
Sunday, January 28, 2018



Emily Westhill runs the best donut shop in Fallingbrook, Wisconsin, alongside her retired police chief father-in-law and her tabby Deputy Donut. But after murder claims a favorite customer, Emily can’t rely on a sidekick to solve the crime—or stay alive.

If Emily has learned anything from her past as a 911 operator, it’s to stay calm during stressful situations. But that’s a tall order when one of her regulars, Georgia Treetor, goes missing. Georgia never skips morning cappuccinos with her knitting circle. Her pals fear the worst—especially Lois, a close friend who recently moved to town. As evening creeps in, Emily and the ladies search for Georgia at home. And they find her—murdered among a scattering of stale donuts . . .
Disturbingly, Georgia’s demise coincides with the five-year anniversary of her son’s murder, a case Emily’s late detective husband failed to solve before his own sudden death. With Lois hiding secrets and an innocent man’s life at stake, Emily’s forced to revisit painful memories on her quest for answers. Though someone’s alibi is full of holes, only a sprinkling of clues have been left behind. And if Emily can’t trace them back to a killer in time, her donut shop will end up permanently closed for business . . .

Book Details:

Title:  Survival of the Fritters (A Deputy Donut Mystery)
Author’s name: Ginger Bolton

Genre: cozy mystery, 1st in series

Publisher: Kensington Publishing Corp. (January 30, 2018)

Paperback: 256 pages

Touring with: Great Escapes Book Tours


Ginger, how did you get started writing?

I wrote a poem, "My Cat," in second grade and proudly showed it off at a gathering of aunts. They laughed. I thought they were laughing because I’d written the contraction “he’ll” and the word looked too embarrassingly like “Hell.” Years later, I re-read the poem. It included this line: “Then he’ll have kittens.”

What's your favorite thing about the writing process?
I feel exultant when I finish a first draft, and that’s partly because I love tweaking every sentence and word after that. It’s hard to let it go and say that it’s done.

I totally concur! What’s more important – characters or plot?

Characters, both as a writer and a reader. As a writer, my characters help with the plot, because they insist on deciding how they’ll behave. As a reader, I enjoy books most in which the characters seem real. And I’m more likely to stick with the story if I like at least the main character.

What books do you currently have published?
Survival of the Fritters is my first Deputy Donut book, but two more are in the works. Goodbye Cruller world comes out in September 2019. I have five books published in the Threadville Mystery Series, written as Janet Bolin. They are: Dire Threads, Threaded for Trouble, Thread and Buried, Night of the Living Thread, and Seven Threadly Sins.

Is writing your dream job?
It’s what I always wanted to do, and I love it.

What’s your favorite thing to do on date night?
Eat at a restaurant that serves delicious food. I’m especially fond of things I wouldn’t be likely to make at home, like Indian or Thai dishes.

What's your favorite treat for movie night?

If you haven't already tried it, I highly recommend Indiana Popcorn's Black & White popcorn! What’s your favorite fast food?

Girl, you and I could get along. What’s your favorite beverage?

What do you wish you could do?
I wish I could play the piano. I try, but . . .

Would you rather be a movie star, sports star, or rock star?

A movie star. I did some acting in community theater, and it was a hoot. Acting is a lot like writing—you’re developing characters and entering a new world. And maybe you’re making people laugh.

Do you give your characters any of your bad traits?
They probably develop them all by themselves, just like I do . . .

Do you procrastinate?
Yes, but when I’m playing Free Cell with my morning coffee, I’m actually thinking about the writing I’m going to do that day. Really! Yes, that’s what I’m doing…

What would your main character say about you?
“Why does she stay at home writing when she could be running around helping us at Deputy Donut?”

How do you like your pizza?
Double cheese, mushrooms, green peppers, hot peppers, black olives, and onions. The best pizza I ever ate was at San Remo, a restaurant in Vichy, France. I liked their pizza so much that I transported the restaurant to Fallingbrook, and now my characters get to eat San Remo pizza.

Do you have any hidden talents?
I hope so. And I also hope to find them someday…

Do you have a favorite book?
Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier. I read it for the first time when I was fourteen, and return to it about every ten years. I become completely immersed in the atmosphere.


Ginger Bolton writes the Deputy Donut mystery series--cops, crime, coffee, donuts and one curious cat. When Ginger isn't writing or reading, she's crocheting, knitting, sewing, walking her two rescue dogs, and generally causing trouble. She’s also fond of donuts, coffee, and cafes where folks gather to enjoy those tasty treats and one another’s company.

Connect with Ginger:

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Buy the book:
Amazon  |  Barnes & NobleBook Depository 

1 comment:

  1. This book looks so good. Would love to read it. Thanks for a chance at the giveaway!

    faithdcreech at gmail dot com


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