about more than where she’ll score her next salvaged car. First at the scene when Bob’s body is recovered from under the weekly recycling haul, CeCe is quick to identify potential witnesses and provide crucial scene sketches. But when CeCe is uncharacteristically startled by an unidentified woman at Bob’s abandoned house, her artistic talents are challenged, and her drawings, much to her frustration, come up short.

With CeCe’s observational talents on the fritz, Detective Frank DeRosa, CeCe, and her network of Freegans are forced to recreate Big Bob’s life from the garbage up. The team is soon thrust into the underworld of recycling where what appears to be junk could actually be the clue that saves a life.


Dierdre, how often do you read?
I’m always reading something. I start the day with the New York Times and then I juggle a few magazines a week. I can easily move from news to gossip as in Time magazine to People magazine. I used to work for Time Inc., so I enjoy having lots of magazines at my disposal.

I also stop by my local library once a week where I choose three books. I know this might sound odd, but I can’t seem to break my three-book habit – never more, never less. I started my three-book routine as a teenager, and it continues to this day. I may not finish all three books within the week, but that’s my goal.

What books do you currently have published?

The first book in the A Sketch in Crime mystery series, Drawing Conclusions, was published in Feb 2015. The second book, Drawing Blood, became available on February 8, 2016. The third book, tentatively titled, Drawing Fire, will be available in February 2017.

You may notice the titles all include the word ‘drawing.’ The main character, CeCe Prentice, is a sketch artist and helps the police solve crimes using her artistic talents.

Do you have a writing routine?
I have a writing and a thinking routine. When I’m writing, I’ll write everyday for six months straight. If I’m not writing then the rule is that I have to be thinking. I have a journal where I jot down notes, and I’ll often pull articles from newspapers or magazines and tape them into my journal.

My protagonist, CeCe Prentice, is an eco-friendly, Dumpster-diving artist. Years ago, I stumbled upon a newspaper article about extreme, eco-friendly lifestyles. This type of content is right up my alley. I start thinking, then researching and finally writing. Hopefully, this routine will continue to inspire more books in my series.

Is writing your dream job?
My dream job is storytelling. When I look back at my career, I realize that each job I’ve had involves storytelling.

My original background is in business – specifically marketing where I spun stories about products. I eventually left a corporate job, and for the past sixteen years, I’ve been teaching college where I weave stories about marketing. Of course the best place to tell stories is in books which is what I’m doing now.

If you could watch one television station for a year, what would it be?
Oh! This question is so unfair for a devout channel surfer. I will admit, however, to one television vice. I’m addicted to TLC, but in my defense, I include the channel as part of my writing research. TLC does a great job bringing average people with interesting stories to the forefront. Is it scripted? Of course it is, but I write books, and I appreciate a good script. 

What five things would you never want to live without?
My library card
My bathrobe
Elizabeth Arden 8-hour cream
A pad
A pencil

And may I please have a cup of coffee?

Oh, all right! What do you like to do when there is nothing to do?
Now that my two boys are in their teens and basically self-sufficient, I’ve allowed myself a small indulgence. In the summer, I sit on my deck with a book and promptly fall asleep. I like to tell myself that this is actually part of my thinking routine, but it’s not.

Would you rather be a movie star, sport star or rock star?
Move over Pat Benatar and make some room for me on that stage. I would give anything to sing one song, on tune from beginning to end. Unfortunately for my family and those around me, I’m embarrassingly tone deaf. My voice is not even worthy of ‘Wheels on the Bus.”

I’ve considered giving this lack of talent to my protagonist, CeCe Prentice, but I love her too much to curse her with a torturous singing voice.

Do you procrastinate?
I have the opposite personality of a procrastinator. In fact, I tend to prepare so far in advance that I forget what I was doing in the first place. That’s why, somewhere hidden in my house, are a stack of holiday presents I pre-purchased, stored and now can’t find. 

What is the stupidest thing you have ever done?
The stupidest thing I’ve ever done was hitchhike in Fort Lauderdale during Spring Break. Long story short, the car’s interior door handles had been ripped out and I was trapped in the back seat with my college roommate . . . Wait a second; maybe this is the beginning of a story?

No fair! That story was too short. What is your most embarrassing moment?
Let me take you back to the mid-1970’s when the wrap-around skirt was popular. The thing about those skirts is that they wrap and they unwrap which is exactly what happened to me in my school cafeteria. Are you cringing?

I'm right there with you. What is your favorite quote?
My favorite quote is “You are your actions.” This quote came in handy as I developed the characters in my series. I wanted my characters’ actions to describe their personalities and reveal their motivations. This quote helped me keep character consistency throughout multiple manuscripts.

What’s your favorite song?

This is so easy. My favorite song is Otis Redding’s "Coffee and Cigarettes" and here’s why I love this song: I’m not a ‘bells and whistles’ type of girl. I don’t need sunsets and white horses to create a moment. I like to keep things simple, and that’s what Otis Redding does in this song. In "Coffee and Cigarettes," a man is spilling his heart out to his girl over a cup of coffee – "I don’t want no cream and sugar, ‘cause I’ve got you."

What is your favorite movie?

My favorite movie is Grease. That’s right. Only I could pick a movie that requires me to sing along (horribly) with Olivia Newton John.

What are you working on now?

I’m writing a book set in the 1970’s for two reasons. As a child of the late ‘60’s and early 70’s, this era holds great memories for me. But more importantly, I’d like to write a book that occurs before the technology explosion. It’s so easy now to press a button and have an entire mystery solved by a Google search. I’d like the characters in my next book to work a bit harder to find the answer.


Deirdre Verne (Lower Westchester, New York) is a mystery writer, college professor, and an active college blogger. Deirdre’s interest in green living inspired her to create an off-the-grid character who Dumpster dives her way through the “Sketch in Crime” mystery series. Verne’s second book, Drawing Blood, is available in February 2016. “A dysfunctional functional family to die for . . . [CeCe Prentice’s] second case is every bit as twisty and surprising.” -Kirkus Reviews.

A member of Sisters in Crime, Deirdre’s short stories appear in all three New York chapter anthologies – Murder New York Style, Murder New York Style: Fresh Slices, and Family Matters.

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Tuesday, February 16, 2016



No Reason For Insanity is a tale of intrigue, concentrating on the thoughts and actions of Haszard, the narrator. It is a whodunit with dark, and occasionally light humour, using lateral thinking as Haszard works through the bizarre murders to discover links. There is tension and danger throughout, plus a desperate fight for survival.

Intrigued by the bizarre events surrounding the murder of a friend, Haszard is asked by the family to look in to the matter. Against the advice of his friends, he begins making enquiries, and is disturbed when he realizes that it may well be someone he knows.

As progress is made, further events occur, endangering the life of Haszard and his friends, and he is forced to delve into the deepest recesses of his resourcefulness . . .

Crime Mystery
Date Published: 2/12/16

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Walking away from the house I said nothing but had a feeling something sinister was afoot. Gerry, a non-swimmer who was terrified of water, would never go near a swimming pool, yet he’d been found in one. Wrong. Everything about this was wrong. Gerry used to joke that he only ever showered because the water in the bath was too deep, therefore him being found in a swimming pool bordered on the surreal.

Why, though, would someone want to murder a man like Gerry? He was probably the nicest man I’d ever met, never having a bad word to say about anyone. I’d never heard of him being involved in any kind of conflict—nothing at all. In fact, the same went for the entire family. Sylvia was a church-going lady who involved herself with charity work, raising money for disadvantaged children, seldom going out to restaurants or the like, choosing to remain at home where she organized dinner parties for friends.

Alec’s only confrontation was on the rugby field, the young man spending the majority of his time with fiancée, Loretta, the couple enjoying their weekends in the great outdoors, rock-climbing, canoeing, and pony-trekking.

Donna, who’d not long turned twenty-one, was probably the more outgoing member of the family, although she seldom frequented nightclubs, preferring to see live bands instead. I knew that she’d recently split with a long-standing boyfriend; nevertheless, that was an amicable parting and therefore couldn’t be put forward as a motive for anyone to wish harm on the family, especially her gentle father.

The way that I saw it, there was no reason anyone should want to harm Gerry, and certainly not his loving wife Sylvia or their children, Alec and Donna.

“Haz, are you all right?” Sabrina asked as we entered the car.

I shrugged. “I’m just bothered about what Loretta said. Something’s not right about all this. We’re seeing Vicky tomorrow night, so I’ll ask her what she thinks and if there’s anything she can tell us.”


Kevin E. Hatt is a registered medical professional and advanced life support provider at one of his local hospitals. His love of writing began at school, and continued on into his twenties. In nineteen eighty-four he began his medical training, and in nineteen eighty-seven began writing what is now the Haszard Narratives. They were, though, shelved when he pursued another love, that of art, and he left the medical profession in two-thousand to become a freelance art consultant, teacher, demonstrator, framer and retailer. In twenty-ten he returned to the medical profession, and also resurrected the Haszard series. He now lives in the north east of England with his wife of twenty-five years and his daughter of twenty-three.

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Saturday, February 13, 2016



Buckle up for hours of laughter, romance, and excitement with this Jersey Shore Mystery. When handsome detective, Bryce Kelly, is accused of a crime he didn’t commit, he finds himself on the run and in hiding. Can amateur sleuth, Chelsey Alton, and a few quirky friends help him find the real killer and prove his innocence before it’s too late? If you love mysteries, don’t miss this humorous whodunit!

"Major Crimes is a revealing, compelling mystery story that's hard to put down." ~D. Donovan, Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review 

"If you are looking for a good mystery with a touch of humor, romance, detective work and more, then Major Crimes is a surefire winner." ~Trudi LoPresto, Readers' Favorite


What is the worst job you’ve ever had?

I worked in a pizza place for two days when I was a teenager. Italians screaming at me all day (which I should have been accustomed to from my big, crazy, Italian family), customers stiffing me for tips, dishwashing duty. Ugh. 30 years later and I still cringe. I’ve had a deep respect for wait staff everywhere since.

What’s in your refrigerator right now? 
My fridge was the inspiration for the main character’s fridge in Major Crimes! Like Chelsey, there is mainly food fit for a toddler and a few frozen things: Chicken nuggets, mac & cheese, peanut butter & jelly, eggs, milk, cheese, and frozen burgers. What can I say? I’m not much of a cook!

What’s your favorite thing to do on date night? 
I’m a bit of a foodie, so I love to explore new places to eat and drink. I love local wineries, food truck events, or food/dessert tastings! Ironic, considering I don’t have much food in the fridge. Lol. Or maybe not so ironic . . . I guess I’m a going-out-to-eat-kind of a gal instead of a making-food-at-home one.

What do you love about where you live? 
My house makes me feel like Cinderella. I live against the woods that lead to a creek, so there are so many animals in my yard: raccoons, chipmunks, squirrels, groundhogs, muskrats, eagles, Great Blue heron, egrets, goldfinch, cardinals, and more! What I don’t like so much . . . deer ticks. My husband and my dog have had Lyme disease. Not fun. I also love that I live within an hour of just about everything you can think of to do! The mountains, skiing/snowboarding, the beach, two major cities:  Philly and New York, casinos, shopping, boating, fine dining, etc., etc.

What five things would you never want to live without?
Lactaid pills, lol. What is life without ice cream?
Facebook. How would I ever keep up with everyone?
GPS. Gone are the days of my getting lost on a traffic circle.
The Internet. Much better than the encyclopedias of my day!
Electricity. After Hurricane Sandy, and being without it for a couple of weeks . . . you really learn how to appreciate the simple things.

Is writing your dream job?
Absolutely!  It still is only a dream for me, because right now, I have a full-time job in government that pays the bills!! While I love writing, it is only a part-time job for me until I retire.

What do you wish you could do?
Travel more. I got bit by the travel bug years ago. If money and days off from work were no objects, then I’d love to see more of the world. I’m hoping Hawaii is in the cards later this year! I’m hoping to see Europe and Australia some day!

Where is your favorite place to visit?
For a day trip, I’ve always loved the Jersey Shore. (I guess that’s why I write about it so much!) It’s only an hours’ drive to any one of the beautiful beaches. Now that I have a toddler, we enjoy the boardwalk games and rides with her and making fun memories there.  For a longer vacation, I love cruising to the Caribbean. Any island will do for me! Flip flops, sand, sun, salt air, swimming. A few of my favorite things.

What books do you currently have published? 
I have the first four books in the Jersey Shore Mystery Series: Red Tape, Tax Cut, Community Affairs, and Major Crimes, and I have six children’s pictures books: B is for Beach, S is for Shore, Nobody Bullies Bub, That Witch Ripped Up My Flowers, Oh No! Snow!, and Bub and Guy Wish Upon a Star.

What are you working on now? 
I’m working on my next children’s picture book, There’s a Monster in My Mouth. I wrote it a while ago, but never got around to illustrating it. I’m also in the midst of brainstorming for a Book #5 in the Jersey Shore Mystery Series. At minimum, Chelsey needs to figure out her love life!


Michele Lynn Seigfried is the author of humorous & award-winning cozy mystery novels and a children's picture book author/illustrator.

She lives in New Jersey with a husband who makes the house shake every time he burps, a three-year-old fashionista, and a field dog who's allergic to the field.

She has a BA in Communication with a minor in Art and works full time as a Municipal Clerk. She is a member of SCBWI, Sisters in Crime, and the New Jersey Author's Network.

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Thursday, February 11, 2016



As darkness blankets the holy city of Charleston, South Carolina, Brack Pelton, an Afghanistan War veteran, steps out of a rundown bar after a long night. Before he gets to his truck, he finds himself in the middle of a domestic dispute between a man and a woman on the sidewalk. When a little girl joins the couple and gets hit by the man, Brack intervenes and takes him down. But the abuser isn’t finished. He pulls a gun and shoots the woman. Brack saves the little girl, but his world has just been rocked. Again.

The next day, while sitting on a barstool in the Pirate’s Cove on the Isle of Palms, his own bar, Brack scans the local paper. The news headline reads: Burned Body of Unidentified Hispanic Man Found at Construction Site. Nothing about a dead woman in the poor section of town. Brack feels a tap on his shoulder and turns around to see an eight-year-old girl standing behind him. She’s the little girl he rescued the night before, and she wants him to look into her sister’s shooting.

Violence and danger make up Brack’s not-too-distant past. Part of him craves it – needs it. And that part has just been fed. Things are about to heat up again in the lowcountry. May God have mercy on the souls who get in the way.


Brack Pelton is a widower, an ex-Marine from the Afghanistan War, and an ex-racecar driver. Six-foot, two-hundred-ten pounds, dark hair and dark eyes, he smokes Cuban and Dominican cigars and drives very fast cars while chasing the bad guys or when trying to get away. He also owns a beach bar and does a very poor job of keeping out of trouble and from being shot at.

main character in Burning Heat

Brack, how did you first meet your writer?
Funny story. It was about fifteen years ago. David and some friends were in the Pirate’s Cove, my uncle’s bar on the Isle of Palms.  At the time, I worked summers there during college to help my uncle out and to get beer money. Plus it was the beach so of course I’m going to pick the beach. David, drunk, stumbles between two guys about to fight. Everyone laughed at him. He got there before I could and diffused the situation.  After that, he always got a free beer. He’s a teetotaler now, but back in the day, well . . .  Anyway, a few years ago, I haven’t seen the guy in more than a decade, he comes around and interviews me to be a character in his book.  And here we are.

Tell us about your favorite scene in the book.
When Mutt and I “borrowed” Jon-Jon’s Ferrari and left it in Myrtle Beach. Now that was fun!

Did you have a hard time convincing your author to write any particular scenes for you?
More like I had to have a serious talk or two with him about NOT including a few scenes. Just because something happens doesn’t mean it has to be included in the book. David argued that it wasn’t fair to the “reader” not to include the whole story. I’m not sure what that’s all about, but he seemed adamant so I let it slide.

What do you like to do when you are not being actively read somewhere?
Spend time on the beach with my dog, Shelby. Some of the junk that has happened in my life, like my loved ones dying and war, make me appreciate the little things that much more. I’d be a basket case without Shelby.

If you could rewrite anything in your book, what would it be?
That’s like saying if I could relive something differently. Yes, there are some things. I tend to lose the really good women in my life. I wish that weren’t the case.

Tell the truth. What do you think of your fellow characters?
Brother Thomas can be a real pain in the rear, sometimes. But he’s usually right. His heart is the biggest thing about him, and that’s saying something — he’s like six-three, three-hundred-and-fifty pounds.

Mutt is a desert dog, like me. A real scrapper. He’s saved my bacon more than once. I think he’s forgiven me for knocking him out when we first met. Or he’s just waiting for a chance to get me back, one of the two.

Darcy is Darcy. Anything I say about her could be held against me so I’ll plead the fifth.

My Aunt Patricia is the only family I’ve got left. At least, the only family I still talk to.

Do have any secret aspirations that your author doesn’t know about?
I want to get back into racing. Now that I have some time and a little money, the track is calling.

If you had a free day with no responsibilities and your only mission was to enjoy yourself, what would you do?
That mostly describes my life these days. That is, until Brother Thomas comes calling with some crazy scheme and I get shot at again.

What are you most afraid of?
Losing someone else I love.

What’s your author’s worst habit?
He needs to get out of the house more. Spends too much time behind his laptop. I’ve asked him to hang around the bar again, maybe get shot at once or twice. Could change his whole outlook on life.

What aspect of your author’s writing style do you like best?
I hate to admit it, but he’s got the story down cold. Even the parts I’d rather not talk about.

Describe the town where you live.
I live on the Isle of Palms. It’s paradise, and I’m not joking. We’ve got the ocean, a great beach, million dollar homes. The city of Charleston is only a few miles away. Talk about history! There is no place on earth like the lowcountry of South Carolina. So, stop by my bar, the Pirate’s Cove. It’s beach front!

Will you encourage your author to write a sequel?
Well, Burning Heat is the sequel. I thought I was done with all that nasty business after the first book, Southern Heat. But then the whole thing about Willa Mae happened. And, unfortunately, more has happened since. David is putting the finishing touches on the third book. Don’t want to give anything away, but I’ll just say my life has a whole lot more going on than just suntans and beaches.


David Burnsworth became fascinated with the Deep South at a young age. After a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Tennessee and fifteen years in the corporate world, he made the decision to write a novel. Southern Heat is his first mystery. Having lived in Charleston on Sullivan’s Island for five years, the setting was a foregone conclusion. He and his wife along with their dog call South Carolina home.

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