A cozy mystery series set on Madrona Island, a fictional island within the San Juan Islands off the coast of Washington State. As a fourth generation islander, Caitlin Hart is struggling to make her way as the economy and culture of the island evolves toward a tourism based industry. Cait lives in a cabin on her aunt's oceanfront estate where she helps her aunt run Harthaven Cat Sanctuary. When she isn't working with the cats, she helps best friend Tara, operate the coffee bar/bookstore/cat lounge they own, named Coffee Cat Books. In the fourth installment in the series, the body of a long time island local is found buried in her own grave. Cait and the gang set out to investigate the strange occurrence and along the way they uncover the truth about the mysterious man who arrived on the ferry every week and is followed everywhere he goes by a black and white cat.
Kathi, what’s the story behind the title Much Ado About Felines?
All of the books in this series are created by taking the title of a classic and reworking it to demonstrate a cat theme. The gang that hangs out at Kathi Daley Books Group page (Facebook) is often asked for their input on things such as book titles, covers, character names, etc. This title was a result of a brainstorming session by this very active group of fans.
Tell us about your series. Is this book a standalone, or do readers need to read the series in order?
This book is part of a series and is probably best enjoyed when read as part of the series, but the mystery is a standalone so can be read independently. The series is set on Madrona Island, a fictional island within the San Juan Islands off the Washington Coast. The setup for the series is one of change and transition. Madrona Island was originally inhabited by Irish Catholic fishing families and the culture of the island was based on both fishing and traditional Irish Catholic values. We find that in recent years the fishing regulations have changed to the point where the cannery closed and many of the original fishing families have moved away. This decline in the old way of life coincided with the arrival of ferry service to the island bringing a new industry, tourism. There is a natural conflict on the island as the families who want to protect the old way of life clash with those who are bent on progress and economic renewal. Caitlin Hart, a middle daughter of five children from one of the founding families, is the protagonist in the series. In addition to solving murders (this is after all a cozy mystery) we follow her as she tries to walk the fine line between her old life and the new life she hopes to build. The main themes of the series are personal growth in the midst of environmental change, romance as she falls in love, and close friendships that have stood the test of time. I really love writing this series. There is something very interesting about a group of people who live in such a close and isolated environment.
Where’s home for you?
Lake Tahoe. I moved here as a teenager and LOVE living here. I would not want to live anywhere else in the world. It is a beautiful location with a crystal clear lake, world class skiing, abundant wildlife, and enough outdoor activities to keep even die hard sporting enthusiasts happy.
What’s the most valuable thing you’ve learned?
As far as what I’ve learned in life, it is to be kind. You never know what someone else might be going through, so if you have the opportunity to choose kindness in any situation, do so.
What makes you bored?
Waiting. I hate waiting for anything. I am not a patient person although I do try.
What makes you happy?
A lot of things. I am a happy person. I love my family, nature, holidays, animals in general, my crazy dogs, sunsets, sunrises, rain, sunshine, being outdoors in nature, hot coffee on a cold day, sentimental movies, new flip-flops in crazy colors, finding the perfect pair of faded shorts at the bottom of my closet.
What makes you excited?
Having a really good idea for a new plot. I think I publish so often because I have a lot of ideas I want to explore.
How did you meet your spouse?
My husband Ken and I are high school sweethearts. We married right out of high school and have two grown sons in their mid-thirties. We also have six grandchildren. I’m not sure if it was love at first sight, but it was definitely like at first sight. We became friends first and then began dating. We have been together for over 40 years, and we are still very much best friends who enjoy spending time with each other.
If you could only save one thing from your house, what would it be?
The photo albums would come first and books that I love to read and reread that are out of print (mostly old Harlequin Romances).
Are you like any of your characters?
I am a little bit like all of my protagonists but not completely like any of them. I tend to write athletic females who love animals and nature and are just a tad quirky. I think my characters are a bit gutsier than I am and the level of energy they possess more closely resembles my younger self, but I can definitely see parts of me in all of them.
Do you have a routine for writing? Where and when do you prefer to do your writing?
I live in a state of chaos most of the time. I have animals and people in my life and my house is crowded. While I’d love to have a really awesome office, I do my writing at the kitchen counter due to the fact that is the only space left available. (Two of my grandchildren live with me.) I treat writing like a job, and I write every day when I am working on a book. I put in the seat time required to complete the number of words I have set as a goal for any given week.
What would your dream office look like?
I would love someday to build a third story on my house. I live on a meadow with a breathtaking view of the summit, so I can envision a wall of windows facing south so I can watch the storms roll in. I’d have to have a fireplace (gas) and a comfy sofa for my kitty assistant to curl up on. My dogs like to lie under my feet while I work, so I think a soft carpet would be in order as well. I’d also like to have the wall to the north that does not feature windows, to be equipped with floor to ceiling bookshelves. Oh, and I’d need to have a coffee station and mini fridge so I wouldn’t have to run up and down the stairs every time I needed a refill.
Sounds good to me! Why did you decide to self-publish?
I decided to self-publish because I am impatient. It really is as simple as that. The amount of time it takes to get a book from completion to publication via the traditional route is absurd. I publish a book a month (or more) and I do it on my terms. I also like the fact that I own my work. I decide on the cover, and I control the length, content, and title. I guess I’m a bit of a control freak as well.
What are you working on now?
I am currently working on Halloween In Paradise – A Paradise Lake Cozy Mystery with a Halloween theme. After I get that off to the editor, I plan to start Ghostly Graveyard, a Zoe Donovan Cozy Mystery with a Halloween theme.
Zoe Donovan Cozy Mystery:Halloween Hijinks
The Trouble With Turkeys
Christmas Crazy
Cupid’s Curse
Big Bunny Bump-off
Beach Blanket Barbie
Maui Madness
Derby Divas
Haunted Hamlet
Turkeys, Tuxes, and Tabbies
Christmas Cozy
Alaskan Alliance
Matrimony Meltdown
Soul Surrender
Heavenly Honeymoon
Hopscotch Homicide – August 2015
Ghostly Graveyard – October 2015
Santa Sleuth – December 2015
Ashton Falls Cozy Cookbook
Paradise Lake Cozy Mystery:
Pumpkins in Paradise
Snowmen in Paradise
Bikinis in Paradise
Christmas in Paradise
Puppies in Paradise
Halloween in Paradise – September 2015
Whales and Tails Cozy Mystery:
Romeow and Juliet
The Mad Catter –
Grimm’s Furry Tail
Much Ado About Felines
The Legend of Tabby Hollow – September 2015
The Cat of Christmas Past – November 2015
Seacliff High Mystery:
The Secret
The Curse
The Relic
The Conspiracy – October 2015
Road to Christmas Romance:
Road to Christmas Past
Kathi Daley lives with her husband, kids, grandkids, and Bernese mountain dogs in beautiful Lake Tahoe. When she isn’t writing, she likes to read (preferably at the beach or by the fire), cook (preferably something with chocolate or cheese), and garden (planting and planning, not weeding). She also enjoys spending time on the water when she’s not hiking, biking, or snowshoeing the miles of desolate trails surrounding her home.Kathi uses the mountain setting in which she lives, along with the animals (wild and domestic) that share her home, as inspiration for her cozy mysteries.
Kathi has been a top 100 mystery writer for Amazon for over a year and she won the 2014 award for both Best Cozy Mystery Author and Best Cozy Mystery Series.
She currently writes four series: Zoe Donovan Cozy Mystery, Whales and Tails Mystery, Tj Jensen Paradise Lake Mysteries, and Seacliff High Teen Mystery.
Connect with Kathi:
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The Whales and Tales Mystery Series: