
Sunday, March 6, 2016



It's been three months since Jake Archer rolled into town, accused Mia Connors of murder and stole her heart. She hasn't heard from him since. So when a man collapses at the fall Renaissance Faire, she's surprised to see the US marshal arrive on scene. And shocked when he points the finger at her—again. Mia would sooner be able to resurrect the poor fellow than poison him.

Jake Archer's career has been rising fast, but it's about to come to a crashing halt. The Ren-Faire victim was in protective custody — Jake's custody — and they were painfully close to nabbing a major crime boss. If Jake doesn't solve the murder soon, he'll be fetching donuts instead of protecting his nation. A difficult enough task without the alluring Mia Connors in the way.

Working with Jake to catch the killer might push Mia into crazy-cat-lady territory. But with a murderer on the loose — and Mia's reputation on the line — they'll have to work fast to find the killer before the killer finds them.


Julie, do you write every day?

Yes! I’m a dedicated outliner, and I write one chapter every day, reread it for cleanup, then send it to my critique partner. By following this process, I finish writing my novels in under a month. (Of course, that doesn’t count the time spent prepping my outline, researching the project or reworking the novel after my beta readers have given feedback on the completed project). I’m a firm believer in writing every day. Writing daily builds momentum, finishes projects and give agents and editors a reliable time frame for completion.

How often do you read?
I read daily, though sometimes it isn’t more than a few pages. Reading is so important. I read for research, for entertainment, and to better understand the industry. Reading teaches me new ways to say old things, gives me a little reprieve from the writing, and shows me what editors are buying, what readers are reading and where to aim my next project.

What books do you currently have published?
Currently, I have two cozy mystery series with Carina Press.

The Patience Price Mysteries:
•    Murder by the Seaside
•    Murder Comes Ashore
•    Murder in Real Time

The Geek Girl Mysteries
•    A Geek Girl’s Guide to Murder
•    A Geek Girl’s Guide to Arsenic
•    A Geek Girl’s Guide to Justice
(arrives this fall)

And several books for young adults:
•    Deceived
•    Prophecy
•    Goddess
•    In Place of Never
•    What She Wanted
(arrives in July)

Is writing your dream job?
Absolutely. I love writing. I can’t imagine life without it.

For what would you like to be remembered?
I’d like to be remembered as the author who made people smile.
The wife and mother who put God and her family first.
The friend who never lets you down.

What do you love about where you live?
I live in rural Ohio, and I love everything about it. There’s little crime, beautiful seasons, a thriving Amish community, lots of open land and livestock. The library is nicely stocked and funded. The pace is slow. The neighbors are friendly, and the schools are fantastic. There’s no other place I’d want to raise my family.

What’s your favorite fast food?
Chipotle veggie bowl with fajitas, black beans, tomato salsa and guac!

What’s your favorite beverage?
Coffee. I live for the coffee.

Where is your favorite place to visit?

New Orleans!
I visited the city last summer when one of my books was nominated for a mystery award, and I fell hopelessly in love. I extended the trip and spent the extra time learning everything I could about local history and culture. Inspiration was everywhere. I started outlining a new mystery on the flight home. That book is called Cat Got Your Diamonds. It’s now finished! Sold! And in the fall lineup with Crooked Lane Books!

What’s your least favorite chore? Why?

I loathe laundry. There are five in my family, and the laundry never ever ends. There’s not even hope for an end. There will never be a feeling of accomplishment when I reach the bottom of the hamper. I don’t think my hamper has one. Dirty clothes, towels, swim gear (all three kids are competitive swimmers), ski gear, etc just keeps coming. It’s depressing to think about.

What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to write?

Last summer, I had to write a novel about a teen whose grandfather had a massive heart attack. The novel was sold months earlier on proposal and the due date was fast approaching. Unfortunately, my life was in upheaval. We lost my father-in-law to a massive heart attack while I was writing the manuscript. My husband, children and heart were in utter turmoil. It killed me to write/relive our loss. The wound was too fresh. I took days off writing to support my family and mental health, attend memorials and the funeral, but I had to finish the manuscript. So, every day that I sat down to write, I’d lose my mind. My emotions would take over, tears would blur the screen and I’d end up in bed. That book is called What She Wanted, and it releases this July, a year after our devastating loss. I’m not sure I’ll even be able to promote or talk about it when it arrives. A year later is still too soon.

What is the wallpaper on your computer’s desktop?
My wallpaper is a summer pic of my three kids playing in the rain, fists raised skyward, mouths open. They went out to play, but didn’t come in when the thunder started, so I went to call for them inside. I found them screaming, “By the power of Asgard!” (My family loves Marvel, especially Thor).

What are you working on now?
I’m writing book two in The Kitty Couture Mysteries! It’s a fun new series set in the famed New Orleans Garden District with lots of pets, fun and flavor. My heroine, Lacy Marie Crocker, runs Furry Godmother, a pet boutique and bakery on Magazine Street. She’s drawn into investigations that impact her close knit community of wealthy eccentrics and devoted pet lovers. Book one, Cat Got Your Diamonds, releases November 7, 2016!


Julie Anne Lindsey is a multi-genre author who writes the stories that keep her up at night. She’s a self-proclaimed nerd with a penchant for words and proclivity for fun. Julie lives in rural Ohio with her husband and three small children. Today, she hopes to make someone smile. One day she plans to change the world. Julie is a member of the International Thriller Writers (ITW) and Sisters in Crime (SinC). She is represented by Jill Marsal of Marsal Lyons Literary Agency. Julie also writes as Julie Chase.

Connect with Julie Anne:
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  1. Thank you so much for the lovely interview and for being part of my blog tour!

  2. Great interview, I always like learning more about the authors!


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