Thursday, November 27, 2014

I'm Thankful for My Readers

Blue Million Books Street Team

Since it's Thanksgiving, I thought I'd let you all know what I am thankful for in my online world. Actually, it's whom I'm thankful for. As a writer, I'm thankful for my readers, of course. I'm thankful for the people who take the time to leave a review, who tweet or retweet about my book, and who send me messages telling me they liked Murder & Mayhem in Goose Pimple Junction. It's readers like that--not sales--that keep a writer going.

But this blog isn't all about me. (Shocking, I know.) This blog is to help other authors promote their work. Toward that end, there are share links at the bottom of each post. Readers can share the blog features with their Facebook friends, Twitter followers, and Google+ circles, or they can pin it to a board on Pinterest. There is a small group of people who share my blog posts regularly on Twitter, and I want them to know I am #thankful and #grateful for them. I have dubbed them the Blue Million Books Street Team. I am thankful for their support. Tweets come and go for various blog features (thank you!), but below are the people who regularly tweet about a feature on A Blue Million Books. Thank you, thank you! Y'all are better than dew right off a honeysuckle. Happy Thanksgiving, y'all!

I'm #thankful for:

Colette Saucier @Colete_Saucier
Sandra U. Almazan @ulbrichalmazan
Jon Jefferson @JeffersonJon
Maer Wilson @MaerWilson
Wendy Van Camp @wvancamp
Debra L. Martin @dmartin6
Stacy Juba @stacyjuba
Cheryl Therrien @grandmasdiaries
Teen Readers' Diary ‏@TeenReaderDiary
Feather Stone @FeatherWrites