Literary and publishing consultant, author, and blogger Dan O'Brien is announcing his latest project: Mobsters, Monsters & Nazis: a collaboration between Dan and Steve Ferchaud, who illustrated Conspirators of the Lost Sock Army and the Loose Change Collection Agency. What he's revealing today is the sketches for some of the interior illustrations (which will be black and white) of the first issue. It will be released as six issues (eBooks) starting on Halloween. It is influenced by film noir, pulp comics, and an abiding love of Lovecraft. It is now available for pre-order and Dan will be promoting it heavily starting in the month of October. He would love to hear what you think of it so far!
Dan is the author of The End of the World Playlist, Bitten, Cerulean Dreams, The Path of the Fallen, and The Journey
His blog is Thoughts From The Dan O'Brien Project
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