
Saturday, September 12, 2015


Please join me and 30 other mystery authors on Facebook today for the Mystery Writers Revealed event. All books will be priced at $0.99. You can't beat that with a stick! Stop by anytime between 10 and 7 EST to chat, ask authors questions, and maybe win some cool stuff! I'll be on from 2-3, so please stop by and say hey! My other co-hosts during that hour are Susan Holmes, Kathi Daley and Amy Vansant. I want to give a shout out to Duncan Whitehead for organizing the event. This is going to be a lot of fun, so don't miss it!


  1. Excited to share this event with you, Amy! I just bought your book SHORT & TALL TALES IN GOOSE PIMPLE JUNCTION. (How could I resist, considering the cover photo?)

  2. Thank you, Susan! I'm looking forward to reading yours as well!

  3. Missed the party, but I'm downloading one of your books. I love Southern expressions. My Irish grandmother moved to MS as a child & supplied colorful expressions, like
    'He was so lazy he kept a dead cat under his arm to help him breathe' &
    'Was so slow dead lice would fall off him'
    Spoken to describe her late but not lamented, husband.

    1. Ms Kay--I had not heard those expressions before, but I am adding them to my list! I think they're brilliant! Thanks for stopping in. I hope you enjoy the book.


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