Saturday, January 30, 2016



Cassie MacLaren has come a long way since being dumped by her long-time boyfriend, a man she believed to be her future. Successful in her job at MacLaren Enterprises, dreaming of one day leading one of the divisions, she’s moved on to start a new relationship, having little time to dwell on past mistakes.

Matt Garner loves his job as rodeo representative for Double Ace Bucking Stock. Busy days and constant travel leave no time for anything more than the occasional short-term relationship—which is just the way he likes it. He’s come to accept the regret of leaving the woman he loved for the pro rodeo circuit.
The future is set for both, until a chance meeting ignites long buried emotions neither is willing to face.

Forced to work together, their attraction grows, even as multiple arson fires threaten Cassie’s new home of Cold Creek, Colorado. Although Cassie believes the danger from the fires is remote, she knows the danger Matt poses to her heart is real.

While fighting his renewed feelings for Cassie, Matt focuses on a new and unexpected opportunity offered by MacLaren Enterprises — an opportunity that will put him on a direct collision course with Cassie.

Will pride and self-preservation control their future? Or will one be strong enough to make the first move, risking everything, including their heart?

No Getting Over You, book seven in the MacLarens of Fire Mountain Contemporary series, is a full-length novel with an HEA.


Staring at the MacLaren family pictures on the wall, Matt waited for Cassie to join him. It had been over thirty minutes, and given her usual insistence on being punctual, he had to attribute the lag to a desire to let him stew. It didn’t faze him one bit. He’d wait her out, no matter how late it got. At some point, she’d have to face him.

“Okay, I’m here now. What do you want to discuss?” Cassie breezed into the room, not making eye contact as she lowered herself into a chair.

Matt held her gaze, uncaring of how stern his next words would sound. “Your thoughts on the changes. Specifically, if you’ll be able to accept I’m your boss and you’ll be reporting to me.”

“And if I don’t?” She lifted her chin, daring him to threaten her.

“You’ll be gone, the same as anyone else.”

Cassie blinked, knowing if she didn’t produce results, her father would agree to a termination. He’d give her no special privileges. Treating family different than regular employees wasn’t tolerated at MacLaren Enterprises. You were professional, showed respect, and did your job. No excuses. If not, you were gone.

“Fine.” She stood, turning toward the door.

“Hold on a minute, Cass.”

“What? There’s more?”

“I want to know what you mean by fine. Are you saying you’ve bought into the program and are on board? I don’t want any misunderstandings between us.” He took a step forward, then stopped when he saw her eyes narrow in frustration . . . or resentment . . . or possibly desire. He couldn’t tell which.

All she wanted was to leave. Get out the door and away from Matt. She’d made him wait for her to join him, not because of the changes, but because her traitorous heart wouldn’t stop pounding like a bass drum. Being this close to him did dangerous things to her body. Breathing became difficult, labored, the walls closing in around her. Ever since she’d spotted him coming through the front door, she’d fought the attraction so hazardous to her health. She could deal with him, but only if he kept his distance and didn’t require face time. Taking a couple steps closer, she tilted her face up, fisting her hands at her sides.
“What I’m saying is I’ll report to you and do my best to meet your expectations. But I’m warning you, Matt. If you start feeding bullcrap reports about my work to Dad and the others, there will be hell to pay!” Cassie’s face reddened as her eyes sparked
Holding up his hands, palms out, he took a step back. “Calm down, Cassie. No one is trying to sabotage you.

“Oh, right. That’s easy for you to say. You waltz in here after disappearing for years, and all of a sudden, you’re the golden boy, handed a promotion which vaults you above Sean, Skye, or even me. We’ve all been paying our dues. What the hell have you done?”

Crossing her arms and planting her feet, she glared at him, daring him to explain.

“I didn’t ask Heath for a job. He came to me. What would you have done?”

Without missing a beat, she took a step toward him, stopping within inches of his face. “I would’ve realized I’d be jumping headfirst into a firestorm. Do you have any idea what it’s like to be in my position with the change? Of course you don’t. You’re still a selfish sonofabitch without a clue of how your actions affect others. It’s always all about Matt and what he wants. No one else matters, and no one gets in your way. Well, I have news for you, hotshot. Your job won’t be some easy ride where you can float to the top on Skye’s and my achievements. You damn well better show everyone how good you are or you’ll be out on your butt just like anyone else.” Her voice had hardened with each sentence until she’d gotten out the ball of frustration knotted inside her.

The clear combination of anger, betrayal, and pain on her face hit Matt like a punch in the gut. He’d had his share of disappointments, knowing how it felt to be shoved aside
“Cassie . . . I — ”

“Save it, Matt. I’ll do the best I can, but it won’t be for you. My best will never be for your benefit ever again.” Turning, she froze at the sight of Heath, Jace, and Rafe standing in the doorway. Pushing past them, she didn’t explain further. She was certain they hadn’t missed a word.


Shirleen Davies has been writing most of her life, but only recently began the transition into fiction. Historical romance, contemporary romance, romantic suspense, and short stories are what keep her reading, so that is the focus of her writing.

She was born in California, grew up between a growing beach town and a small town at the base of the San Bernardino mountains. Her mother originally planned to name her Katherine, but she read an article in the paper about a woman named Shirleen shortly before her birth, so instead of having a cool nickname, like Kate, she is simply Shirleen. Her mainstays growing up were all the Nancy Drew mystery books; she loved them. Eventually she moved on to mysteries, suspense stories, crime novels, and romance. Pride and Prejudice will always be one of her favorites.

Besides California, life changes have allowed Shirleen to live in Oregon, Colorado, and Arizona. Everywhere she has lived has been inspirational in one way or another, giving her the opportunity to meet remarkable people with their own stories to tell. She’s sailed, skied, owned horses plus lots of other animals, and ridden various off-road vehicles. She enjoys dancing, fishing, hunting, being the back-seater on her husband's Harley, traveling and, of course, reading and writing.

Prior to transitioning to writing fiction, Shirleen worked for Fortune 500 and many smaller, start-up companies. Fortunately, she regained my sanity long enough to start her own consulting firm, which she still maintains today. 

Shirleen’s husband and she spend most of their time at their main home in the mountains of Arizona and their second home in Southern California. Between them, they have five boys with growing careers and families of their own. So, from her perspective, her life is a success and always an adventure. She wouldn't change a thing; well, except finding more time to write.

Shirleen loves hearing from readers, so please email her at
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Thursday, January 28, 2016



The alleged suicide of heroin king Jimmy “Sugar” Thomas has a lot of the locals in the backwater town of Mount Bloom asking questions. And the fall-out from his death has his only daughter delving – albeit unwillingly – into the spirit world and running from some harsh allegations made by her current love interest. Is it possible to have loved someone for a lifetime and still not have known him at all? Nicola Thomas is searching for the answer to that question while striving to maintain a status quo façade; and her life only grows more complicated when she joins a testosterone-driven fire department, takes in the local Bad Child, and falls in love.


Lucy, you and I met on a writers site, and I fell in love with your writing. How did you originally get started writing?
I actually started writing before I could write. I can remember my mother helping me put picture books together and penning in the dialogue for me. So the writing process, for me, is nearly as old as myself.

What's your favorite thing about the writing process?
I love having created characters who feel completely real to me – so real that occasionally they seem to solve problems on their own. It seems to me that a writer is often a conduit of sorts. Once we have created our characters, we are then at their mercy. But that’s a good thing, right??

I think so! Do you write every day?
I do try to write every day, whether on my current work-in-process, my blog, queries or whatever else needs to be done. Even if it’s only a tiny bit, I feel better at the end of the day if I have written.

What do you wish you’d done differently when you first started the publishing process?

I sometimes regret having not queried more widely. I think I was essentially lacking the confidence I needed to approach the very best in the business. Next time around, I am shooting for the stars!

Your characters and plots are very realistic. What do you think is more important – characters or plot? I am a character writer. I so enjoy creating a real person, complete with everything that makes us whole. I love the way the characters seem to take over the story and bend it to their own needs.
How often do you read?
Oh, every single day! I won’t be caught without a book, but if I am, I’ll be searching for the closest Barnes and Noble.

I love the way you write. It's almost lyrical. What would you say is your writing style?
A reader once described my novel as “poetic realism,” and I was just so thrilled with that.

I would agree with that description. Is writing your dream job?

Oh, very much so! But I am so blessed to be pursuing my second dream job as well. I work in EMS/fire, which I love, love, love.

I think it's so cool that you work in EMS and firefighting.
 What is the worst job you’ve ever had?
I was a legal secretary, which sounds wonderful, but was not! Imagine wearing a skirt every day!

What did it teach you?
When you work a job you hate, you learn – beyond tenacity – to dream big. Many, many of my hours in the legal office were spent combing the want ads and chanting “I think I can, I think I can.”

If you could only watch one television station for a year, what would it be?
Oh, definitely Disney! I have never outgrown my love for animation.

What five things would you never want to live without?

Is coffee a thing? Surely it is! So: COFFEE, books, chocolate, fuzzy slippers, and bubble bath. I’m all about being comfortable!

What do you love about where you live?
I live in what is basically a prairie state, but my particular location has gentle little hills on all sides, so it feels very protected. On blustery days, I can hear the wind, but it doesn’t touch me. 

What’s your favorite place to go on date night?

Well, my husband and I are both firefighters, so I actually love the unpredictability of date night.

What’s your favorite beverage? From your earlier answer, I'm guessing coffee?
Coffee coffee coffee. Yep, something of a shameless addict.

What is your superpower?
I wake up really well, and very quickly. Zero to 60 in about 3 seconds.

Wow. I wish I could do that. 
Name one thing you’re really good at and one thing you’re really bad at.
I’m really good at kissing boo-boos and really horrible at washing dishes. Although my family allows me to keep the latter job in spite of my poor performance!

What is one of your happiest moments?

To me, the happiest moments are always about the quick, seemingly small things – the hubby’s kiss at the end of the day, the child’s “I love you.”  These are the things I couldn’t live without.

I agree. Where is your favorite place to visit?

Chicago at Christmastime! Everything is so shiny, brash, and noisy. If you could put it in a globe and shake it, it would sound like saxophones, sirens, and trumpets.

Do you give your characters any of your bad traits?
Oh yes! I’ve often wondered, too, if other authors do this? I let my characters swear, smoke, and drink all the rum they want. Living vicariously, you think?

What’s in your refrigerator right now?

I have so much fresh fruit in my fridge right now! Which is unusual for me, to say the least. But I recently purchased a Ninja Bullet, and I am determined to give responsible eating a try.

Who is your favorite fictional character?

I am shamelessly in love with James Lee Burke’s Dave Robicheaux. What a fantastically layered character!

What are you working on now?
I have finished – drum roll!! - my second novel, Maypops in September, and am querying for a wonderful, awesome, top-of-the-line agent.

Good luck, Lucy! You deserve it!


The pen name Lucy Crowe evolved as a desire to include my daughter in my craft – her nickname is Lucy – while at the same time honoring my favorite band, The Black Crowes. I found, a little to my surprise, that I very much enjoy being two people. My alter ego Lucy writes, and has published one novel, Sugar Man’s Daughter with Rainstorm Press, as well as several short stories. She also maintains a website, Facebook page, and Twitter account. Meanwhile, I (Cathy Jones) am a mother of three married to Superman, and extremely active in EMS/firefighting. Needless to say, Lucy and I often collaborate, as I, too, have a few riveting tales to tell.

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Tuesday, January 26, 2016



~ Kira Sutherland ~
After a near fatal accident (and getting cheated on by her 'boyfriend'), and beating up the lead cheerleader (with whom the boyfriend cheated . . .), and being labeled as having 'issues' in her school because she, uhm, sees ghosts, Kira is left with two choices:

1. Continue her 'therapy' (where she's told the ghost is a hallucination and also gets her legs ogled too often . . .)


2. Go to Starkfield Academy, a boarding school for "Crazies and Convicts" (as the social media sites call them.)

She chooses the latter . . .

~ Cory Rand ~
Cory Rand has not had an easy life. His mother died in a car accident when he was twelve, and so did his mother's best friend...sort of. You see, Janice made a promise to take care of Cory just before she died, and so she lingers. Undead. A ghost that watches out for him.

Brought up in an abusive home, Cory quickly falls into a life of disreputable behavior. After his third offense (which was prompted by a girl, as usual - he has a weakness) he's left with two choices:

1. Be tried as an adult and share a cell with a guy named Bubba (he thinks . . .)


2. Go to Starkfield Academy, which Cory is pretty sure is run by vampires. But, hey, at least he'll get an education.

He chooses the latter . . .

It's at Starkfield that Kira meets Cory Rand, a boy with an insatiable Rage who sees ghosts, too. As well as other things, other things from his past, things that confuse him, things like fire and witches and demons.

Things he's always ignored.

Until now.


What do you think is hardest aspect of writing a book?
Understanding your reader. It’s true that writers want to stay true to their stories, but you also have to consider the reader. You have to consider the genre you’re writing in (again, the reader) and what is expected/liked/despised in that genre or by that reader. It takes some doing, as not all readers are the same.

What do you think makes a good story?
Top-selling stories are both loved and despised by different people. What makes a good story is one written very precisely to a market, sticking within the boundaries of that market. Writers love using words like “genre-bending,” but if you bend too much, your story stops being “good” from the reader’s perspective. And the reader’s perspective is the only perspective that counts.

Do you have any secret talents?

I’m a great cook of under-thirty-minute Mediterranean meals.

Is writing your dream job?

The one where I lie on the beach and look at the water while money rolls into my account. Oh, it doesn’t exist? Darn it.

It would be nice if that job could coexist with a writing job. What do you like to do when there’s nothing to do?

I like jumping in my car and going for a drive with nowhere to go. I just get on the freeway and drive and drive and drive and look around. I think I’ve been doing that ever since I got a license.

Where is your favorite place to visit?
New York is such a great town, so is London. I like big cities, any big cities.

What’s your least favorite chore?
Cooking (is that a chore?). I get to be creative and then I also get to eat!

Do you give your characters any of your bad traits?
Nope, if my characters had my bad traits nobody would like them.

What’s one of your favorite quotes?
“I will remember this, thought Ender, when I am defeated. To keep dignity, and give honor where it's due, so that defeat is not disgrace. And I hope I don't have to do it often.” 
― Orson Scott Card, Ender's Game

“Don't wait for the muse.”
― Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft

Who is your favorite fictional character? (Not your own.)
Andrew (“Ender”) Wiggins. He’s the super-duperdest whiz-kid in the universe. That book is such a classic. (I don’t think the movie did it justice.)

You have a personal chef for the night. What would you ask him to prepare?
Handrolled Gnocchi in a creamy cheese sauce.

What’s your biggest pet peeve about writing?
Typographical errors. They just . . . I mean, you can read a sentence ten times and those buggers somehow still get through.

What is your favorite movie?

Avatar is my all-time favorite. 
But I can watch just about any RomCom in the world and enjoy it. (And I discovered a few years ago that I’m not the only male who does this.)

What are you working on now?
Thirst is a standalone novel, but it has room to grow. I’m working on a book two but also on a dystopian novel that is completely different to Thirst.


R P Channing started writing three years ago, but never published anything even after churning out over a million words of fiction. Thirst: Blood of my Blood is the first book he dared to publish. When asked why, he said, “Because it’s the first thing I wrote that my wife actually enjoyed reading.” When not hammering away (most literally) at his keyboard, he can be found buried in a book, reading anything from romance to horror to young adult to non-fiction to comedy.

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Sunday, January 24, 2016



Dreaming .400, like baseball itself, exists outside of time. Its 11 short stories are infused with the magic of the game—in the seductive swing of a girl who turns tinsel into gold; in the passion of an orphan on a quest to reach the Astrodome; in a vision of the future in which players are made, not born.

Dreaming .400 spawns pen pal love between friends that grows into poetry; it shrinks the gap between the head and heart of a Brewers’ fan; provides a way out for a teenager stuck in the shadows; inspires a vagabond to an impossible dream to be lived out between the white lines.


Writing fiction is medicine. A window opens. There's access to an often closed, cut off world of dreams, memories, and motivations. The bluesy side of that window opening is that when a story ends, the window shuts. There's an emotional let down. The hunt and feast are finished. The carcass sits like some bony exposure beside the water. 

This is where the title of my recently published collection of short stories -  Dreaming .400 becomes more than a name. It becomes like a raft in water to get me going again, towards more trouble and tranquility, round and round, gathering up debris along the way which became new memories to explore and write about. 

I don't find many absolutes in this process of writing, but the intoxicating effect of a smell is definitely one of them. A smell hijacks and transports me to far away forgotten places in my past. I can see things in ways I've never seen before. I can be courageous. I can be honest and discover my real motives and fears and transform them into the traits of characters I create. 

Let me talk about smells some more. We have so many ways to store data and sounds. So many efficient ways but when it comes to smells, we have perfumes and after shave and cleaning sprays, but is there any way to store the smells we generate? So darn elusive. Like a vapor or water or sand slipping between our fingers and yet so potent and powerful.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not knocking Mr. Clean or Endust. No way at all. I can be walking along and get hit by a spray from one of those bathroom cleaning sprays and well, I'm transported back to being 11-years old, in my friend's attic, playing strat-o-matic simulated baseball. All the wonderful details float through my mind like a slow mo parade – my friend's fat cat in the window sill looking orange from the sun, the cemetery across the street, my fears.  I'm not sure how this happens, olfactory speaking, but the smell is definitely an ol' factory of memories. That's for sure.

It's for this reason I keep anywhere from 20 to 30 stories, maybe more, active in my mind, in notebooks, on the backs of envelopes, as wordpress posts or Word documents, all of 'em waiting to be smelled again and if they are and if I'm lucky, they go epic and my mind and pen gushes. The story picks up speed and behaves like snow melting down a mountainside in spring and other times, it gets snagged and fizzles out of existence.

I think stories definitely have finish lines. It may take 23 years but it's out there somewhere in the fog and this has nothing to do with improving a sentence or adjusting the flow. That could go on forever. I'm talking about a theme. Often times, I am not aware of one during that initial gush, but as I read over what has happened...what I have written, what I have spit out on the page, I begin to see one there. Then I begin fleshing it out, the theme that is and making it clearer to the reader.

Don't get me wrong, I never want the message or whatever to be too obvious. I'm not writing Cliff Notes of crystal clarity here. I want the reader to do some work, to think a little, to connect some dots,  but at the same time, being cryptic is not my style. There's nothing sadder to me than a reader saying, “I didn't get it.” That means I failed them and I don't want that. Then again, I don't write with readers in mind, not when it comes to subject matter and themes. That's the stuff of dreams and subconscious. I can't control that, but I can read and reread and read some more what I've written and make sure it flows so the reader doesn't have to be bobbing for apples while reading what I've written, up and down, gasping for air. I want their experience to be more like sledding down a winter hill or a water slide;  weeeeeeeeeee. 


Steve Myers grew up in Milwaukee, walking distance from Lake Michigan. There was no other side, not visible anyway. The water went on and on. The cliffs were savage. The trees left to die. The abandoned boat houses not bothered.

Steve attended the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and earned an honers degree in history. He studied in southern Spain, lived in San Francisco, Brooklyn, and for the last eight years Montreal, Canada.

He recently completed a Graduate Diploma in Journalism. He is the author of two blogs. Brewers Baseball and Things is where Steve experiments with baseball and fiction. Broken Bats is home to his poetry.

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Friday, January 22, 2016



Eleven-year-old Copper Daniels is homeless and alone. She spends her nights sleeping beneath the cemetery’s Warrior Angel statue for protection, and her days battling the mean streets of Remington, Texas, hell-bent on learning what happened the night her Mama disappeared. While Copper and her rag-tag group of friends uncover more questions than answers, only two things are certain – her Mama’s missing and someone’s trying to kill Copper.

In the tradition of The Lovely Bones and Room, Pennies from Burger Heaven tells a dark story through the eyes of a child. With wit and wisdom, Copper Daniels will steal your heart, as well as break it in two.

Awards for Pennies from Burger Heaven:
*2010 First Place – Writers’ League of Texas, Best Mainstream Novel Competition
*2010 First Place – Frontiers in Writing, Best Mainstream Novel Contest
*2010 Winner – Frontiers in Writing, Overall Best of Show


Marcy, how did you get started writing?
I’ve always loved to read, but in 1995, a voice told me in a dream to write a book. I’ve been telling stories ever since.

What's your favorite thing about the writing process?
The secrets I discover about my characters that even I didn’t know I knew about them!

If you could only watch one television station for a year, what would it be?
I don’t watch much TV, but on the weekends I’ll watch the USA Network while folding the laundry (glamourous, I know). I can get going on a Law & Order SVU marathon that’s EMBARRASSING. Those shows give me nightmares; they’re especially heinous . . .

For what would you like to be remembered?
Making a difference.

What five things would you never want to live without?
1.    My Kindle (I still prefer print books, but my Kindle gives me access to almost any book on the planet).
2.    My Burt’s Bees chapstick (I’m kind addicted).
3.    My car radio. (Not Syrius XM, just good ol’ fashioned FM radio, with a DJ playing tunes I love. Reminds me of driving around in high school with my BFFs).
4.    Homemade Chocolate-chip cookies (soft and gooey ones).
5.    Naps (That’s not a “thing”, but I love ‘em anyway).

Naps totally count! Who would you want to narrate a film about your life?
Meryl Streep or Mickey Mouse, I’m not sure which.

3D movies are . . .
Kinda awesome, kinda distracting. It depends on the movie.

If you had a swear jar, would it be full?
Hell, no!

What do you love about where you live?
I love living in the Texas panhandle where the sky is wide and we enjoy four, real seasons. I love that it’s easy to drive to Dallas for awesome shopping or to New Mexico or Colorado to the mountains.

Do you write every day?
Yes, even just for 10 minutes. Otherwise, I feel grumpy and “off.”

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
I’m an odd combination of the two called an ambivert. I love being around people and connecting with individuals, but afterwards I CRAVE solitude. I’m like a battery that shines bright, then must be recharged.

What is the most daring thing you've done?
Letting others read my writing. It feels like standing naked in front of a stadium full of people to judge you.

What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to write?
A story narrated by a drug addict. I had to find compassion in her, and not condemn her poor choices. I was shocked at how much I liked her at the end because I understood her, even though I disagreed with her lifestyle.

You can be any fictional character for one day. Who would you be?
An Oompa Loompa. I want to give life advice through witty songs, and work in a chocolate factory.

That's excellent! When you put it that way, I want to be an Oompa Loompa too! How many hours of sleep do you get a night?
I once had a roommate in college tell me that after 9 p.m., I became “an inoperable wench.” I MUST get my rest. I strive for eight hours of sleep, but six is my bare minimum (otherwise, I’m still an inoperable wench).

Do you sweat the small stuff?
Not usually, but when I DO sweat the small stuff, I know that’s a sign I need to get still, get quiet, and get my priorities straight again.

If you had to choose a cliché about life, what would it be?
Life is what you make it.

What are you working on now?
I’m working on book #2 in the Burger Heaven series. It’s called Hell Bent and Heaven Bound.


Marcy McKay knew she wanted to write stories the moment she read about Oompa Loompas in fourth grade. She’s an award-winning short-story author and copywriter, as well as a freelance journalist and the creator of Mudpie Writing blog. Her work has appeared in Writer’s Digest, The Write Practice, Write to Done, Positive Writer and Jane Marcy lives in Texas with her husband and two teens, who all still like her . . . most of the time. McKay is a member of the Writers’ League of Texas and the Texas High Plains Writers.


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Wednesday, January 20, 2016



Etiam Tu: Eradicating Hatred is the first definitive position of the philosophy of Etiam Tu. It at once reflects the core values of the philosophy and addresses the most volatile element in human interpersonal interaction and required coexistence. It expresses the absolute necessity of humanity's eminent peril caused by the various forms of hate-filled influence and hateful actors intensifying each persons risk of encounter assault or affronts, as we prosecute each day. Etaim Tu's essential basis in the past lessons and truths given to mankind throughout the ages leading to the current real-time, is intended to be a reiteration of these messages and truths to awaken mankind to become cognizant of the issue it is facing in Hatreds wide spread influence on the direction societal evolution has taken, and the need for concerted efforts to be made to counteract and redirect its path towards peace, freedom, equality and prosperity. Over all the subject presenting the most immediate threat and in need of most rapid correction, Hatred's Eradication most take top consideration. This volume is the first of a series to define the tenets of Etiam Tu to shift the paradigm of existence towards a more Utopian reality. Eradicating Hatred identifies and explains the dangers presented by Hatred and their threat to our continued and long term existence. All of this is done in light of the goals for humanity spelled out by Etiam Tu.


How did you get started writing? 

A good friend told me of a play she wanted to right and asked me to collaborate on it. We were in 6th grade.

Do you have a writing routine?
Only to be prepared to take advantage of any idle time to continue my project.

Do you write every day?
Once I have started a project, yes: for the most part everyday.

What do you wish you’d done differently when you first started the publishing process?
I wish I had started the promotion process earlier than I did. But the total project lasted nearly ten years, so I couldn't realistically see an end to it soon enough to be sure when to start marketing.

What do you think is hardest aspect of writing a book?
Editing. I tend to do this in phases, and it consumes a lot of time, and you are never really sure you have gotten it exactly right.

How often do you read?
Only during the breaks between completing one section and starting the next section, I do it to clear my mind so I can start the new subject.

What is your writing style?
A great deal of preparation. Extensive research and note collection and distillation to create key ideas, then honing those down to actual specific thoughts for inclusion. Then organizing them in to a cogent theme and putting them to a final version. Also I tend to be redundant, purposely. I write many run-on sentences and do not apologize for them.  They are complete thoughts. Also I like to create a sort of swoon or disorientation in the readers mind with my descriptions. I take my style from Ayn Rand in that.

What do you think makes a good story?
Imagery and word pictures creating the sense of being present in the story.

Is writing your dream job?
No, philanthropist is my ultimate goal, I just need success to achieve it.

Do you have any marketing tips you could pass on to indie authors?
Use technology as much as possible; avoid hand writing as much as you can – it only wastes time.

If you could only watch one television station for a year, what would it be?
Independent Film Channel

How often do you tweet?
Weekly posts, daily retweets.

How do you feel about Facebook?
A great tool reaching a huge population that is sometimes mismanaged.

For what would you like to be remembered?
The love I have for humanity, and my attempt to try and wake it up and correct its course.

Would you make a good character in a book?
I am a character in everything I have ever written, in the future this will become more clear. I am a force for good, but I am not perfect.

What five things would you never want to live without?
Internet Access, Coffee, cool water for swimming, freedom from the struggle to survive, needed medications.

What’s one thing you never leave the house without (besides your phone).

My ink pen.

What do you love about where you live?
The scenery.

What’s your favorite fast food?
Arby's seasoned curly fries.

What is your superpower?
Logic and recognizing probability

What do you wish you could do?
If a wish was granted I would ask to be able to control the actions of anyone I had touched.

What would you name your autobiography?
The One.

Would you rather be a movie star, sports star, or rock star?
Movie Star. That gives you the greatest opportunity to impact the widest audience.

What choices in life would you like to have a redo on? 
All the way back to my very young childhood, I should have started doing what I am best at on my very first opportunity to do so.

Who is your favorite fictional character?
Francisco d'Acconia in Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.

Describe yourself in 5 words.
Driven by love for mankind.

What is your favorite movie?
I claim that it's Pulp Fiction, but there are many close seconds, like It's a Wonderful Life.

What are you working on now?
My next book is two books in one/or two separate titles in Etiam Tu Which Are Whose God? And VIPreA (Voluntary Individual Perception (rational and emotional) re Alignment.


The Tak tse Profit spent most of life observing conditions, circumstances and people. In his early childhood he began noting factors such as the influence of the competitive spirit, the importance place on group identity and inclusion, the effects of familia derision on young children and more. He spent most his adult life in service to people known and unknown in one form or another as a defender and utilitarian in his military service, an overseer and protector in his environmental work, or confidant and chauffeur in the service industries. Considering and noting differing factors in life: both in his and others. His reflective approach to life's events and needs for relief from the accumulated negativity he observed and encounter, generated a wealth of insights he would later use to form his philosophy. By the mid 90's his outlook on the future of humanity had become very negative from the years of disappointment he had endured. Feeling humanity was lost and that societal evolution was surely headed a disastrous future he had all but completely given up on any hope for the future. Then as if divinely inspired his young son rejected and admonished his outlook and reminded him that he did not have the right to abandon hope for mankind. Almost clearly telling him that he was, in fact, his brothers keeper. As such he accepted his commission to share the Philosophy of Etiam Tu: inspired by his young son's convicting of  his heart for having given up on mankind.

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Tuesday, January 19, 2016



An amateur sleuth, Sheridan Hendley jumps at the chance to work with the defense when a favorite waitress is arrested for the murder of her ex-husband. Determined to prove Zoe’s innocence Sheridan probes into the victim’s past and why he chose to return to Cold Creek 15 years after the divorce. Personalities clash and Zoe’s family closes ranks as Sheridan attempts to unlock the carefully kept secrets of the family that owns and operates the Grill. The closer she gets to finding the truth, the more her own life might be in danger – a situation that strains her increasingly serious relationship with Detective Brett McMann.


Christa, how long have you been writing, and how did you start?

I’ve probably been writing since elementary school. First, it was those assigned creative writing tasks, and then for fun. I always wrote stories and then in high school also wrote poetry. Since then, most of my writing has been nonfiction and more technical in nature (e.g. textbooks), but occasionally I would jot down an idea or two.

How did you come up with the title of your book?
This is the third in the series and each of the others started with Murder at or Murder in . . . The setting for this one is the family-owned restaurant in small town Cold Creek – the Grill.

Do you have another job outside of writing?
Yes, I do. As noted in the bio, like Sheridan, I am a professor and a psychologist.  Thankfully, the stories are all fiction – I’ve no experience with dead bodies or the other characters in the story.

How did you create the plot for this book?
I started with some basic ideas and, of course, the personalities and relationships from the first two in the series. It seemed a bit of a stretch for another dead body to be on the college campus so I needed another location that fit with the setting I’d created – the Grill.

Which character did you most enjoy writing?
Max is still my favorite. He represents the ivory tower stereotype and the old boy network. He is intelligent, smart, productive, and has a good heart, but sometimes lacks common sense. Although a scientist in his work, when it comes to social interactions, he is quick to jump to conclusions. He fully expects that others will defer to him and that makes others crazy. He has the melodrama of an adolescent but spouts science.

Are any of your characters inspired by real people? 
I think the characters are all conglomerates of people I’ve known at some point, and then exaggerated like a caricature. 

Are you like any of your characters?
I am most like Sheridan, but she is probably my “ideal” self. We share the curiosity, the analytic thinking, and the desire to solve a puzzle. On the other hand, Sheridan is a bit more contemplative and more grounded than I am. She’s never grouchy and she’s more social.

Do you give your characters any of your bad traits?
I do allow Sheridan to be ‘human’ but she has much better self-control than I do and is also better at finding the silver lining.

Who are your favorite authors?

Of current cozy mystery writers, I always look forward to the next one in the series by Vanessa Gray Bartal (Lacy Steele Mystery Series), Kassandra Lamb (Kate Huntington Mystery Series), Ellen Crosby (Wine Country Mysteries) and, of course, Amy Metz (Goose Pimple Junction Mysteries). I recently started reading Dianne Harman too. But there are so many great writers out there, it is really hard to pick favorites.

I'm honored to be on your list! How long is your to-be-read pile?
As of today, I have about 300+ on my Kindle that I haven’t read and a few I still need to write reviews on. Then there is the stack of paperbacks in my nightstand . . . and the ones I have marked in Goodreads . . . I am very glad when Amazon points out that I have already bought a book since I cannot remember all the ones already on the Kindle but not read yet.

Do you have a routine for writing?
(I wish.) I start with a basic idea, a basic plot and key characters, and write – how long I write depends on the demands of my day job and family. The next time I write, I start at the beginning again, and edit, elaborate, and continue the story line. Sometimes I have an idea for a later scene, write it, and then weave it in where it fits best. I envy those who can sit and write 2,000 words at a time and know exactly where their story is going and how to accomplish it (and write multiple books per year).

Where and when do you prefer to do your writing?
Some place relatively quiet, usually at home. I have pulled out paper and pen on a plane or an early morning on vacation when I’m the only one awake when an idea came to me. Most of the time though, I “write” on my laptop.

What do you like to do when you’re not writing?
I love to read – mystery, cozy mystery, romance, and scifi/fantasy. I also love to garden, and spend many hours working in mine. When not writing, reading or gardening, I am likely doing jigsaw puzzles or logic puzzles.

How often do you tweet?
More than I should. I only started tweeting about a year ago and, like most of the Internet and social media, it is a huge black hole – I go to Twitter and time just disappears . . . I retweet a LOT and try to support my fellow indie authors.

You're very good about that! How do you feel about Facebook?

Again, I think it’s very easy to spend way too much time on FB. On the other hand, I have learned a lot about self-publishing and marketing through one of the FB groups – Clean Indie Reads. It’s a great group of authors, all very supportive and helpful. Unlike many others, I don’t tend to post anything ‘personal’ but I enjoy the interaction around writing.

What’s your favorite beverage?
That’s an easy one – Diet Coke (not Coke Zero and definitely not Pepsi!). All my caffeine comes from Diet Coke since I don’t drink coffee. When we go on vacation, before we leave, my husband figures out the closest place to find Diet Coke.

What are you working on now?
The fourth in the series – title TBD. I also have an idea for a new series and started the first of that one (title also TBD). The grand plan is that come fall, both will be done, but we shall see . . . 


Christa Nardi is and always has been an avid reader. Her favorite authors have shifted from Carolyn Keene and Earl Stanley Gardner to more contemporary mystery/crime authors over time, but mystery/crime along with romance and scifi/fantasy are her preferred choices for leisure reading. Christa also has been a long time writer from poetry and short stories to the Cold Creek series, Christa has joined many other reader/writers in writing one genre she enjoys reading – the cozy mystery. The series started with Murder at Cold Creek College; Murder in the Arboretum is the second in the series. Murder at the Grill is the third. Christa Nardi is a pen name for a real life professor/psychologist from the Northeast who is well published in nonfiction and technical venues.

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Sunday, January 17, 2016



. . . a fast read, and endearing . . . ~Mallory Heart’s Cozies

Another great installment with Sean & Sara.
 ~Storeybook Reviews

I liked that we only knew what the McKinley’s knew as they discovered information. I enjoyed putting the puzzle together along side them.
 ~Laura’s Interests

I could not wait to read a new book of this series, these cozy mystery are short but very exciting with two great private investigators. The plot kept me on edge from start to finish. I was excited each time I got to turn the page. 

There are a number of ‘out of the ordinary’ aspects to this cozy mystery – and that’s a good thing, as it helps keep the genre ‘fresh.’
 ~Back Porchervations

I like Sean and Sara. Their characters are easy to get along with and I love their relationship. They’re both intelligent and work well together.
 ~Brooke Blogs

Filled with colorful characters and an intriguing mystery which takes advantage of its winter wonderland type setting, Skiing is Murder is a fine addition to an established series and can be enjoyed on its own. 
~Queen of All She Reads


They’re ready to hit the slopes when things go downhill . . .

Sean and Sara were supposed to have a relaxing vacation in Vail, but it all goes up in a puff of powder when there’s a suspicious death on the mountain. And the deceased is not just anyone; it’s Adrian Blackwell, a two-time Olympic skiing gold medalist.

Rumor has it that Adrian died in a skiing accident, but he was too skilled for Sara to accept it as fact. Though she’s convinced Adrian was murdered and she’s itching to find the killer, she doesn’t want to disappoint Sean by ruining his ski trip.

Sean has never had the ability to say no to Sara before, but this time he comes close. It takes a call from their PI firm back in Albany to change his mind. A job’s come in to investigate Adrian’s death, and his agent is the one footing the bill, leaving Sean with more questions than answers.

Yet one major problem remains: their New York State PI licenses hold no legal authority in Colorado. But they still can’t help but look into Adrian’s death on the sly. This case will definitely involve some underhanded tactics, all while trying to dodge the local police during the course of the investigation.


Carolyn Arnold is the international bestselling and award-winning author of the Madison Knight, Brandon Fisher, and McKinley Mystery series. She is the only author with POLICE PROCEDURALS RESPECTED BY LAW ENFORCEMENT™.

Carolyn was born in a small town, but that never kept her from dreaming big. On par with her large dreams is her overactive imagination that conjures up killers and cases to solve. She currently lives outside Toronto with her husband and two beagles, Max and Chelsea. She is also a member of Crime Writers of Canada.

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Friday, January 15, 2016



When Mary Clough discovers a piece of valuable medieval needlepoint under the eaves of her colonial Maine home, Angie Curtis and the Mainely Needlepointers agree to trace its origins. But someone will kill for that embroidery, and their murder will unravel Haven Harbor, Maine.


Lea, what's your favorite thing about the writing process? I will admit . . . I love doing research. In Thread and Gone, I had the fun of taking a Maine legend – based in fact – that centers around my own home (did a Maine sea captain try to rescue Marie Antoinette?) and tie it to today . . . and to Tudor England. I also love editing . . . trying to make each scene, and each sentence, as strong as I can.  What’s challenging? That dreaded first draft!

Agreed! Do you have a writing routine?
I’m not a morning person. So on a normal day I get up about 7, have breakfast, post on Facebook and check emails and social media, write blogs, arrange appearances, etc . . . and after lunch I write for several hours. Usually I edit the chapter(s) I wrote the day before, and try to write ten pages. Sometimes I write fewer pages . . . sometimes (close to deadlines!) I write more. Then after dinner, I do research for my next book.

Do you write every day?
Most of the time, yes. I take days off from writing when I’m speaking somewhere, or have family visiting.

How often do you read?
Every day – magazines, newspapers, nonfiction as background research for another book, and sometimes, as a reward, I read fiction. I used to read more for fun before I was published!

What do you think makes a good story?
I love individualistic characters who have secrets and back stories that are revealed slowly … and who have motivations for everything they do, even if they’re making cookies. A good story is fast-paced, includes conflict, and the unexpected (but not impossible) and is well-resolved. Most of all, it keeps readers turning pages. I hope my books do that.

What books do you currently have published?
Thread And Gone is the third in my Mainely Needlepoint series (after Twisted Threads and Threads Of Evidence.) I also write the (currently) seven-book Shadows Antique print series, about an antique print dealer who solves crimes, and who wants to adopt as a single parent. (Two things I’ve done.) The most recent in that series is Shadows On A Maine Christmas. I also write historical novels for ages eight and up set in 19th century Maine, and last summer my Living And Writing On The Coast Of Maine was published – a group of wry essays about being a writer married to an artist, living full-time in Maine. It also includes a section on what I’ve learned about being an author. I’ll have two more mysteries published in 2016.

If you could only watch one television station for a year, what would it be?
Would have to be CNN. You may not be able to tell from my books, but I’m a political junky!

How often do you tweet?

Never. I do Facebook and Goodreads . . . probably should do more social media, but at the moment I’m choosing to write more books instead!

How do you feel about Facebook?
At first I was intimidated by Facebook, but now I love it. I post about reading, writing, living in Maine . . . and I love connecting with my fans – and with my far-flung relatives! I may be sitting in front of my computer, but I feel as though I’m not alone. I have friends all over the world.

What five things would you never want to live without?
I live in Maine, remember?  Flannel shirts. Fleece lined bedroom slipper boots. (I wear them ‘year round!) Books (and bookcases – every room in my house is full of them.) Red Rose tea bags. And Tootsie Roll Pops, for when the writing gets tough!

What’s one thing you never leave the house without?
My small notebook, in case I think of a piece of dialog, or a plot twist, that I can use in one of the books I’m working on. If I don’t write it down immediately, I lose it.

What do you love about where you live?
I live on one of the many Maine peninsulas, across the street from a deep-water tidal  river, ten miles from the sea. I love the smell of mud flats in the summertime, and sea air in the afternoon. I love the crinkly ice that forms on the edges of the river at low tide in the winter, and the ice floes and sea smoke. I love all sorts of seafood – including, of course, lobster. (Lobster club sandwich? The best!) And I love the history of living in a house built in 1774, in a state that is older than that.  

What’s your favorite thing to do/favorite place to go on date night?
In the summer I’m very happy to sit on my porch overlooking the river, with the man that I love (we’ve known each other since 1968, but we’ve only been married 12 years) and talk, and sip wine, and nibble some cheese and crackers or maybe some hummus. Sometimes neighbors stop by to share the view and some libations. That’s about perfect. This time of year, a seafood dinner in a restaurant with a fireplace sounds very tempting!

What’s your favorite fast food?
A lobster roll, of course!

What’s your favorite beverage?

Tea during the day. I love Dry Sack sherry, and my favorite cocktail is a Sidecar – F. Scott Fitzgerald and Zelda drank them, so I feel in good company. And I’ll never refuse champagne!

What is one of your happiest moments?

The two highlights I immediately think of is the moment I met my first daughter, who was four years old. We were at Kennedy Airport and she’d just arrived from Thailand. All I could think of was “She’s so beautiful! And tiny!” And the moment I was offered my first book contract, for Stopping to Home, a book for ages 8 and up set in 1806 Maine. I was at a writers’ conference, and I basically floated for the rest of the day. Then I called my best friend, talked for an hour, and then – what else? Went to the hotel bar and ordered champagne. A magical day.

What do you like to do when there’s nothing to do?
What? There are times like that?? When? Where?

What is the most daring thing you've done?
I smuggled drugs into Calcutta, India! (And other forbidden supplies, too, because India doesn’t allow importing goods they make themselves.) I flew to Calcutta to meet and bring home one of my daughters and another child being adopted in the United States. My daughter was ten years old, had worked in a home for dying children since she was four, and was more scared than I was! The drugs and other items (about a thousand pounds of everything from aspirin to boys’ underwear to balloons to barrettes and incubator parts) were donations to missions and orphanages in and near Calcutta.

What is the stupidest thing you've ever done?
Given myself a home permanent when I was in high school. Some of my hair fell out, and the rest just . . . frizzled. You’d have to look very hard to find a picture of me taken in high school!

What’s one of your favorite quotes?
William Jennings Bryan: “Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for; it I a thing to be achieved.”

What’s one thing that very few people know about you?

I have a dreadful voice, but I know the lyrics to thousands of songs. My husband, children, grandchildren . . . all refuse to listen. So sometimes I sing in elevators and when I’m driving alone!

What are you working on now?

I’m writing the fourth in the Mainely Needlepint series, Dangling by a Thread, in which the Needlepointers get involved with a man called “The Solitary” who lives alone on a Maine island where Grand Cormorants, a threatened species, nest. It will be published next fall.


Maine author Lea Wait writes the (now 3-book) Mainely Needlepoint series, which began with Twisted Threads a year ago. She also writes the Shadows Antique Print Mystery series and historical novels for young people aged 8 and up. Lea is a fourth generation antique dealer, and adopted four older Asian children as a single parent. Now she is married to artist Bob Thomas and writes and speaks full-time.

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Wednesday, January 13, 2016



Yoga instructor Kate Davidson is about to discover that when it comes to murder, there’s no place like om. When she agrees to teach doga — yoga for dogs — at a fundraiser for Dogma, a local animal rescue, Kate believes the only real damage will be to her reputation. But when an animal rights protest at the event leads to a suspicious fire and a drowning, a few downward-facing dogs will be the least of Kate’s problems . . .

The police arrest Dharma, a woman claiming to be Kate’s estranged mother, and charge her with murder. To prove Dharma’s innocence, Kate, her boyfriend Michael, and her German shepherd sidekick Bella dive deeply into the worlds of animal activism, organizational politics, and the dangerous obsessions that drive them.

And if solving a murder weren't complicated enough, Kate will also have to decide whether or not to reconcile with the estranged mother who abandoned her over thirty years ago. Not to mention having to contend with an almost-bankrupt animal rescue, a cantankerous crow, an unwanted pigeon houseguest, and a rabbit in a doga class. What could possibly go wrong?


Tracy, how did you get started writing and when did you become an “author?”

I started writing a yoga blog in 2011, but the idea to write the Downward Dog Mystery series came to me a few months earlier on a rainy Seattle evening, while in the middle of a brutal workout at my favorite health club. I was pedaling away, reading a Susan Conant novel to distract myself from the evil exercise bike, when a quote in Black Ribbon about crazy dog people made me burst out loud laughing. I knew I’d found my author soul mate.  Someone who truly got me.

I went home, looked her up online, and stumbled across a site about cozy mysteries. As I read about hundreds of other wonderful cozy mystery series, I began to wonder: What would happen if a yoga teacher with a crazy dog like mine got mixed up in murder? Kate Davidson and Bella popped into my head a few days later. The rest is history.

How long is your to-be-read list?
Massively long. Unbelievably long. And getting longer every day. I have two crammed bookcases with boxes of books stacked next to them, and I keep buying more! Amazon is quickly becoming the means to my bankruptcy. I used to read at least two books a week, but now most of my reading time is spent writing. I do work in a book every few weeks, but that’s nothing like what I used to read.

What books do you currently have published?
The first three books in my Downward Dog Mystery series, which are:
Murder Strikes a Pose
A Killer Retreat
Karma’s a Killer

I have a contract for a minimum of six books in the series, and the fourth one, tentatively titled A Fatal Twist is currently at my editor.

You have a day job . . . how do you find time to write?
I’m lucky. I own my own business, so I’m able to work any eighteen hours a day I want. Seriously, sometimes it feels that way. My writing ebbs and flows based on the other competing priorities of my life. Sometimes several weeks will go by without my having time to write a word. Other times I write nonstop. I’m most creative late at night, which drives my husband crazy.

The short answer is that there’s never enough time to write, so I write whenever I can.

How often do you tweet?

I’m a Twidiot. So although I have a thousand or so followers (which is tiny in Twitterville) I rarely send anything out. Hanging out at Twitter feels like sitting in front of a stream of billboards to me, probably because I don’t know how to use it. Lots of authors love Twitter.

How do you feel about Facebook?
I love Facebook. It’s allowed me to reconnect with long-lost friends, stay in touch with my family, and get to know my readers. And who couldn’t love all of those cute puppy pictures? I’m not so sure it’s a very good marketing venue, but it’s great for growing community, which is what I’m all about. If any of your readers want to friend me, I’d love it. Because I’m all about community, I use my personal feed more than my author page, but you can find me at either. 

What five things would you never want to live without?
•    My dog
•    My hubby
•    A computer with Internet access
•    Champagne
•    Good books

What's your relationship with your TV remote?
I hate remotes! If I can find them — a big if — I can never figure out which remote goes to which device. And since when does a TV remote need more buttons than an airplane control panel? I miss the days when we actually stood up to change channels.

I’m beginning to sound like my grandmother, aren’t I?

What’s one of your favorite quotes?
I mentioned the Susan Conant quote earlier, so I’ll share it here:

“Universal dilemma of the real dog person: You leave the dog home, you worry what will happen to him when you’re out. You take the dog with you, you worry that something will happen to him when he’s alone in the car . . . The solution, of course, is to keep the dog at your side twenty-four hours a day, every day, but then you worry that your constant presence is making the dog neurotically dependent, and besides, you can’t go anyplace that doesn’t allow dogs, so you can’t go to work or get your hair cut or go to the dentist. And then, of course, you feel guilty because, after all, doesn’t your wonderful dog deserve a better owner than this poverty-stricken, shaggy-headed slob with decayed teeth? Meanwhile, the dog doesn’t worry about anything. Why should he? That’s what he has you for, and for obvious reasons, he trusts you completely.” 
― Susan Conant, Black Ribbon

I tell you, that woman gets me.

Besides Susan Conant, who would you invite to a dinner party if you could invite anyone in the world?

Stephen King, Mary Daheim, Doctor Seuss, Edgar Allan Poe, and Santa Clause. I mean seriously. Wouldn’t that be a hoot?

Yes it would. If you had to choose a cliche about life, what would it be?
“Don’t sweat the small stuff. And it’s all small stuff.”

Lightning round:
Cake or frosting? Frosting!
Laptop or desktop? Laptop on a docking station that turns it into a desktop.  ;-)
Chevy Chase or Bill Murray? Chevy Chase
Emailing or texting? Emailing. I’ve never sent a text. See, I do sound like my grandmother!
Indoors or outdoors? Outdoors — as long as it’s sunny.
Tea: sweet or unsweet? Unsweet.
Plane, train, or automobile? Plane. Life’s too short to be stuck in traffic.


Tracy Weber is the author of the award-winning Downward Dog Mysteries series. The first book in the series, Murder Strikes a Pose, won the Maxwell Award for Fiction and was nominated for the Agatha award for Best First Novel.
A certified yoga therapist, Tracy is the owner of Whole Life Yoga, a Seattle yoga studio, as well as the creator and director of Whole Life Yoga’s teacher training program. She loves sharing her passion for yoga and animals in any way possible.
Tracy and her husband Marc live in Seattle with their challenging yet amazing German shepherd, Tasha. When she’s not writing, Tracy spends her time teaching yoga, walking Tasha, and sipping Blackthorn cider at her favorite ale house. 

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