
Tuesday, September 5, 2017



Photojournalist by trade, distillery owner by blood, and amateur sleuth by necessity, Abigail Logan learns that murder can’t stay bottled up forever in this charming Whisky Business Mystery.

It’s been three months since Abi Logan last checked in on Abbey Glen, the celebrated whisky distillery she inherited. With her oversize wheaten terrier, Liam, by her side, Abi returns to the quaint Scottish village of Balfour. But her relaxing Highland homecoming takes a stressful turn when she unearths an unseemly bit of village history, welcomes a group of Japanese whisky enthusiasts, and becomes shepherdess to an unexpected flock of sheep—all within the first twenty-four hours. Still, nothing’s more stressful than murder. . . .

Local celebrity Rory Hendricks is the hotheaded, hard-rocking former frontman of the Rebels—and Abi’s girlhood crush. After meeting him in person, Abi can’t say no to anything he asks, like photographing his upcoming show . . . or figuring out who’s trying to kill him. Turns out someone’s been bumping off his old bandmates, with the drummer dead under mysterious circumstances and the keyboardist in a coma following a hit-and-run. Now a series of threatening messages leads Rory to think he’s next on the chopping block. And the band has a devil’s share of broken hearts and bitter disputes in their past, leaving Abi a huge batch of suspects to sift through—all before the killer takes another shot.

Melinda Mullet’s delightful Whisky Business mysteries can be read together or separately. Enjoy responsibly:

Single Malt Murder | Death Distilled


Things you need in order to write: 

Coffee or tea, depending on the time of the day. 
Things that hamper your writing:  

Noise. I like it dead quiet.

Things you love about writing:  

It’s a very peaceful occupation. You work in your own space and time and have the luxury of living inside your own head.  

Things you hate about writing:  

Writing is a double-edged sword. It can be a tremendously lonely occupation and you end up living inside your own head -- which often puts a strain on your personal relationships.

Hardest thing about being a writer: 
Staying disciplined.  When the weather is gorgeous it can be tough to nail your tail feathers to the chair and keep typing.

Easiest thing about being a writer:  

For me the easiest thing is coming up with ideas.  My head is always full of ideas and I see inspiration everywhere.  The hard part is getting it down on paper in a way that reflects my mental vision.

Things you love about where you live:  

We live just across the river from DC.  I love being close to the water and I love all the things that there are to do here.  Museums, theatre, outdoor activities.  There’s never a dull moment.  And I love that we have four distinct and very beautiful seasons.
Things that make you want to move:  

Politics and traffic.  You can never really escape the politics in this town.  At social gatherings it’s always the first topic of conversation.  And the traffic is hideous.

Words that describe you:  

Interesting question.  My protagonist in the Whisky Business series, Abi Logan, is a celebrated photographer famous for her portraits.  When she meets people she’s known for quickly coming up with a three word verbal sketch.  The first three words that pop into her head – a mental snapshot.  She may not understand the significance of the words when they come, but whether it’s instinct or insight the best of her portraits always capture the essence of those crucial three words.  I suspect her three words for me would be observant, creative and enthusiastic.
Words that describe you but you wish they didn’t: 

Tired, overbooked and sometimes anxious.

Favorite foods: 

Favorite healthy foods are cheese and avocado. My guilty pleasures are homemade chocolate chip cookies, Ruffles potato chips, and salted cocktail peanuts.
Things that make you want to throw up:  

Okra. It somehow manages to be slimy and furry at the same time. Plus it reminds me of school lunches when I was a kid.

Favorite music:  

Rock and roll.  The Who, U2, Led Zepplin, Coldplay, Dire Straits . . .
Music that makes your ears bleed: 
That’s a tough question. I love all kinds of music from country to rap to show tunes. Even opera. I guess the only thing I won’t listen to is music with demeaning lyrics. 

Favorite beverage: 

Whisky! What else.  But I also like wine and I drink a lot of tea!

Something that gives you a pickle face:  

Weirdly enough, most sodas especially Dr. Pepper and Cherry Coke.

Favorite smell: 
Sweet peas, bacon and onions sautéing in butter, and cinnamon baking.

Something that makes you hold your nose: 
Too much garlic. A little is great, but too much is too much.

Something you wish you could do:  

Sing. I’m passable at best but there’s a musical theater diva inside me struggling to get out!
Something you wish you’d never learned to do: 

Cook! Now it seems to be a three times a day thing and often a short order proposition.  Hmm.

Last best thing you ate:  

Virginia ham and homemade biscuits from Founding Farmers.

Last thing you regret eating: 

Durian. It’s a fruit, so they say, but it has the consistency of overripe avocado and smells like vomit. Like the worst Bertie Botts Every Flavour Bean you can imagine. 

Favorite places you’ve been: 
London always. Any season, rain or shine. I’m more me there than anywhere else. It’s home.  And Venice is just magical. I could get lost in Venice for weeks on end and just wander aimlessly.

Places you never want to go to again:
Miami International Airport. It’s like being trapped in Dante’s first circle of hell.

People you’d like to invite to dinner:  

JK Rowling, because she really changed the way people read.  Dr. Carl June, because he’s making such amazing strides in cancer research. Lin Manuel Miranda because I’m a theater buff and he’s brilliant.  Lin’s wife Vanessa Nadal, because she’s a scientist, a lawyer, and an all-around fabulous woman.  And Tom Hiddleston – just because I could.

People you’d cancel dinner on:  

Most politicians. I get enough of that in DC!

Things that make you happy:

Puppy nose prints even when they’re on all the doors and windows, rain on the roof when you’re snug in bed, setting off on an adventure with my family, cherry blossom season, cocktails on the beach as the sun sets, watching the deer in the yard in the fresh snow, traveling.

Things that drive you crazy:  

Apathetic people. I meet so many people, especially around Washington, who try to appear more sophisticated by being jaded. Nothing impresses them. But life is full of wonderful, amazing things. I’m unashamedly enthusiastic about the world. There’s just so much to see and enjoy.


Melinda Mullet was born in Dallas and attended school in Texas, Washington D.C., England, and Austria. She spent many years as a practicing attorney before pursuing a career as a writer. Author of the Whisky Business Mystery series, Mullet is a passionate supporter of childhood literacy. She works with numerous domestic and international charities striving to promote functional literacy for all children. 

Melinda lives just outside of Washington, DC with her whisky-collecting husband, two extraordinary young women she is proud to call her daughters, and an obedience school drop-out named Macallen.

Connect with Melinda: 
Website  |  Facebook  |  Twitter 
Buy the book:  
Amazon  |  Barnes and Noble  


  1. I'm looking forward to reading Death Distilled -- thanks so much for featuring it on your blog. I liked Melinda's comment about the durian fruit and have decided that I will never, ever try it. Even Andrew Zimmern on Bizarre Foods can't stomach it -- literally!

  2. Love this style of interview. It reveals so much about a person. Whiskey Business sounds like an interesting series.

    Enjoy your day Amy!

  3. This sounds so interesting! I like the distillery storyline. Looking forward to reading the book.


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